Chapter 1- Destined One

1021 Words
*Her* The alarm on her phone was painfully blaring in the quiet room. She reached for her phone before putting it on snooze. "5 more minutes." she groaned, and rolled over. She was having a good dream too. After 5 more minutes her alarm went off again. "Damn it." She fumbled for her phone again before she switched it off. Crawling out of bed, she headed for her wardrobe and took out a fresh set of scrubs and pink bra and underwear, she placed it all on her bed before going to the bathroom for a shower. Calista was singing 'Roar' by Katy Perry as she washed her hair. Watching the soap bubbles disappear down the drain she thought it was going to be an average day at work. Walking out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel, she slipped on her scrubs, towel dried her hair and checked her phone for her work roster. She was a nurse and a good one at that, but that was partially because of her abilities as a water fairy. Her father was a human firefighter and her mother was a prominent figure in the fae world, who worked for the magic council. Calista was a daddy's girl, and he was the reason she became obsessed with the human world. So with her magical skills she studied amongst the humans and became a nurse. She rolled her eyes as her best friend Skyler, who was on the night shift messaged her. Skylar's message wished her well for the day shift as the ward was extremely busy. She brushed her curly brown hair and put it in a ponytail. She looked at her reflection in the mirror, her blue eyes shining and she said to herself "This shall be fun" as she put a smile on her face. She walked to the kitchen and put on some raisin toast. As she waited she made a coffee. She looked at the clock on the wall and cursed to herself, "Bugger I'm going to be late for handover" She grabbed her toast and jammed a piece in her mouth as she picked up her coffee mug and ran for the door. She grabbed her handbag ruffling through it to check if her work badge and stethoscope were in it. She ran out the door to her little red Honda Civic. She unlocked the door, quickly chucked her handbag into the passenger side and then bulked herself before taking off. 20 minutes later as she pulled into the hospital staff car park it started to rain. As a water fairy she loved the rain it always felt like it was relaxing to her. As she got out of the car, she inhaled the fresh smell and entered the hospital heading for Ward 4. As she approached the nurses station, Skylar high fived her and whispered; "Cal, The patient in room 5 is a real fire cracker" She looked at her funny. "What's that supposed to mean?" Skylar winked at her "you'll see..." Skylar Grey, was Calistas best friend since they both were in nursing school. They were both excited when they found out they'd be working at the same hospital and the same ward. Skylar knew what Calista was because she was an empath. They didn't hide much from each other but both had to hide their identities while working in a dominant human environment. So for Skylar to mention the patient in room 5, it meant something. Calista put her bag in her locker in the staffroom. She pinned her work badge to her Scrubs to pocket and made sure she had her favourite pen before she hung her stethoscope around her neck and headed for the nurses station ready for handover. Jill, the Nurse in Charge, looked down her nose, and passed a handover sheet to Calista. "You'll be taking care of the patients in rooms one to five today, try not to be too long gossiping either ladies" as she looked towards Skylar. As Jill looked away, Skylar poked her tongue out. Calista giggled. "So tell me about this lot" They started from room one, as Skylar started to ramble on about the patients, their conditions and how they went over night. Finally they got to the patient in room 5; "Room 5 is a Mr Nicholas Braveheart....admitted from ED with concussion and bruising from a motor vehicle accident. He's here under observation after suspected concussion" To which she whispered "Doubt he'll stay....werewolf..." Calistas face went slack. Skylar had a smug look on her face. "Told you....he's a firecracker" as she winked and patted Calista on the shoulder then walked away to end her shift, cackling down the corridor. Calista sighed. "Time for work." She knocked on the door to room 5. No answer. She slowly opened the door to see Mr Braveheart still sleeping soundly. She called out to him. No answer. She checked his chart. It was time for his blood pressure check. She grabbed the arm band from the wall, and lifted his left arm. The hospital gown lifted slightly to reveal a tattoo. Calista was mesmerised by the ink patterns that surrounded the picture of a howling wolf. It was beautiful. She couldn't help but touch it. The minute she touched his skin she got what felt like an electric shock. She got tingles on the tips of her fingers. Her magic suddenly had a mind of its own. She watched as her magic created a glittery swirl as it danced along his skin. She gasped. She remembered her mother once telling her that magic had a way. Everything in nature has a balance. And when a fairy finds their destined one, their magic will seek them out. As she took his blood pressure she thought to herself, Is this guy, this patient in front of her, could he be her destined one? She needed answers so she resolved herself to get in contact with her mother during her lunch break. As she quietly left the room. She did not see that Nicholas was beginning to stir from his sleep....
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