
323 Words
"Society has worked one way for centuries, there are those with power and those without it, the ones that have power rule over the world, they decide how we live and what we do, and we, we can only obey them if we want something to eat, somewhere to live; the powerful people destroy the world and we rebuild it, we are like little ants going after them waiting for them to destroy something so we can fix it, but sometimes... we can't fix it, and that's what happened once the third war started, the books say it was the greatest war humanity has ever seen, billions died and millions were left to die to radiation because Royale, the greatest invention of humanity couldn't take them all in. We can only hope that a m******e like this never happens again, that's Forth Royale's mission but we have to help them. Our ancestors built Royale all by themselves, using only their hands and bursts, they built a continent out of nothing just to give humanity a second chance, but those who did nothing got to rule over it as they deserved it, but they don't, they don't deserve anything from us, we can't just stand here and do nothing, we live in a world where we have to steal to eat and if you get caught you will get killed... this is the world we live in, a world where you are supposed to have free will but others take it away from you, but this is not the world our ancestors wanted for us, they wanted us to be free, this is not the world we are gonna live in, I will never allow that, we will change this, we will, even if its the last thing I do, we have played their little game for too long, and we have loosed every time, but this is our game now, and we'll win.
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