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**Ciara’s POV** And just as he had said, we were up very early the next morning, dragging around heavy suitcases with our plane tickets in our bags. I still didn’t know how he managed to manipulate it into happening but our flights were miraculously rescheduled to this very day. We lined out like law offenders, dragging our suitcases until we got in the ugly-looking van waiting for us and drove off. Flying by plane wasn’t as glamorous as we’d like it to be, so I could proudly say that the twenty-one-plus hours we stayed in the air was a shame. An absolute shame. We got to Wahroonga in the wee hours of the morning. The place looked deserted, but a tad bit more peaceful than Aynor had ever been. I watched in something close to wonderment when our van drove slowly into a high-fenced ancient gate. What lay beyond the gate was a wonder. It was a vast expanse of land with tons and tons of small beautiful brick houses scattered around. In the middle of the driveway were water fountains that were sprouting tons and tons of sparkling water even by this time of the morning. At the very far end, I noticed a very tall building. I could see it from here because it was the only building of that size around. It was decorated in beige and a very cool shade of gold, and was overly outrageously beautiful it looked like it fell right out of Disney. “This is beautiful,” I murmured, deeply mesmerized by the beauty in front of me. At my utterance, dad and Jessie turned to stare at me, but Jessie had this look on her face that showed she would wring my neck if I said any more words of praise of the place. The van came to an abrupt stop in front of one of the brick houses and we alighted, going into the house one after the other with large suitcases in our hands. As soon as I walked into the house I gasped. The interior did not look anything like the exterior. It was massive inside with white and golden furnishings splattered everywhere around the house. From the corner of my eye, I saw Jessie ogle openly at the small chandelier hanging from the middle of the sitting room, and I couldn’t help but smile at her. “Stop standing idly and come help me with this!” Dad’s loud voice tore through my train of thought, making my head snap up towards him. I quickly went off to help him, to avoid his unnecessary bickering. Another thing I loved about this new place was the fact that I had my room; and after I had been shown to my room, I sat by the window admiring the stars in the sky. I sat there for a long time, admiring the bright stars, and at first, I didn’t see the huge figure standing very close to one of the water fountains, staring up at me. I felt my heartbeat pick up speed as I stared down at the person whose face I couldn’t see from up here. It stood unmoving while I sat still, holding my breath. Suddenly he moved into the light and I gasped in awe. He was so good looking it made me want to run my hands across the length of his face. I blinked my eyes for the briefest of moments, and then he was gone. Disappeared like a thick fog in the afternoon sun. I gasped in surprise, sitting up to look around the wide grassland in front of me, but he was nowhere to be found. I shrugged him off, slumping on my bed and deciding to sleep, but then when I closed my eyes, I saw his face, not once, not twice, but three times, dancing across my mind. *** I woke up to the most beautiful sight I had ever seen in my entire life. From beyond my window, I could see several beautiful birds flying across the blue sky, squawking and chirping as they went. It was the most beautiful morning I had ever experienced. Although I was not enthusiastic about the move, I could live with it. I sat up slowly, mesmerized by the scene playing out in front of my eyes, and sighed. I could do anything to see something this beautiful every damn morning! “Good morning.” I heard someone say from the door, it was mother. Turning to smile at her, I greeted her softly. “Good morning, mother.” She slowly walked up to where I sat on my bed, ruffled my hair and smiled, a slow beautiful smile. “From the expression on your face, it almost seems like you love this place,” she said softly, with her brows raised. “I like anywhere that’s quiet,” I replied, in a tone that showed I was not ready to give her false hopes. I suddenly remembered the incident that had happened this morning, and the beautiful boy I had seen staring up at me, and I shivered a little. Despite his handsomeness, he gave me the creeps. “What is this place?” I asked suddenly, looking up at her, “It feels quiet and magical. But at the same time, it feels isolated, I don’t get it.” I said with a creased brow. It had been bugging me ever since we arrived but I just never had the balls to ask father. I watched how she slowly sat on the edge of my bed, with a small distracting smile on her lips as she spoke, “We’re at the Silvermoon pack.” “Okay…?!” I mumbled. “What is a pack?” “A pack is simply a place where werewolves reside. This is where your father and I were born, where we grew up until we decided to explore the world.” She said. “You mean this place harbours only werewolves?” I asked in surprise. I had never heard of a place like this in my entire life. A town filled with only werewolves?! “Yes, werewolves of a particular clan to be precise, there are other packs like this one in several other places.” She answered slowly, the smile on her face refusing to falter. “That’s so cool!” I exclaimed in excitement, earning myself a light chuckle from her. “You’re the only one who finds it cool, your sister doesn’t.” She said with a laugh. Then standing up, she continued; “Dress up quickly, we’re going to see the Alpha.” “Why?” I mumbled, scrunching up my face in frustration. I didn’t want to go see any Alpha though, I wanted to stay up here and listen to the birds chirping away in the distance. “It’s only natural to go see him and say thank you because he’s providing us with a place to stay. At least until our real home becomes safe for us to go back.” She answered and I nodded. I sat still on the bed, confused as to what to do first, even after she had left. A person in the distance caught my attention, it looked like the boy from early this morning, and again he was staring up at my room with a weird expression on his face. I stood up abruptly to take a closer look at him, but as soon as I got close to my window, I couldn’t find him anymore. Again, it was as if he had disappeared, making me wonder if this was all that was going to be happening now that I had arrived here.
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