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My mind flashed back to when I overheard Dutch making that strange call. I had just married the love of my life and I mean what could be better than that. I have always dreamt of being called Mrs Dutch and this was a moment I won’t trade for anything else. I was lying down on the bed wearing my white silky dress. while I recalled on how I had met my husband. That sweet evening and the love at first sight. I jolted out of this thought when I turned to my side and to my surprise Dutch wasn’t there. “Honey!Honey!! Are you there?” I screamed but got no response. Where could Dutch because I remember us lying down together. Where could he have gone to? Those were the thoughts going through my mind I decided to go downstairs and take a look cause he was probably in the kitchen or in the sitting room downstairs. Walking down the stairs I saw Dutch in the sitting room on a call. “Babe I have told you several times to stop getting worked up over nothing”Dutch said smiling at the phone Could this be a dream or was I overthinking! Several questions swept through my mind. I stood there shattered cause what did I just hear? Babe!!!! I yelled looking straight at my husband. “Who were you talking to? Who did you just call babe on the phone”I asked as I looked at my husband with curiosity “Honey is that why your face is like that? C’mon it’s nothing serious my love! That was my mum” Dutch said as he walked toward me How is that even possible. I looked at my husband, trying to understand what exactly was going on. “When did you start calling your mum babe Dutch! And why did you have to come downstairs to answer this call if that was your mum????” I questioned Dutch cause there was no one way I felt he was talking to his mum. To my surprise, he brings out his phone and he shows me his call log and I saw mum which was the top number in his call log How is that possible? I mean that call sounded really strange to me and I was still trying to believe what Dutch was saying to me. I love this man so much and why will he do this to me? He had never made me for once had doubt towards his love towards me. So what exactly changed? Dutch hugs me from behind and he kisses my neck “Baby you know I will never cheat on you know it? I was talking to my mum and clearly you checked my phone and saw my call log so why do you feel I would cheat on you?” Dutch said while he looked into my eyes. It was true that I checked his phone and did not find anything exactly. But then why was I feeling insecure. Or could it be I’m over thinking cause I mean the last person he spoke to was his mum. “Let’s go back to our room baby and I’m sorry making you stress your mind” Dutch said as he carried me in his arms back to our room. I could see the love in his eyes and after thinking about what had happened tonight. I guess I will just go with the moment and stop overthinking. Dutch has never given me any reason to doubt him and I see no reason why I should create room for that. I decided that night I was going to let go of my doubts and trust my husband. Walking through the stairs as he carried me in his arms. He carefully used his legs to push the door while he gradually dropped me on the bed. Looking at his eyes, He kissed my cheek, my jaw, my ear. “Tell me what you feel.” “I can’t explain it.” My words were breathless. “Where you’re touching me... It’s like starting a fire. The flames are there, but I need it to catch.” He grinned. “Let’s see if I can stoke it.” I blinked. “How do you plan on —“ “Shhhh.” His smile was slow and easy, revealing a rarely seen dimple in his cheek. “You need it. You’ve been stressed up all night, trying to figure out what’s not there. Let it go now. Close your eyes and turn around.” “But, I—” That finger rose and pressed gently to my lips. “Don’t argue. Just do.” Unquestioning obedience isn’t usually my thing, but to my surprise, I complied. I closed my eyes, letting the dark take me, and then my head was filled with so much thoughts as I bite my lips with so much intense. If I had opened my eyes, I would have seen the night sky spread wide in front of me. Instead I saw only dutch, larger than life inside my head. The look on his face was as unhindered as I have ever seen ever seen. Naked, and not a small bit desperate. I placed a hand upon his cheek, my thumb grazing the soft contour of his mouth. He trailed a lazy finger down the length of my sternum, and my skin prickled at the touch. The taste of him was woodsmoke and ale and bright mountain’s mint, as alluring as it was familiar. I squeezed the blanket closing my eyes as I felt him inside me. It was magical I could smell his deodorant on him, and something darker, the hearth fire and ink, the sweat of the day. The anticipation of the night. It was one memorable night for us. I was so happy as I replayed what happened that night in my head all day. We had to up early cause we have to go to work and we were not in to pay lateness fines. “Good morning baby” Dutch said as he kissed my lips gently. We both smiled at each other cause everything was going so well just as we imagined. I drove to work smiling cause I had one memorable and exciting experience with Dutch. It was more like a movie to me. Yeah I’m so in love with my husband and I totally don’t regret that. Getting to the office. I pick up my channel bag as I walk out of the car in my black dress And my Louis Vuitton shoes. Looking good all the time was one thing I have always signed up for. My phone beeps and I turn to look at the screen to see who sent a message Smiling at my phone walking towards the office. The text was from Dutch. “Thanks for last night! Cheers to more great and memorable s*x baby”Dutch sent I laughed and smiled for my husband is the sweetest.. I was catching up with Brenda later today and I could not wait to tell her all the tea. Few weeks later I noticed I had a flu plus it’s been a while since I have been to the clinic so Brenda suggested that I go see a doctor to know exactly what’s wrong with me. “You should go see a doctor my love! You don’t look so good and you have a flu” Brenda said as she whipped my forehead with a wet towel to reduce my temperature. I decided I was going to go for a check up tomorrow and Dutch was out of the country for a business meeting so Brenda and I will be going together. We got to the hospital first thing that morning and I went in for a test. The results were out and I stood here in shock after seeing the test results. “Congratulations baby!!!!!!!!!!” Brenda screamed as she hugged me so tight. We both jumped with joy while tears flowed down my eyes. Guess who is about to become a mother? This felt like a dream. I was pregnant. I was so excited to share the news with my family and I could not wait to share it with Dutch. “Hey baby! I got a surprise for you” I said smiling on the phone with my husband. “ I can’t wait my love! I will be coming back tomorrow and I can’t wait to see it” Dutch said in excitement. Having a baby with my husband was one memorable experience. The support was incomparable from Brenda and Dutch . Sometimes dreams do come true. I was grateful for my circle and would not trade it for anything else. I imagined every moment with my unborn son and could not wait to experience the world with him as well. Things take a different turn when something unexpected happened. It was the birth of our son. Brenda was there as well as my mum. Everyone was so happy while I sat there on the bed admiring my son. Dutch walks in with balloons and I was so excited. He kissed me while offering me the balloons “Congratulations baby” Dutch said smiling Something wasn’t right, he came in with someone I have seen her somewhere…..Who is she? What’s she doing here with my husband I looked at him perplexed cause I was trying to understand what was going on.
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