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CHAPTER 3 They were walking down the famous black aisle. He managed to take a few glance at her. How someone could hold so much power and beauty in one person, he thought at every glance he took at her. Suddenly the dark lord turned and faced him. “So Solis, how do you think you can build a better world for all of us once you become the leader?” The young prince did feel strange first by the sudden question, but nevertheless he spoke-“it’s simple, my lord. Peace and love can bring harmony even in the darkest times. It was my suggestion to the cabinet of warriors to visit the lords and offer a peace treaty. We have wasted enough time and energy fighting each other. The world of humans is shattering into pieces. There is violence and evil living in their mind. Evil has become prevalent. We were created by the Almighty for a reason. We can’t fight each other now. Now we have to join our hands and work as a family for a better world.” “Family, my foot! How are we a family, young fellow? We are born enemies!” he spited back with hatred lining the words. “Warriors and lords became a family the moment you took the oath to protect and love Mother Nature for eternity in this very black aisle. Whole universe witnessed it.” The dark lord spoke again “who said I loved her?” “With all due respect my lord, this beautiful maiden here is the biggest evidence of your love. The universe did doubt your relation first, but love can create wonders, my lord.” The dark lord let out a small laugh and turned to continue his way to the massive castle in front of them. All the prince felt now was someone s eyes piercing into him. Phoenix was looking at him with a taint of confusion and curiosity in her eyes. “Do you know that you are a fool?” she asked glaring at him. “Well I was told I am the most intelligent and brilliant scholar and warrior of this age.” he said with a smirk. “Well, now I definitely know you are a fool and an i***t” “I just realized it a few moments ago, when I was smiling like an i***t at the sight of someone.” He said looking right into her green eyes.
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