16. The Return

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Three Weeks Later...   I turn the volume up on my phone and the music amplifies and fills my ears. The pen in my hand continues to jot down my thoughts of the day, capturing my racing mind. Writing has been the only way to escape my thoughts these past weeks.   Since the argument at Kahn Construction, I've been keeping to myself. I started a job working from home part-time until I figure out my next move. I'm not sure where I stand with my job at Kahn and no one has tried to contact me. Well, no one except Tabitha.   She and I have talked for hours about why Tucker acted the way he did. From what Tabitha heard around town, Tucker is dating another woman, but he denies it when questioned. She also said she can't figure out who told people I was still engaged.   The rumors make no difference to me when it comes to my personal life. Tucker can believe what he wants about me, but I know the truth. If we ever talk again, I need to explain my side of the story and move on.   I don't need a man. Especially not one that doesn't have my best interests at heart.   I haven't talked to Owen since he hung up on me a few weeks ago and I'm glad. Living here with my father has helped me see who supports and loves me. My mother has tried to contact me, but I have ignored all the calls and messages. There's nothing for us to say to one another and she'll never understand.   About two weeks ago, my father and I discussed me moving into an apartment or finding a small house. He's agreed to let me move out under the condition that he can install a security system and have a spare key for emergencies. I talked him down from buying me a gun or taser.   I found a house not far from my grandma with enough space for an office and yoga/meditation room. I'm allowed to move in next week once the paperwork is done. I'm hoping that being on my own will allow me to keep my business private and not spread all over town. I haven't lived here long and the last thing I want to do is hear whispers when I walk through town.   I close my journal and place it and my pen in my computer case. With the bag in hand, I rise from my seat at the café table, plucking my cappuccino off the tabletop. I remove my earbuds and put them away, walking to exit the café.   I'm getting close to my car when I hear my name being called from a distance. I turn around and instantly turn back to continue walking. A hand captures my upper arm before I can make it to my car, stopping me in my tracks. My keys fall from my hand in the process and I snatch them off the ground before I stand up to confront the person who grabbed me.   Tucker stands there with a look I don't recognize on his face. "What do you want?" I ask, glaring at him.   His eyes fill with regret and I have to admit, I'm proud of myself for letting my anger show for a change. He needs to know how much his words affect people and the bearing they have on a situation. The rumors about me being engaged were enough to ruin what we had and the time we spent together. Not only that, I can't even walk around town or socialize without catching a look of disgust from someone. Everyone probably thinks I'm some w***e who doesn't know her ass from her elbow.   "I just want to talk," he claims.   Talk?!   What makes him think I'd give him the time of day after he never gave me the chance to explain myself? Is he on crack?   I snort a laugh. "No, thank you. You said enough three weeks ago."   I manage to pull my arm out of his grip and continue to my car. I'm about to open the car door when he stops me again. This time, it flicks a switch in me. I jerk away from him, knocking him off guard, and turn around to face him. His face is full of anger, but it doesn't stop me. I need him to understand how I'm feeling.   "What is your problem?" He yells. "I just want to talk to you."   I push at his chest. "You. You are my problem. Do you ever stop and think about what you do to people? I've been the center of attention for three weeks because of you! Why are you even worried about me when you're f*****g someone else?!"   I scream at him, unleashing every emotion I've felt since I last saw him at Kahn Construction. I don't notice there are tears in my eyes until I feel him try to wipe them away. I jerk out of his hold and make my way to my car, unlocking the doors. Once I'm behind the wheel, I put the car in drive and speed off, not caring that Tucker is calling after me.   As I'm driving home, my phone is ringing nonstop with texts and incoming calls. When I'm in the safety of my dad's driveway, I put the car in park and turn the engine off. Tears overwhelm me as I turn my phone to silent and I grip the steering wheel as sobs wrack my body. It's like the tears I didn't cry are catching up with me.   I can't do this anymore.      
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