Part 10

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Meanwhile, Grace and Courtney are still seen in the dining room at this time. They are waiting for their mom to come home and they also can't sleep thinking about their dad moreover they now know they are living in a dangerous and haunted house. While they were sitting waiting for their mom, they suddenly heard the doorbell ring, as if someone had come to the house. “ Who's coming? ” Courtney asked. “ It must be mom coming home! Come on! ” Grace said as she got up from the chair and took Courtney's hand, they went to the living room and opened the door. It turned out that it was Annabelle, not their mom. “ I heard your dad was admitted to the hospital huh? Your mom told me to accompany you ” Annabelle said. “ Yeah ” Grace said a word. “ Courtney, why aren't you sleeping yet? ” Annabelle asked the little girl. “ I can't sleep because I think about dad and I'm also afraid to sleep alone ” Courtney answered. “ Come on, I'll accompany you to sleep ” said Annabelle with her eyes still unblinking. “ Okay! ” Courtney replied, Annabelle immediately led Courtney's hand and up the stairs to Courtney's bedroom, while Grace was closing the door. After entering the bedroom, Courtney immediately lay down on the bed while Annabelle just stood with her back to the little girl, it was very dark in the room because Courtney didn't turn on the light. Now it was just the two of them in the room, while Grace was downstairs. “ Annabelle? Why don't you sleep with me? ” Courtney asked because she was curious as to why her housemaid was still standing with her back to her. Meanwhile downstairs, the doorbell rang again, Grace, who was still in the living room, opened the door. It turned out that it was Eadred who came at night and in the rain. “ Eadred? What's up? Why come at this time of night? ” Grace asked. “ Grace, you and your family need to get out of this house tonight! It turns out that the ghost wants your life!! ” Eadred said in a hectic and tired look. Meanwhile, the situation turned to Courtney who was in her room with Annabelle. The situation in the room seemed increasingly tense. “ Annabelle? ” Courtney called out, Annabelle who was standing stiff finally turned to Courtney, her face looks very ugly and very scary. Courtney who saw Annabelle's 'real' face of course felt shocked and scared, she screamed loudly so that Grace and Eadred could be heard downstairs. “ Courtney!! ” Hearing Courtney's loud screams of course made Grace and Eadred startle and panic. They immediately went to Courtney's room but they saw it was empty, Courtney and also Annabelle wasn't there. “ At the study! Courtney must be there! ” Grace said they immediately rushed into the study. The situation was shown outside the house as well, Yolanda had just arrived there. She quickly got out of the car and tried to open the door but couldn't open it because Grace had locked it from the inside. Then Yolanda pressed the bell several times anxiously, she was afraid something might happen to her children. The rain fell harder and harder along with thunder. “ Grace!! Courtney!!! ” Yolanda called her children's names but no one answered, she was getting worried. “ Grace!! Courtney!! Please open the door, kiddos! ” Yolanda said but still they didn't answer because they didn't hear Yolanda's voice. Meanwhile, Grace and Eadred enter the study, they are shocked to see Courtney on top of the cupboard with her horrible eyes. “ Courtney!! ” Grace called her sister, actually it wasn't Courtney because Courtney had been possessed by an evil spirit that was in her body. Grace wanted to approach Courtney but Courtney suddenly jumped out of the cupboard and pounced on Grace, she strangled Grace's neck so that she almost limp. Eadred did not remain silent watching the incident, he wanted to help Grace but didn't have time because he was suddenly pushed by something so that he was pushed backwards or rather towards the window. The curtain cloth that covered the window suddenly spread to Eadred's body, covering the guy's entire body, causing Eadred to almost limp and fall. He struggled to free himself but his efforts failed. Meanwhile Yolanda who was trying to get into the house through the kitchen door at the back was suddenly attacked by Mr. Richard Stevenson, the owner of the house that Jett bought, causing Yolanda to fall into the swimming pool, Mr. Richard Stevenson, who was controlled by the devil's lust, still tried to harm Yolanda with the ax he was holding, he also plunged into the pool to kill the woman. Yolanda got out of the pool and tried to escape from the old man but Mr. Richard Stevenson managed to hold her hand and was ready to draw his ax at Yolanda. “ Please don't kill me, I beg you! ” Yolanda pleaded with the old man in fear. BRUKK... suddenly someone hit the old man's head from behind and the old man fell into the pool. “ Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. Your husband asked me to help you ” It turned out that the person who hit the old man was a cleric. “ Mr. Cleric, help! Please help my children! ” Yolanda pleaded with the cleric, she almost cried reminding her children might be in danger in the house. “ Don't worry, I will help you as well as your children ” The Cleric said as he looked at Yolanda's face. Meanwhile in the study, the situation was still precarious with Courtney still possessed with Grace being strangled by her and also Eadred who still can't be free from the curtain cloth that wraps around him. “ Courtney, please! Please aware Courtney!! ” Grace said. “ I WANT YOUR LIFE!! ” the creature possessing Courtney spoke in a voice that sounded guttural. “ Courtney, I know you're still here and hearing me, I beg you to fight him, Courtney! ” Grace said breathlessly. Meanwhile Yolanda and the cleric just entered the house and they rushed to Courtney's room but they saw Grace and Courtney were not there, Yolanda tried to look into Grace's room, but it was still empty. “ My children are not here, I think they are in the study, let's go! ” Yolanda said she and the cleric immediately went to the study. After arriving there Yolanda tried to open the door but to no avail, the door was locked from the inside. “ Grace!! Courtney!! ” Yolanda called. “!! ” Grace, who was almost limp, screamed for her mother's help. Her body suddenly floated in the air with Courtney's hand still not off Grace's neck. The cleric was seen reading the holy verses of the Koran in front of the door and the door opened. Yolanda and the cleric immediately entered the study, when the chairs that were there flew and almost hit the cleric's face but with the substance of Allah, the chair was broken and the cleric continued reading the holy verses of the Koran. The creature that possessed Courtney finally came out of Courtney's body, Courtney collapsed along with Grace who fell to the floor. The curtains wrapped around Eadred also loosened, he was free and could breathe a sigh of relief. While Yolanda walked up to Courtney and put her head on her lap, as did Grace and Eadred, they both approached the unconscious Courtney. “ Courtney!! Baby, wake up baby!! ” Yolanda called out Courtney's name. “ Courtney!! Courtney!! ” Grace also called Courtney's name while shaking the little girl's body to quickly wake up from fainting. The situation is now calm again with Courtney who has started to regain consciousness. “ Mom? Grace? Why am I here? What is going on? Where is Annabelle's ghost? Has she left? ” Courtney kept asking Yolanda and Grace. “ Alhamdulillah, everything is safe ” Yolanda thanked God Almighty. After two days later... Finally Jett has been allowed to go home even though his hand is still not fully healed and is still wrapped in bandages and the house they live in now has also been cleaned by the cleric with the holy verses of the Koran and also with the help of God Almighty. They all came back lives safely for those two days. It looks like their family is currently being visited by the cleric, they are all gathered in the living room hearing the cleric's words. “ Mr. Richard Stevenson is a black magic practitioner who willing justify any means to get this house back. And that Annabelle is the incarnation of the devil who devours her victims who lived in this house before you all. It was their agreement like that, Anyone who asks for help from the devil other than Allah SWT is considered to associate partners with Allah SWT and is a great sinner. Therefore, you should never associate partners with Allah ” The cleric advises them. “ Then how do we avoid the spirits? ” Jett asked. “ The best way to avoid the spirits is to read the holy verses of the Quran every morning, evening and night and perform the 5 daily prayers without leaving it. ” The cleric said. After the cleric came home, Grace decided to get out of the house for a while, she was currently hanging out on the lake with Eadred who was next to her they were sitting on the edge of the lake. “ Grace, I want to apologize for my late grandfather's behalf, because of his greed for that house, you and your family almost became victims. ” Eadred apologizes to Grace on behalf of Mr. Richard Stevenson who died at Jett Rink's house that night. “ It's all right, Eadred. Everything has done, may your late grandfather rest in peace ” Grace said she looked a little calmer than before. “ Thank you for forgiving my late grandfather ” said Eadred again. “ Eadred, looks like we've been here for a long time, let's go home ” Grace said as she looked at Eadred. “ All right, come on! ” Eadred answered, then they both got up and quickly walked away. But before they start their second step, suddenly a human body fell in front of them, they were shocked and ran away quickly. It was the body of Bick Benedict, Jett Rink's friend who had died in an accident after returning home from visiting their house that time. The End

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