I approached him, took my suit off, and held it in my arm, then I sat down and adjusted my position so the camera of my phone was facing the man. "How should I address you, sir?" I took my cigarette out and lit it up. "Shengis." "I assume you know my name, Mr. Shengis. There'll be no need for introductions then. Let's cut to the chase. Howard hired you to sabotage me, didn't he?" Shengis did not answer me. Instead, he broke into a grin, and it made his scar look uglier. He was staring straight at me, as if trying to see through me. I shrugged. "Fine, I'll cut to the chase. I'm not here to demand any explanation. I'm here to talk about business." Shengis suddenly let out a hearty laugh. "You're all weird. Howard's a rich guy, but he just keeps talking and talking, while you're one for