Chapter 53: Jail Bird

2721 Words

JORDAN'S POV Just as I told Arianna, I would get arrested. I have been in here for the past 13 hours I think. I deserve it though for putting my hand on a female but Candy or whatever her name is deserved it. The f**k she think was gonna happen? I warned her more than once. After she sent me those photos trying to blackmail me, she cornered me in the bathroom like a little psycho b***h that she is, leaving pictures in my locker all those creepy s**t. I have had it with her dumbass. When I went to her house to ask her why she did what she did to Arianna, she was gonna say she can't believe I would just ignore her for a little rich w***e that f****d her uncle. I mean really? Even if she did, why does it bother her so much? I sat in the cell leaning my head against the wall. My two cellmat

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