Chapter 12

1020 Words
I was busy straining my head and eyes, trying to figure out who it was that Eva was referring to. By the way she looked in that direction, I suspected it was no joke. But what would Douglas be doing here when he was imprisoned? The sound of my phone notification draws my attention from the direction I was looking. Avelyn Cian appears on top of my screen, she was the Chief of Staff at my foundation. It must be something really serious. I opened the message body to see the greatest shock of my life. "Ahhhh!" I exclaimed with my eyes and mouth very wide apart. No one must have noticed except Eva sitted opposite me. A popular music played at the moment and people's attention was directed towards it. They swayed their bodies according to the rhythm. In the picture she sent, Douglas was lying bandaged at various parts of his body. "He was severely beaten by the guards upon the order of Queen Pandora as she came to visit." I wept as I read Avelyn's statement. What did Douglas do to deserve all these cruel treatments? I forgot about the momentary joy I expected to have with my new-found best friend. That would be saved for another day. "Stand up, let's go!" I said in a panicky voice. "What's wrong, what's in that phone that's causing you to change your mind towards our date?" She snatched the phone from my hands and fell into the same state as me when she saw the picture. Douglas was just wearing a light shirt and short trousers stained with his blood. Pandora must have left before the prison doctor tried bandaging his wounds, she'd preferred him to bleed and die as that is what she wants. She wants him dead otherwise she wouldn't even send him to prison in the first place. I wondered what the guards used in battering Douglas that he had such severe wounds. I truly felt sorry for him and panicky at the same time. "Please can you reach out and take him to the hospital, report reaching me from one of the guards, a mate of mine tells me he's at the risk of passing out. No one dares to take him to the hospital because of the queen. You're the only one who can do this." Avelyn typed. "This' a serious matter," I alerted Eva. "We don't need to value our pleasure over Douglas' life. Avelyn said now that something has to be done urgently. He's at the edge of passing out." "Argggg!" Eva exclaimed which got everyone's attention on us. I didn't really like this a bit, they would wonder what's wrong. I pulled Eva by the wrist. "Let's get out of here!" We moved quite fast out of the bar and out to the sight of everyone. Once outside, I felt the calm breeze wash off my tension concerning the crowd's stare. Now, a serious business stood in front of me and I had to treat it as an emergency. "How did Avelyn know this Cassandra? What are we gonna do now? Where are we going?" Eva bombarded me with multiple questions at the same time. My head was hot and fury streamed inside me like steam from a boiling kettle. This was not the best time to reply to her questions, I couldn't figure out answers at this point. The only thing in my mind was how to drive to the royal dungeon and get Douglas out of there. The distance from the bar, a few meters away from my apartment to the royal dungeon is quite far. That was not going to be a problem to me, not even the darkness. We both got into the car and drove out. This time, I was taking a different lane, not the one I take to my house. It got dark and darker as we drove on. The particular lane we were in didn't have many street lights but we were lucky to bump into roads that had lights all over immediately after it. The evening breeze was chilling on my skin. The royal dungeon was located at the part of the capital which was cool most of the times. The handless gowns we wore weren't meant for this weather, it had the upper parts of our bodies exposed to the freezing cold. Eva was already shivering, folding her hands across her chest. "These dresses of ours are not suitable for this weather." Her voice was shaky from the cold. Being werewolves didn't mean that we weren't affected by the cold, but the cold wouldn't make us freeze or kill us no matter how severe it was. "Sorry Eva, you need to be strong now. Okay?" I looked at her as she nodded. Yeah, that's what I need, a strong girl! "What's the time?" Eva had her phone's screen on and peered into it. "It's 8:30 PM." "It's quite late but we'll get there soon." I assured both myself and her. Danger ahead of the road! A voice warned me. Hardly had it finished when I heard some creatures galloping towards us, they weren't on horses but they were galloping like on horses. By the aura surrounding them, I labeled them to be hybrids, witches and vampires like the queen herself. "This must be a set up!" I lamented to myself. Eva had not yet seen what I was seeing from afar. They numbered about twenty and normally, with such numbers, they'd overpower both of us but I was not gonna let that happen. "Quick!" I screamed at Eva. At once, I changed our gowns to combat trousers and jackets, and our boots the same. All black. That was the type of dress code we needed for this battle and the weather. Suddenly silvery swords appeared in our hands, Eva was struck with surprise at the miraculous changes but no time to give in to surprises. "We've to fight the battle in front of us!" I shouted to her as we jumped out of the car and ahead of these mysterious beings.
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