Chapter 12: Joycelyn

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It doesn’t matter if she’s Frost’s mother or not. I will beat a b***h down if she kept looking at us like that. It tension in the room is thick. It didn’t go unnoticed by Annika because she hid behind my leg. “Brandon,” Frost calls the young boy over. Brandon stands next to him, and I wonder if he adopted this young man. He looks nothing like Frost. “This is my son, Brandon,” Okay, so, he did adopt him? “Brandon, This is Joycelyn and Annika,” Frost whispers something in his ear, making Brandon frown. His frown soon turned into sadness. It all just makes me wonder so much more. Brandon hooks his arm around his father’s waist as Frost slings an arm around his shoulder. Frost clears his throat, shifting their position, facing the others in the room. “That’s Emilio,” he points to the first man, who is leaning against the stove. “Jesús,” he points to a skinny blonde man. Hair dye. “Julio,” he points to the tattooed man. I recognize them from the webcam. “This my father, Julian Perez, and his wife,” I expected Frost to introduce his mother properly but was met with silence. O...kay. “Honestly,” His father stated. But his expression said otherwise as if he needed to say something not to hear her complain. “This is my wife, Emilia Rodriguez-Perez,” Right. I gave her a tight smile, and she rolled her eyes at me. Okay! I’m ready to go. “So this is the w***e that is supposed to be your daughter,” It was eerily silent. So quiet that you could hear a pin drop echoing through the mansion. I burst out laughing, trying to contain my anger. For me, laughing is how I ‘try’ to control my anger because if I didn’t, s**t would have me behind bars. On the other hand... Sometimes I take Annika to work, and my workplace is a very calm environment. We tend to forget she’s there, so Annika knows curse words. A swear jar is our proof of that. Annika is known as the superhero on her school’s playground. Annika timidly walks over to Julian, putting her arms up as a clear sign she wants to be lifted. Julian takes her into his arms, a smile on his face. She whispered something in his ear, and he nods his head, putting her on the counter. Annika stands on the counter; she steps closer to Emilia. “I don’t like you!” Annika scratches Emilia’s face. Annika screams, jumping on Emilia. She headbutted her, bit her, and scratch her. On the other hand, Annika has a very nasty temper. One that anger management class isn’t fully helping. At least it’s sort of better. Everyone stood shocked as they watch Annika turn madman on Emilia. Eventually, Julian recovered from his shock and pulled Annika off of Emilia. I stepped forward, taking Annika from Julian. I wrapped my arms around Annika, holding her from the back. For my own safety, of course. I whispered in her ear the relaxing technique. First, she screamed out all the rest of her anger. Second, she counts to ten, and lastly, she screams, again, if there was any more anger. Annika returned, hiding behind my leg. “You little brat! You broke my nose!” Emilia shouts out. “You need to calm down,” Frost’s voice comes out in a dominating, commanding tone. “I don’t like you!” Annika steps forward, shouting at her. I pulled her back behind me not wanting the next phase of her anger to come into effect. “I won’t do such a thing! That little slut,” Now it’s my turn to lose my anger. I leaped forward, ready to wrap my hands around her throat. I was a mere inch from the crowing b***h when someone wrapped their arms around my waist. “You got one more time to call my daughter out of her name. I promise you. I f*****g promise you. A nose bled will be the least of your f*****g problems,” I snarled out. It felt like a gun was pressing in my back. It’s the voice that made me calm down and the realization that it’s not a gun. So much for the term limp d**k. “Leave,” He demands. “Julian!” Emilia shrieks out. I looked at Julian to see he is annoyed with his wife. “You heard him,” He looks at her from the corner of his eye. The look screamed so many volumes. One of the volumes speaking woman beater. I hope that’s not the case. Emilia huffs and storms out, holding her bloody nose. “Are you calm?” Frost asks me. I felt a shiver coming on and I clenched my p***y to see if that would stop it. It...It didn’t. I cleared my throat, breaking out of his embrace. I mumble a yes. His father, Julian, stepped forward, extending his hand. Annika pulls me by the leg, shaking her head. “I don’t like them! They’re mean! Just like Mr. Meany!” She starts breathing hard, a sign that she’s about to have another episode. “Hey. It’s okay. I tell you what,” She looks at me, and I showed her how to take deep breaths in and out. “How about we start over and greet everyone properly,” She shakes her head, saying no. She tugs at my arm bringing me down to her. I take her in my arms, breathing out a heavy sigh.
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