Author Note

209 Words
This story contains harsh killing ways and maybe swearing, k********g, guns, drugs, trafficking.... This story will be from the characters' point of view and it will be written each part is from which character's POV. This story will contain a lot of languages other than English, but everything will be translated. This story has got nothing to do with real life, so do not take the actions that happens during this story too seriously. This story is not copied from anyone, everything is from my own imagination. If you didn't like my story or any content that has to do with it, that'll be your problem, so you can easily leave. I do not recommend reading this story if you are not mature enough because you mat take this seriously which you aren't supposed to. If you have any suggestions, you can comment, send me a message, or dm me on i********: & Follow me on i********: & Spotify @daniellawrites_ Follow Damon & Kira on i********: @damon_messina_mw & @kira_ivanov_mw Hope you'll like my story, and please don't forget to vote, comment, follow, and share, it'll mean a lot to me or to any other author, because we'll get to know if the readers are liking our stories or not.
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