Prologue ~ The Beginning of the curse

794 Words
*5 years prior....* Vera was 25, and damn it, she didn't appreciate her mother telling her what to do with her life. Her mother only wanted to marry her off to the head warlock of their sister coven so that they can bolster the witches territory. She refused to be a pawn. She splashed a potion all over to cover her smell and snuck out of the full moon ritual and went to the human city of De'silva. There were skyscrapers everywhere. She can see why the coven preferred the outskirts, less people and more view of the sky to channel their magic.  She wasn't watching where she was going and she bumped into someone. Their coffee got dumped all over the front of her black blouse sticking it to her bra.  Horrified she was about to curse the person in front of her when she was met with the most handsome person she had ever met.  "I am so sorry. Forgive me I wasn't watching where I was going. Here let me...." he gave her his handkerchief and was about to wipe the coffee off her when she blushed.  "I can do it myself...."  Vera was about to push his hand away when she caught a whiff of him. He was a werewolf.  " Umm... I'm Vera. Would you like me to replace your coffee for you?"  He stubbed out his cigarette, and looked at her. He found an old receipt in his pocket and scribbled a note on it before pressing it into her hand.  "Sorry I've got somewhere I've got to be. Here's my number, I'll be happy to pick up the drycleaning bill. Bye. " Vera looked at the paper.  "Nicholas...what a dreamy name...."  Vera made up her mind. She would give herself to this man and prevent her mothers marriage plans. She picked up the stubbed out cigarette and absolved that she was going to bind this guy to her. She hurried home before her mother missed her. The following day, Vera got up early and dressed in a black blouse and long black skirt and simple sandals. She grabbed her grimoire, some candles, some Quartz crystals, and some rose, lavender, jasmine and chamomile flowers. She placed these all in her herb gathering basket and snuck out to the kitchen. Unfortunately her mother was already in the kitchen. "Vera, where do you think you're going?" "Mother, I'm going to gather some herbs to stock up so I can do some potions."Her mother looked her up and down.  "Be quick, Bartholomew, your husband to be is coming over soon."  Vera put her head down. As she thought i'm not going to marry that old man... She gritted her teeth as she replied  "Yes mother."  She quickly left through the kitchen door. She had to do her spells quickly. She found the covens alter and cauldron abandoned so it was quiet. She placed the different flower petals in the cauldron and stated their purpose one at a time.  "Roses to symbolise rich love, lavender for enchantment, jasmine for attraction, and chamomile to reflect true love. Lastly a few drops of clear water."  A puff of smoke and her love at first sight potion was complete. This was step one. Step two was the binding spell. This one was a bit more tricky. It would only bind the human to her, the wolf will definitely not fall for it, but as this binding spell was so strong the only thing that could break it would be the wolf's mate, and in these days a wolf finding their mate is uncommon.  She got giddy. She drew a pentagram on the altar and placed quartz crystals at the north end of the pentagram to strengthen the magic. Vera placed the cigarette with Nicholas' DNA into the middle. She cut her palm and put a few droplets of her blood into the middle before chanting Mother earth hear me With these offerings Bring to me  what it is I seek And bind me forever She repeated it three times before there was a whisper.  "My dear daughter....what you seek is not impossible, but be warned it will not be have bound him to you, if he dies, you die.... But....I will grant your wish.....he is coming....." Vera smiled. Finally mother's plans are ruined! Vera then let out a loud laugh.  Her mother found what she had done, and screamed.  "Vera, what have you done!"  Vera looked at her mother with a triumphant look on her face."Mother, I can finally live my own life. To hell with your matchmaking, I am not marrying that man! The curse has been made and my lover will be here soon."  Before she madly laughed in her mother's face. 
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