Chapter Six

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Diablo ”What the hell did you do Diablo?” Now I had seen my sister angry many times. She had even hit me up side the head more than once but I had never seen her lip curl with quite so much disdain before. Pulling the helmet from my head , I studied her. Yeah she was pissed. Of course , her yelling at me was nothing new and as usual it could be one of dozens of things that had set her off. The question was, what? “What have I done this time?” I didn’t dismount . If she was really, really angry then I would rather have to make a hasty exit then risk getting punched in the face by an angry tigress with anger issues. Wrong thing to say. I knew it the instant her eyes narrowed to slits. “You….” I held up my hands. “Before you start, can you please just tell me what I’ve done. Or supposed to have done?” “Gabrielle.” She hissed the name and I felt my chest clench. Yeah she had every right to be angry at me for that. I had been a total douche. If someone had talked to Sarah that way I would have killed them. “Yeah you best look guilty.” Sarah stood at the bottom of the steps , hands on her hips and at that moment she looked so much like our mother it made my heart hurt. “She came out crying just after you left. So I want to know….” “What has she said?” I must have sounded guilty because her eyes narrowed even more. “She hasn’t said anything but it’s obvious now that you DID do something.” “She was actually already crying when I found her. Crying because her dragon lover was leaving her again.” I couldn’t help the bitterness in my voice. Which made no sense at all. I didn’t want Gabrielle. And I definitely wasn’t jealous. “Dragon lover, my god you are thick as s**t Diablo.” Shaking her head she headed toward her car. “I have to run to the store, don’t make her cry again ok. You’re making it really hard to love you right now big brother. Sort your head out.” “I’m actually here to apologise.” I sounded defensive and I knew it. What the hell was wrong with me? Sliding from the bike I headed towards the house. “Diablo.” Sarah was chewing on her lip. Obviously unsure of what to say, which was really not like her. “Spit it out Sarah.” “Please don’t hurt her.” Those four words made me freeze. And then I shook myself. “I don’t want to hurt her Sarah.” And I didn’t , I just couldn’t seem to say the right thing around her. Gabrielle drove me absolutely crazy and I didn’t even know why. With a small smile, I watched as my little sister drove off and then I pushed my way into her house. Gabrielle’s door was open , her bed neatly made. Her small suitcase lay open by the window and my eyes lingered on it. She hasn’t unpacked. Something about her living out of a suitcase made me angry. It was like she was ready to leave at a moments notice. Moving towards it, I hoisted it on to the bed. Grabbing a sweater I made a move towards the chest of drawers and froze. Gabrielle stood in the door way. Her pretty mouth open in shock. In nothing but a fluffy white towel. She was covered from arm pit to knee but she may as well have naked. My c**k jumped in my pants. “What the hell are you doing?” Her eyes darted from the sweater in my hand and the back up to my face. “I came to…..” s**t, She was distracting as hell standing there. The smell of her shampoo was almost intoxicating. I watched mesmerised as a drop of water made its way down her slender throat and disappeared under the towel. I wanted to follow that wet trail with my tongue. “I came to make sure you are ok? I was a total d**k to you earlier and I wanted….” What did I want? What I wanted to do to her would make her blush. “And going through my clothes is for what reason?” She arched a brow , waiting for my reply. “I was helping you unpack.” God, this woman was going to be the end of me. All piss and vinegar, all the time. I couldn’t even apologise without her making it a fight. “I was trying to help.” “Why?” “Here, I don’t know what I even bother.” I shoved the sweater into her hands. My fingers coming into contact with hers and she made the smallest of sounds in the back of her throat at the touch. Half needy whine and half purr. I froze. My heart pounding against my rib cage. I growled once and her eyes went wide. Even as I moved into her space I knew it was a mistake . I just couldn’t seem to stop myself. Pressing her up against the door jamb. Our hands and the sweater trapped between us. “Look at me Gabrielle.” I put all the weight of my alpha status in my voice . I was going to kiss her, there was no doubt about it but I wanted her to see it coming. Slowly she tilted her face upwards. Her eyes wide and I stepped even closer. Dropping the sweater so it landed on our feet as my hand moved downwards to curl around her hip. And she felt damn good against my body. ”What are you doing?” Her voice was barely a whisper as my lips hovered over hers. “What do you think I’m doing Gabrielle?” I pressed my lips to hers. The kiss in the bar had been an accident. This one was calculated. I wasn’t acting on impulse. I knew exactly what I was doing. “Kissing me?” She sounded like a girl instead of a woman but she didn’t push me away. She seemed frozen with shock and I took the opportunity to press my body fully against hers. “Yeah kissing you, that ok with you?” I didn’t wait for her to answer. With a growl I claimed her mouth . My tongue invading her mouth. I gripped her hips, rubbing myself against her like a cat in heat. And she kissed me back. Tentative at first but it was still something. My tiger roared. And the sound escaped my lips in a strange groan. “God.” I licked into her mouth, my free hand smoothing up the towel. I tugged on it. I wanted to see her naked. To see all that tanned skin on display but the moment my hands loosened the towel she froze. Batting my hand away. What the hell? I growled. What was the big deal. We were shifters nudity was nothing to most of us. I just wanted to feast my eyes on her. Well it wasn’t the only thing I wanted to do but I wasn’t about to push her. “Don’t do that.” She clutched the towel to her body. “Gabrielle.” Smoothing my hand down her cheek I searched her face. “What is it?” “I just… I just can’t. It’s not you. It’s me.” She sounded on the edge of tears and I stepped away instantly. I had never had a woman cry after kissing me before. And I wasn’t about to start now. “It’s ok, get dressed . I’ll be downstairs.” “Wait, your staying?” Her hand came down on my arm and I stared down at it. “Yeah.” I don’t know what made me say it but I was staying. There was something about her that drew me in and I wanted to find out what it was. “Yeah I’m staying, now get dressed Gabrielle. I’m taking you out for a ride.”
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