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CHAPTER 4 “So I see you are all set to be the king of the warriors at such a young age. “She asked trying to disturb the awkward silence that has been disturbing them. “My whole life is built on that very thought. What about you? I believe you will be a better ruler than me.” “What makes you think that? You have seen me for what, one hour. You are quite judgmental, aren’t you? And I would never fit for the title that you think of as a ruler. Love has never been my favorite emotion, after all. I take after my father, emotionless.” “Who taught you to let a prayer out every time you begin a fight?”The young prince asked. “Father, why?” “And yet the lord said he didn’t love Mother Nature.” He said with a smirk. “I didn’t quite really get the joke that you were trying to crack.” She asked annoyingly. “It wasn’t a joke, but truth. Each time you try to hurt any of the nature s creation, Mother Nature feels the pain. That’s the reason why we warriors used to let out a small prayer each time we pick our weapon. The lords’ didn’t quite agree with this practice of ours but the great dark lord taught his daughter. He really loves her because each time when we say about her, something unique sparks in his eyes.” “I don’t know about that. But I am sure that she doesn’t love Me.” she says with pain in each of her words. “Who said she doesn’t love you?” he asked confused. “If she loved me, then why did she leave me? Where was she when I wanted her the most?” Solis slowly took the dark princess’ hand and pressed it against her heart. “People who love us and who we love never leave us, dear. They always stay with us. Here, in our heart. I am sure your mother loves you the most even though she is a mother to all of us.” A sad smile lined across her face. They stood there in darkness with moonlight hovering them, silently trying to see through each other’s soul. They were disrupted by a loud sound. “Dinner is ready. We have to go.” She exclaimed. “After you, my lady.” Both of them slowly walked in the darkness, when suddenly she turned to him. “You do have a good heart, young prince.” She said with a smile that added beauty to the darkness surrounding them.
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