Chapter 52: Going to Jail

2969 Words

ARIANNA'S POV I have had it with this hospital room. I can't watch the competition and everything is making me mad. I was supposed to perform. I was even the freaking coach for this cheer squad for the last 2 years. What did I get to show for it? A bumped head and a dysfunctional arm. Tears stung the corner of my eyes as I sat up against the bed. Everyone was gone already and I really wished Jordan had stayed. I really did but he said he had something to do and he'll be back. That was two hours ago. I suddenly feel lonely. I've never been this alone before and it hurt. I really hoped my team wins because I have worked my ass off. We all did and Cindy had to be a b***h about it. She wants Jordan so bad, she put her scholarship on the line. I suddenly feel hungry. The food here sucks. They

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