Chapter 7: Joycelyn

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After getting a shirt from the lost and found box of the motel, I headed to the bus stop getting on the first bus with Annika in my hand. We made a quick stop at McDonald's for Annika and me before we left to take a bus to Arizona. Then New Mexico, finally Oklahoma. I was so tired and in pain. It's been four days of continuous switching of cars and buses. I plan to get us to New York, where Rosetta lives. I know she will take Annika until I am sure no one is after us. I had bought a few new clothes and hygiene products for Annika with the money I had stolen from Maddock. For me, I went commando wanting to save money for my baby girl. I did buy a toothbrush for myself. The bruises on my face and around my ribs slowly faded away. I was left feeling sore. I had ordered breakfast for Annika and put the TV on, and locked the door. "Mommy is going to try and get some sleep. Do not open the door," I told her sternly. She sat on the edge of the bed with her breakfast and her Bubble guppies playing on the television. I lay on the bed, shutting my eyes. We're okay. We're okay. I felt myself drifting off to sleep, and it was blissful. But that blissful sleep did not last. Annika let out a deafening scream. I jolted from my sleep, grabbing her, swiftly putting her behind me. My heart is pounding; at that moment, I forgot how to breathe. "You're a hard woman to track," Frost says, walking into the room. "Frost," was the only thing I can say. "Let's go," his words leaving no more for debates. He sees that I am not moving and walks over to me. He crouches to Annika, and she shies away. Suddenly she gets a burst of confidence stepping forward, making me pull her back to my side. "You're a meany!" she shouts at him. "Feisty," He looks up at me. "Let's go," he says, more authoritative, standing at his full out. He rests his hand on my shoulder, and I scoop Annika into my hands. We walked out of the motel and into an SUV that was waiting for us. I had Annika tightly in my arms as we sat in the back of the car with Frost right next to us. The driver drove out of the motel parking lot and onto the road heading back in the direction we were running from. Throughout the drive, I would scooch further away from him, holding Annika close to me. "You don't have to be scared of me," Frost says with a scoff, and I scoffed in return. "Says the man that told my kidnapper to sell me and called me a w***e," I looked out the window watching the cars pass by. "Where are we going?" Annika asks. I looked down at her to see that she's staring at Frost. He isn't paying attention to her due to him typing furiously away on his phone. Annika being the unexpected little girl that she is, did the unthinkable. She stands in the car chair and pinches his cheek. It made me froze in my spot. He slowly turns his head to her. His cheek fat still between her tiny fingers. "Where are we going?" Annika asks again. It all happened so fast before I can even blink. She's in his hand, and he's tickling her. Her screams of laughter bring me out of my daze. "Mommy!" She gasps out for air. "Apologize," his deep voice demanded. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry," She laughs out. He stops setting her back on the car seat. She is still laughing as she throws herself on my lap dramatically. I stifle a laugh. "You look tired," I look at Frost only to be sucked into the depths of his eyes. With a slow nod of my head, I'm the first to break eye contact. I'm tired and slightly paranoid. "You can go to sleep. It's a few hours before we reach our destination," "I'm fine," I tell him, pulling Annika towards me. I look in the corner of my eyes to see Frost looking at me intently. My eyes moved to his fist, that we were clenched tightly. Looking away, I cleared my throat. I don't know this man, but he found us. Yet, I found myself in the same car as him. Who is this man? My heart began to pound in my chest, and I clung on to Annika. "Mommy, you're squeezing me," her tiny voice says, and I look down with panic. "Sorry," "What's wrong, mommy?" I give her a bright smile. "Nothing, baby. I'm just tired," I rack a hand through my hair, trying to calm myself down. "Stop off at the next hotel," Frost's voice booms in the car, and I snap my head in his direction. Soon we came to one of Oklahoma's high-rate hotels. He opens his door, getting out, gesturing for us to follow him. I walk behind him with Annika next to me. I didn't listen to what he told the receptionist, but we were going to the top floor in the elevator not long after. We entered a cozy penthouse, and Annika dashed off running. "Don't run, Annika," I said tiredly. I looked out the view and inhaled deeply. It was breathtaking and calming. "We'll be staying here tonight. Get some rest," he pointed to something in the back of me. I look back to see a door, and I nod my head. "Do you need anything," "No, we're fine," just as I let those words fall from my lips. Annika shouts. "I'm hungry. I miss mommy's cooking," Happy New Year, Everyone. Let's not jinks 2021. 
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