Chapter 36: Confronting my father

2770 Words

JORDAN'S POV The first two weeks are over now, I'm on my way to my father's family house. I really hope I don't see him because I don't want to. Mom, Ry, Kai and Blaze already left so I'm the only one heading back. As the uber arrived I slowly felt as if my chest was tightening. Another year coming here and it's always been the same. The familiar house stood there with cars in the driveway. I got out of the uber and walked up the driveway to the door. My heart slammed against my ribcage as I pressed the doorbell. I'm not scared, I just hate the looks of sympathy I get from everyone because my dad didn't want me. It hurts but that's about it. The door opened revealing my little love bug whom I have missed so much. "Kaiden!" She squealed jumping on me. She kissed all over my face which mad

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