3. The Destination

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Dominic leads me around the back of the house to a door on the side, which I assume is the door to my room in the basement.   A wave of comfort envelops me as I take in the unfamiliar surroundings. The basement is quite spacious and clear except for a stack of boxes in the corner by the washer and dryer. A queen-sized bed is set up against the wall of the steps that lead upstairs along with a dresser and nightstand. Dominic has also purchased a blue comforter with wolves on it for my bed.   "I know it's not much, but you can always add to it once you get settled in and find a job," he says, scratching the back of his head.   I shake my head. "No, Dad. It's perfect," I tell him.   "Really? You're not pullin' my leg?"   "No, I like it, but how did you know I like wolves?"   "I didn't, actually. A buddy of mine's mother made it. She owns a store here in town you might like," he explains.   Ooh, a shopping trip. I haven't been on a shopping spree in a while. I wouldn't say shopping is my favorite pass time, but now and then I like to indulge in certain things. Tennessee might be fun after all.   * * *   I roll over onto my back and stretch, feeling well-rested and full of energy. I pull back the covers and head up the stairs to the kitchen where I hear Dominic talking on the phone. I take a seat at the table and he looks up from his position at the stove, smiling softly.   "I'm sure she would love it, Ma. Just stop by whenever. She'll be here," he says. He listens for a moment then begins talking again. "All right. Love you, too. Bye, Ma."   He hangs up and turns to me with two plates in hand. He sets them on the tabletop and takes a seat. "That was your grandma, Claudia. She found something for you. Sort of a welcome home present and she's on her way here now."   I feel tears well in my eyes at his choice of words and nod before heading to the bathroom to brush my teeth. As I set up my toothbrush, I think of how different my mother is from my father and his family.   While Dominic is fatherly and protective, my mother is ruthless and cold. I never met my grandparents, aunts, or uncles on my mother's side. Hell, I don't even know where they are or if they're alive. At least with Daddy's family, I've seen pictures and have the opportunity to meet them.   I rinse out my mouth and emerge from the bathroom a minute later. I go back to the kitchen to find Dominic nowhere in sight and a lone cup of coffee on the table. I turn around and head to the living room and stop when I find Dominic talking to my grandmother who has multiple presents in her hands. I've only seen a picture of my grandma, but she's a very beautiful woman who looks to be in her early fifties rather than her sixties.   "She's in the bathroom right now, so just come in the kitchen and I'll get you some coffee, Ma."   "I can't wait to meet her," she retorts excitedly.   "Uhm..." I clear my throat and they both look up at the noise. I hear squealing and then I'm wrapped tight in her arms as she jumps up and down. She pulls back a moment later with a beaming smile on her face.   "Oh, my Lord, honey. Look at you, as beautiful as a sunrise. I think this might be your greatest creation, Dominic," she gushes.   He chuckles. "Thanks."   After we head to the kitchen for coffee, Grandma Claudia gives me my welcome home presents, which consists of two homemade blankets and candles of assorted scents. Just as she's about to leave, she hugs me tightly and says, "I'll see you later, sweet girl. For now, your grandfather is expecting me."   I nod. "Grandma Claudia."   She turns around at my voice. "Yeah, honey?"   "Thank you for the gifts and I'm glad I got the chance to meet you. The pictures didn't do you justice," I tell her. I barely catch the glimmer in her eyes before she smiles and turns back around, heading to her black Cadillac.   I head back inside the house with a smile on my face.                
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