Chapter 8 Sister talk

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POV: Zayla I'm in the car riding with my sister to school today. She wanted to talk with me alone. Cassie wasn't too happy about it but Jordan got on to her about it. Jordan came to school today because for gym class every two weeks the Gamma comes and teaches self-defense. I don't generally have any issues with it due to my being on track. I could technically skip out on gym due to being on track. I sometimes do that and go to study hall instead. "So what did you want to talk about?" I ask Miranda even though I know already. I always know. "Well for starters why did you skip school yesterday? You and Randy both lied to Mom." I groan at her question. "It's nothing," I say simply, trying to avoid the subject. "No, it is not nothing Zayla. You never skip school and why would Dad back you up like that? He and Mom were arguing all night about how it was. Why does he back you up so much? He's always on Courtney's and my ass with anything but with you, he has a softer touch? If I didn't know any better I'd say that you're his second chance mate." And there it is. I knew what she was thinking and it was absurd. How the hell could she think that? I laugh at her accusation. I wonder what my actual mate would think of her thoughts. "Miranda you think too much. Gross. Randy my mate. No, he's not my mate." I informed her. "Then what is it?" She continues on with the subject that I so badly want to drop. "It's nothing Miranda. Look Mandy I can't tell you. Just know that I've met my mate and for right now no one can know who it is." I give her a little bit to satisfy her. I hope it does anyway. "And no it's not Randy before you go back that thought." Why in the hell would she think that? Is she insane? She pulls up in the school parking lot and parks the car. We get out. "Who is it? You can tell me Zayla. I won't tell anyone." That's the thing I can't. I can't trust her not to tell Mom because she and Randy are fighting. She will play peacemaker so they will stop arguing. "No I can't Miranda if you do then Mom will know and tell Jordan and Courtney and that would just make things worse. Courtney would hate me even more, and Cassie would defriend me." I try to explain it to her without revealing too much. "You really don't trust me, do you? You are just like your Blake. He never trusted anyone either and look where it got him." I can't believe she said that to me. A tear slips from the corner of my eye. "Zayla I'm sorry that came out wrong. Zay, you're my little sister and I love you. I just want you to be happy. If Cassie and Courtney are keeping you from being with your mate I can talk to them." Miranda tries to make peace with me now. In a way I wish I could use my own powers on myself but I can't. I could use a little self peace myself. "No! You can't. Please." I beg her not to do that. "Mate is here," Lavender says happily. I take a deep breath and smell him. He is close by. I wouldn't mind a hug from him right now to calm myself down. A mate's touch can do a lot of things for a wolf. "OK Zayla I wont," Miranda whispers in understanding. I give her a nod and walk away. I walk into the school building and walk to my locker. "Zayla! Wait up for me!" Cassie yells behind me. I stop and turn to her. "Hi, Cassie." I greet her. "Hey, are you ok? What did Miranda want to talk to you about?" She asks me. "Nothing. Mom and Randy were just arguing yesterday is all. She thought the most hilarious thing." I laugh thinking about how Miranda thought that I was Randy's second chance mate. That is so hilarious. I know who his second chance is and it is definitely not me. "What was it?" I go ahead and tell Cassie what Miranda thought. "OMG, she did not!? That's insane and gross. He's like a thousand years older than you, gross." I do have to agree with that. I know that my mate is just a little bit older than me. Damon is 18 while I'm 16. However, his birthday is in June so he will be 19 this year. That would make us three years apart. That's not that bad. "I know right? What is she thinking? I got sick Yesterday and Mom didn't believe me because she expects me to be so perfect. She's never that way with Miranda." I've never actually heard my mom say or think this but she may feel this or it could be a subconscious thought. I have to really concentrate to hear subconscious thoughts and I don't like to do that. Forefrontal thoughts are easier and a hell of a lot less painful. Subconscious thoughts give me a major headache. I've always thought or felt like mom thinks I should be perfect because I'm her fated mate's child and not her chosen. Wolf parents tend to think more highly of their children who are born from a fated mate rather than a chosen mate. I'm from a fated so mom is harder on me than Miranda. This is because a fated mating is more sacred and the children tend to be stronger from a fated mating. Miranda was from a chosen so she's not as fast or strong as me. This isn't to mention my lavender wolf powers either. "So what if she believes you should be perfect? You don't have to be." Cassie's words contradict her thoughts. She believes I'm perfect too. She only said that because she hopes that it would make those thoughts go away. Cassie does feel guilty for thinking this. I have heard and seen it in her. She will say something out loud in hopes that it will eventually one day be true. This is one reason why I don't want to defriend Cassie. Despite everything and all her flaws deep down, she is a good friend. She just tends to push a lot. This gives me hope that Damon and I will be able to work her up to the idea of us being mates.
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