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Let's go back a little while I tell you about my first love...I met my first love Dutch at a friend’s wedding. It was my friend Camela’s wedding and I and my best friend Brenda was invited. The greatest thing about love is it takes you unaware. You never get prepared for it. You never know when it comes or goes. It just hits you at your unexpected moments. And yeah that’s what happened with Dutch. Coming into Camila’s wedding in my white lace dress. Black Gucci heels and a cute black purse. My makeup was very light but it gave me a subtle and simple look. As I walked in with Brenda putting on a bright smile on my face cause everything looked right and it was the dream wedding Camila had always talked about. The music, wedding bells, and every other thing looked so right. The hall was properly decorated with several lights. Getting to my table, Brenda and I decided to go and greet Camila the beautiful bride as well as give her some of the nice gifts we had gotten for her. “Hello dear! How are you? You look stunning!!!!” Camila said to us as she hugged us and showed her gratitude towards the gifts we got her. Camilla was looking very beautiful and elegant In her lace-stoned white dress. Her makeup was so beautiful and her hair was properly laid. She looked gracefully as the bride and it was really beautiful to watch her look beautiful and enjoy the moment just as she has planned it to be. “Congratulations Camila and you look so perfect,” Brenda said to Camila. We get interrupted by my phone calls. I looked at my phone and it was Mr Ray the manager of my PR team. “I’m sorry could you give me a minute please,” I said as I excused myself to take the calls. Walking outside I’m wondering why Mr Ray could be calling and what exactly could be the problem. Phone rings “Good day Mr. Ray, I’m sorry I missed your call, I was in the middle of something…I’m actually at a friend's wedding...Can I call back on my way home?” I said to Mr. Ray “Okay, that’s fine Stacy! I wanted to tell you about your scheduled meeting tomorrow with the rest of the board members! All information has been sent to your mail” Mr Ray said “Alright, sir! I will check now” I replied Mr Ray as I proceeded to check my email while walking back into the hall “Hello dear! Watch where you are going so you don’t fall” Dutch said as he heard me back while I almost slipped. I look up to my surprise and I saw a man in front of me. He was, well, different from all others. He was handsome, not perhaps in the conventional sense, but he had that appearance that could make him stand out in the crowd. He was fair, almost pale white. His unfathomable, golden brown eyes contrasted exceptionally with his light-toned face. His eyes were as deep and expressive, that you could get lost if you stared long enough. His face had that faraway look in it, which cannot be described in words. His smile, which reached up to his eyes and wrinkled them, flaunted his modesty and humility. Above all were his frame and his stature. He was not extremely muscular, with 8-pack abs or 16 cm biceps. However, he could stand out in a crowd, which was mostly due to his way of carrying himself. Perhaps he was not the kind who had girls swooning over him. But he was simple and innocent. He was perhaps, just one in a million, who was “nothing special, but all the same unique”. I stood there for a minute admiring this handsome young man in front of me forgetting every other thing in the hall at that moment. Yeah, I understand what you think, I wouldn’t say it was love at first sight but yeah more like an attraction. Things happened so fast between Dutch and me because I guess we just clicked from day one which made everything way easier. After Camila’s wedding Dutch and I went on several dates and I must say it was one of the most amazing memories of my life. The atmosphere and everything clicked. Everything about this man I had just met a few weeks ago seemed perfect. I know a lot of people say some things are too good to be true and I guess. Dutch was one of them. He treated me with so much love and affection. Never had a companion who treated me with so much care and intimacy. This was a dream for me and Brenda completely realized ever since Dutch came into my life, a lot of things have been easier. I had found this best friend and partner I could share everything with other than Brenda. Six months after Dutch and I got into a relationship. He made it clear several times how he wanted us to start a life together and build together as a couple. I got promoted in my office and I was grateful to my circle for the support. I mean what else could I have asked for? I walked into my proposal quickly without realizing, yeah I’m getting married to that sweet and handsome guy I met a few months ago. Dutch worked in an oil company and he was the current manager of the company. What else could be better than that? Our wedding was extremely magical and I celebrated this moment with the people I cared about the most. It was my dream wedding, not only was I getting married to a billionaire but the love of my life. I was a happy and beautiful bride who came down the old, homespun-carpeted stairs that September noon ... slender and shining-eyed, in my maiden veil, with my arms full of roses and Brenda by my side. Dutch waited for me in the hall below, looking up at me with adoring eyes. Finally, I was his at last after years of patient waiting then, as I held out my hand, our eyes met and all doubt was swept away in a glad certainty. I was ready to be by his side and yes I wanted to give this a try. We belonged to each other; and, no matter what life might hold for them, it could never alter that. Our happiness was in each other's keeping and both were unafraid. Everyone smiled and I could see love through the eyes of Dutch my soon-to-be husband. It was finally happening. I had waited all night just to see this moment and it was even better than what I expected. On my right-hand side, I saw Mr and Mrs Godson smiling with joy, there were the parents of Dutch and it has been their dream for way too long My mum on the other and my best friend also smiled with joy. It was a happy occasion with the music, decorations and all. We walked down the hall while everyone threw flowers at us. Dutch and I kissed while we worked towards the car for life was about to take a new start. I could not wait to see what was ahead of us. We had so many dreams and plans for this marriage. Dutch and I could not go for our honeymoon outside New York cause we were both given short breaks from the office so we decided to make our time at home memorable. ***************************************************** It’s been two months since I got married to my husband and I and Brenda needed to catch up….I mean I have not seen my best friend in two months. That’s a whole lot. The office will be going on a break today and I decided to go see Brenda with her favorite snack. My best friend likes banana bread a lot and I decided to get her some. “Hellooooo!!! Guess who is here?” I screamed while I entered the sitting room seeing Brenda knitting like she does the most time when she is not watching tv. “Omgggg!!!is this you?????” Brenda yelled as she rushed towards me with a hug. We both hugged each other for a long time. I was going to give Brenda all the teas since I got married and I was not ready to leave anything out. My marriage with Dutch for the past two months has been nothing but sweet While telling this to Brenda, I suddenly remembered the strange call I saw Dutch make last night and for the first time I was kind of disturbed. “What’s the problem? Are you okay ??” Brenda asked giving me a puzzled look. Why the sudden change in my facial expression while telling her my experiences. “I overheard him making a really strange call last night and that has left be bothered! I don’t know but something is wrong somewhere!”
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