Chapter 16 - Spell backfire

1429 Words

 *Vera* She pulled her car into an empty parking spot and started chewing on her thumb nail. She could see Nicholas pushing Persephone on the swing. They looked happy.  Vera left her purse and phone in her car and stepped out. She shut the door, locked it and then turned around heading towards them.  Nicholas was the first to see her approach. Persephone jumped from the swing and raced to give her mother a hug. Vera quickly returned her hug, then gently pushed her away.  "Persephone, sweetheart, what has you all excited?"  Persephone then looked down at her shoes before mumbling "Daddy told me not to say but I got to see some magic today!" She then looked up at her mother unsure of her reaction. Vera blanched. "Excuse me?" She screeched Persephone looked down again at her shoes. "

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