Chapter 6: Joycelyn

740 Words
Maddock walks in, and you can smell the alcohol on him from where we are standing. I quickly got up and pulled Annika behind me. He walks over, almost tripping over his own feet. He pulls me by the hair. He kicked me in the knee, making me kneel in front of him. "Let go of me!" One of my hands holds the hand in my hair as my other hand punches him in the crouch. He bent over, holding his balls, but his grip didn't waiver. Seriously! He pushes me down as he straddles me, his hand wrapping around my neck. "Turn away, Annika!" Frost roars. "I'm going to f**k you up, Maddock. I swear to god, I will f**k you up! Hijo de puta!" I hear a crashing sound. Frost continues to tell Annika to look at him as she cries for me. I fought against him, kicking my feet, swinging my hands. I landed a few good hits and scratches, but he didn't move. Fit bastard. He punches me and turns me around before he pulls down my pants. I scream, trying to turn myself back around. He lifts my upper body before slamming it into the ground. My breast and head connect with a thud. I felt blood pooling in my mouth. I swung my elbow back as hard as I could. It was hard enough for him to get off me. I scramble from under him, running to where he had put his bottle down. As I turn around, he is right behind me, and I hit him with it. He drops to the floor with a thud. I held a piece of the bottle in my hand, breathing hard. I dropped it, pulled my pants up, and picked Annika up in my hands. I saw that the door was open. "Okay, Okay," I breathed out. I put Annika in the corner way from the floor. "What are you doing?" I ignore Frost. I patted Maddock's body. He had a gun, with a roll of money and keys. "I'll find you," Frost declares. There was shouting coming from the monitor and the current party. My heart thumps painfully against my ribs. I take Annika's hand and tell her to be very quiet. I peek my head out the door. I hear music coming from my right and barrels on my left. It looks like a barn. "Okay, okay," I wench as I pick Annika up and hold her tightly. As I make a run for it, heading to my left. I stay close to the wall just in case I have to hide or something. I make it to a door. I stop, looking around both outside and inside. Once I think it is clear, I click the button on the key. The sound of the alarm goes off, and I see it's a f*****g mustang. "Seriously!" Okay. Okay. I can do this. It's been what? Four years since I've driven a fast car or a standard. I ran to the car, strapping Annika in the seat. This is dangerous. This is dangerous. I keep telling myself, but we have to get out of here. "Find that f*****g b***h!" I hear Maddock roar. I fumble to get the key in the ignite when I hear someone slam down on the hood of the car. Annika screams. I stare at Maddock like a deer in headlights. "Mommy!" Annika's voice snaps me out of my daze, and I quickly lock the doors. I start the car but scream when he hits the glass with the back of his gun. Clutch. Reverse. Gas. Clutch. I chant to myself as I throw the car in reverse, using my mirrors to drive out on the dirt road. Maddock and his gang start shooting at us. I turn the car around quickly, creating a dirt blanket, before throwing the car in drive and speeding out of the area. Annika is screaming, telling me to slow down, and I try my best to calm her down. We were in the L.A desert. I needed to find somewhere for us to hide. At the first motel, I stop and ditch the car. The good thing about places out here, when you walk in the way I look, no one asks questions. Dropped this second chapter because I missed last week's drop. Comment and vote. Let me know what you think. Happy readings. XOXO! 
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