Smart Girl

1031 Words
Novah felt so cold in the dark. Her eyes were darting around the room she was in. It was so dark the she doubted any light could reach her. It was black like thick oil and it made her shiver in fear. She kept shaking her head in denial. She was so confused as to where she was. Last she knew she was in the hospital with Max. She wanted to scream to see if Sam came running in but if he did then it meant it was all a dream and she was still living a nightmare. Taking a deep breath, she steadied herself for whatever happened next. Closing her eyes tightly, she let out the loudest blood curdling scream she could make and waited. Soon she heard thunderous feet coming closer and closer. The knob on the door turned and a bright light flipped on. She could finally look around and she could feel herself sink in defeat. She was in the cage in the corner of Sam's s*x room. The tears burned her eyes as reality hit her hard. Max still hadn't found her yet and she wasn't safe. Her hand flew to her stomach, as she rubbed in shock at how big she was now. She was only in the beginning of her 1st trimester when he took her. Now, she had to be towards the end of the 1st trimester or beginning of her 2nd. Sam ran towards her but she couldn't read his face. She didn't know if she'd made him mad or if he was worried. He grabbed a key from his pocket to unlock the cage and pulled her out by her hair. Yep, she'd made him mad. "Sam, I'm sorry. I just had a bad dream." she said, as tears streamed down her face. Sam just shook his head and drug her to the bed in the center of the room. "I've been waiting for you to wake for days now." he said with a smile on his face. "I must have caused so much pain that you passed out."  Sam pulled her up to her feet and she could feel pain everywhere. She didn't know what he'd don to her but she felt like every muscle was on fire. "Sam, please, not tonight. I hurt so bad that I don't think I can handle anymore." Sam only laughed before a fierce slap came across her face. "b***h, I'll do what I want when I want. Your tears only make it more pleasurable for me. So go ahead and cry because you'll be screaming by the time I'm done." Novah bit her bottom lip as he spoke, trying not to cry. She didn't want to encourage him more. Sam picked her up and threw her on the bed as he cuffed her ankles, then her hands. She didn't even fight him because she knew it was pointless to fight him. He was stronger than her and it just made him hit her more. At least he never hit her in the stomach but she was sure she had a concussion this time. She shivered thinking of how much pain he'd give her if she was still her after the baby was born. He'd probably kill her. She welcomed death at this point. As Sam was about to undress, he heard a knock at the front door. He turned to look at her with huge eyes. He quickly put a gag in her mouth to stop her from screaming again. Breathing heavy, Sam stood up and walked out of the room. Novah knew this was her chance to get away. She began to move to see if she could loosen her restraints. She could feel the clips on the bed weaken as she moved more, hoping they'd break. She turned her head to see the window next to her was open and she could probably fit through it. Sam reached the door and peeked out the curtain to see the old man a few miles away standing there with his back turned to him. Sam undid the chain lock and slowly opened the door. Clearing his throat, the old man turned to look at him. "Hey there son, did you hear a scream earlier?" Sam's blood began to boil realizing the man had to have been driving by when Novah screamed. "No, sir, I sure didn't. I'm in the back of my house cleaning with music playing." The old man scratched his head as he sighed. "Well, I'll let you be then. I just wanted to make sure no one was hurt is all." Sam nodded, waving to the old man as he walked off his porch. As soon as the man was back down the drive, Sam slammed the door shut and stomped his way back to her. She was going to pay for almost getting him caught. As he slammed the door open, he froze in his tracks. Novah and the cuffs were missing from his bed. He quickly looked around and noticed he had left the window open. Cursing himself, he ran to the front of the house and grabbed his gun. She couldn't have gotten far. He made sure not to feed her much or give her much water to keep her weak. As he ran out the door to go look for her, it hit him. What if she had gotten out before that old man left. She could be in the back of his truck right now. Sam cursed as he ran back inside to find his car keys. He had to hurry up and find that old man's truck before he found Novah in the bed of his truck. He looked everywhere and couldn't fin his keys. As he stood quietly in the front room, he remembered he left the keys next to the cage when he let her out. He turned and ran to the room to find she had taken his keys with her. He laughed as he said, "Smart girl, Novah. Damn it!" The only thing he could do now was sit and wait for the cops or Max to come for him.
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