17. The Nail

1072 Words
Two Weeks Later...   The phone rings for the third time in five minutes and I put no effort into answering it. For the past two weeks, all I have done is ignored phone calls, text messages, and home visits. I moved into my place about a week ago and I thought he would stop, but Tucker has persisted.   Somehow, he found out where I moved to and is determined to speak to me. He has even gone to the extreme of sending flowers and gifts to my house. All of which have been returned to him. He needs to understand that gifts will not change my mind about him. If he were to take the time to reflect on what he's done I might consider talking to him about what happened, but I'm not making any promises. I'm still hurt and angry over the situation.   When Tabitha and I talked about what happened outside the café, she was angry. She told me she last spoke to Tucker when their mother hosted a family dinner when her brothers arrived back home. From her recollection, Tucker didn't say anything about me or another woman. She said he was in a rather quiet mood, which is odd for him.   Their mother heard about this other woman and asked him about her. Tucker told his family he was indeed talking to another woman and even had lunch with her. He also said it isn't what everyone is making it out to be. Whether he is dating another woman or not, he still treated me the way he did and it's not okay. If he'll treat me that way, will he do the same to her?   The whole situation has me feeling from two sides. Part of me wants to talk to his mother myself and inform her of how her son acted. I know she didn't raise her boys to disrespect women. That was proven the day I went to their house.   The other part of me wants to just leave the whole situation alone and not give anyone the satisfaction of my attention. I've never been one to just open up to people and I opened up to Tucker. I shared things with him that I've never shared with another human being. Not even my father.   No sooner than my phone stops chiming, there's a knock on my front door. I frown, knowing I'm not expecting anybody and move towards the door. When I open it, Owen stands there, shocking the s**t out of me. I snap out of it and immediately start to close the door.   His clown sized foot stops the door in its path. "Aurora, wait!" He shouts urgently.   I release a heavy sigh and open the door. "What I have done to deserve such a visit from you, Owen?" I ask, sarcastically.   He fights back a smile. "I was in town. Thought I'd stop by," he says, but I know there's more to it.   Why would he come here of all places? This is a small town and I never told him where I was living. I hope he's not expecting to stay here. Not happenin', buddy.   "How did you know where I live? I've been here not even a month, so how did find where I was living?" I demand, letting him know I mean business.   The last thing I need is the drama that accompanies him. I'm trying hard enough not to let Tucker and the rumors bother me. All I want is some peace and loyalty. Is that too much to ask for?   "Your mom told me the name of the town and I went from there. I may be a city boy, but I know how to get where I'm going," he responds.   I narrow my eyes. "Why have you been talking to my mother?" I demand.   What the f**k is his motive here? He turns silent when I ask my question. I'm instantly fed up with this situation. If all he has time for is talking to my mother about me, maybe I don't need to put up with either of them. All the two of them ever did was pick at me and try to bring me down and for a long time, it worked. Now, things are different and I don't want it in my life anymore. I don't have the energy for the drama and disappointment.   After a moment of him not answering me, I just sigh and start to shut the door again. "I want you back, Aurora. Your mother and I both want you to come home," he finally lets out.   I jerk the door open long enough to show the anger spread on my face before telling him, "You will never get me back, and neither will she. You both had your chance to do right by me and chose not to. Go home and tell my mother I said to eat a dick."   With those words, I slam the door and lock it. He can sit out there and wallow in self-pity for all I care. He should've thought about losing me before he f****d my roommate. As for my mother, she had my whole life to be a decent parent and she ruined it. It's not my responsibility to keep our relationship together and I refuse to make the effort where she's concerned.   I decide to put the situation aside for now and take a shower. I gather my clothes for bed and head to the bathroom. As I'm washing my hair, I swear I hear a knock on my front door but I can't tell for sure. I don't hear the sound again, so I continue showering. After my shower, I dress and lay down in bed. Thinking back on the day, I realize how exhausted I am and have been for the past weeks.   It isn't long before I drift to sleep. Hours later, the feel of strong arms wrapping around me stirs me and I come awake for a moment before sleep catches me again.   In the morning, I wake up to the sun peeking through the bedroom curtains and my phone vibrating on my nightstand. I nab it from the charger and look to see who is bothering me this early in the morning.   - We need to talk. Call me   It's Tucker. I let out a very unladylike groan and start to type a reply. It is too early for this.   - What is there to talk about?   - Us.
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