Chapter 10

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I retired to my bed after a while. I need to have a nap before evening. I've decided to go out with Eva. It's quite okay for me to celebrate her decision to join with me in fighting this course. It's not an easy one, so celebrating someone that has agreed to walk with you through the good and dark times is a great deal. Sleep always proves a great refreshment to my body and spirit, I felt quite relaxed and bubbling with energy after I awoke. It's 3 PM and too early to get up from my bed, especially as I have nothing to do at the moment. While on my bed, my mind framed thoughts of Douglas. Though covered with sorrows and a mournful look, he is still a charming prince with his charming blue eyes and shiny black curly hair. His muscular stature makes him the dream of every girl, I think it's even affecting me quite well even though I'm not like every ordinary girl. The clock seemed to be ticking away into the time I had planned for. Few hours had passed after I spent time with Eva. She would now be in her room, preparing for the planned date. She was a busy girl who hardly spent a minute idle, she always finds what to do at every point in time. The only time she is motionless is when she is asleep but even at that, she'd be dreaming or thinking in a trance what to do the next moment. Douglas flashes in my mind and I imagine how he'd look in his princely garment or well-fitted suit. I imagine being a maid to which he'd discover as a fated mate. It would be a great honor. All I wish for Douglas now is for him to be out of prison, regain all he had lost and become king soon. A knock on my door awakens me from my thought, who would that be? No one dares knock on my door except I ask for the person. After the first knock, no answer comes and he or she, whoever it may be, knocks harder. "Yes, who's it and how may I be of help to you?" A laugh erupted outside, in reply to my question. It was the voice of a woman, Eva. "Eva, is that you?" I sounded playfully. She's the only one working in my foundation that lives with me. Others live in their own apartments and I'm not quite close to them as I'm close to her. Like we acclaimed earlier, she's my best friend and everything I have, my joy giver and secret confidante. "Yes," she responded. "Come in!" I dragged my voice. Eva walked into my room and sat on my bed, at the edge beside me. It was really a spacious room and I think she really adored it from the way she was staring at things. It was her first time in my room, she had the privilege because of the deal we made as best friends and secret keepers. "This' your first time here, how do you see my room?" I blushed in satisfaction at the extravagance around me. "It's so glorious." Her eyes widened, she was awed by everything. "The golden floor, ceiling, walls, curtains and everything makes me want to stay here forever." She spoke without even looking at me but admiring the whole scenario. "Can I sometimes sneak in here and spend the night with you? Remember we are best friends!" She reminded me in case I wanted to refuse her request. All I could do was to blush and nod. "You're my best friend, so if you really wish from tonight you can start sharing this room with me. We can sleep here together at nights, discussing our secrets and other sweet talks." "Wow, really? I'm so grateful," she jumped up in excitement. "I can pack in here tonight." I smiled warmly at her, I think she didn't get what I really meant. "No need Eva, it's only night, right?" I said in a sweet tune so she wouldn't be offended. "Yeah, that's not an issue but I can visit during the day like I'm doing now?" "Sure," I nodded. We blushed. It was nice to have her by my side now, I had no one earlier to call my friend or someone to share my lonely times with. I've always been treated like a god due to my position which I inwardly didn't like especially now I'm a human. My staff and shifters all over the world, including humans, view me as an idol to be adored, hence I spend most of my time lonely and without a friend to have a great time with. Eva continued sitting by the edge of my bed after the euphoria died down. She truly loved where she was. "Hmmm," she inhaled. "It smells like roses, lilies and other sweet smelling flowers mixed together!" "Yah, you love it?" "Yes," she turned her amazed face to gaze at me. "Why wouldn't I love them?" I smiled warmly, I felt a sense of satisfaction each time someone commented on what I had or did. At the respective corners, artificial roses stood inside giant golden vases. These were placed at strategic corners of the big room, though the scent wasn't emanating from them, yet it complimented the scent. It was an adornment to the room and the flowers looked so much like natural flowers. "I love those flowers," Eva pointed to them. "I think you're so amazed at what you've found in my room. What's the real essence you came in?" Though my voice showed I was actually joking, I intended using this question to remind Eva of what she came to do in my room. There was no much time to spend beating around the bush. "Yah, but I actually came to talk about Prince Douglas." These words got my hormones running riot. "What about him?" My face got awestrickened. I wondered what Eva meant but she shot a quick glance accompanied with an all-knowing blush which made me even more amazed.
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