Chapter 37: I can't trust nobody right now

2441 Words

TRIGGER WARNING!!!!!! (THIS CHAPTER WILL CONSIST ATTEMPTED RAPE. I'M SORRY IF I MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE.) ARIANNA'S POV Jordan is coming home in 4 days. I'm really excited. He has over stayed more than a week with his father's side of family. He said he wanted to spend a little more time with his siblings because he don't know when he's gonna see them again. Adrianna was supposed to bring home Sutton and Dalton but of course she was busy. I'm now at the house with them because Uncle John isn't here as yet. The twins went to sleep and I am now laying down on the couch waiting. I didn't know I fell asleep until I felt kisses on my back along with the person breathing on me. They grabbed my ass which was really uncomfortable. I realize I was still at my dad's house. I quickly jumped up seei

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