
1584 Words
Tension built inside Isabella as her heart pounded over her chest. Her mind was racing with thoughts of Cynthia, and she could barely sit still. The world around her went blurry with her misty eyes. She noticed Nicholas kept calling her name from the driver's seat, but her mind was too preoccupied and worried. Once they pulled into the parking lot, Isabella jumped out of the car and went to the hospital entrance. The automatic doors slid open, and the sterile smell of disinfectant hit her in the face. She made her way to the reception desk, her eyes darting around the room, searching for any sign of Cynthia. The waiting room was packed with people, all of them looking anxious and worried. Isabella took a deep breath and approached the receptionist. "Excuse me. She's looking for her best friend, Cynthia. Cynthia was in a car accident. Can you tell her where she is?" The receptionist looked up from her computer and studied Isabella for a moment. "What's your friend's name?" "Cynthia. Cynthia Mandy." She tapped a few keys on her computer and looked back at Isabella. "She's in the emergency room. Take the elevator to the second floor and turn left. You'll see the sign for the ER." Isabella nodded, her heart in her throat. She made her way to the elevator with her stomach twisting with fear. The doors opened, and she stepped inside, her hand shaking as she pushed the button for the second floor. As the elevator climbed, Isabella tried to calm herself down. She took deep breaths and closed her eyes, trying to push the thoughts of what might have happened to Cynthia out of her mind. The doors opened, and she stepped into a long, sterile hallway. She followed the signs to the emergency room, her heart pounding. Turning the corner, her eyes landed on Cynthia lying in a hospital bed, hooked up to machines. Tears welled in Isabella's eyes as she rushed to Cynthia's side, taking her hand in hers. "Cynthia," she whispered, her voice cracking. "Cynthia, can you hear me?" Cynthia stirred, and her eyes fluttered open. "Isabella," she said, her voice weak. "I'm so glad you're here." Isabella squeezed her hand, relief washing over her. "I'm here, and it's okay. Don't force yourself to stay awake. Take the rest," she reassured, her voice breaking. Cynthia gently nodded her head and closed her eyes. Isabella's heart ached after seeing the bruises on Cynthia's arms and the bandages on her head. She couldn't bear to watch Cynthia's pitiful condition. It was too much for her. Cynthia didn't deserve this. But Isabella had to pull herself together and be with her. Cynthia needed her. Cynthia was going to be okay. They would get through this together. "Mon Amor," The soft tapping on her shoulders had Isabella cringe. Slowly, her eyes fluttered open. Her hands still held Cynthia's hand tightly. She looked above her and saw Nicholas staring dully with a faint smile on his lips. "You slept for three hours already. You need to eat, okay?" he muttered softly, not daring to tear his emerald eyes from hers. Three hours? She didn't even realize that she had slept. "S-sorry, I didn't notice it." Her voice came out dry. Swallowing hard, Isabella turned to see Cynthia next to her before letting out a deeper sigh. Cynthia's chest rose and fell with the help of the ventilator. Tubes and wires surrounded her, and her skin was pale. "Everything's going to be okay, Mon Amor." Nicholas pulled her back, fixing the loose strands of her hair. "Her boyfriend will watch her while we take our lunch," Right. Craig, she needed to talk to him about what happened. "Where was he?" she asked. "The doctor came to check on your friend earlier, and his presence was requested. He'll be here any minute," Nicholas answered. His eyes were mixed with emotions before he planted kisses on her head. He was caressing her back, comforting her. Momentarily, Isabella felt safe. As if everything would be okay if he held her this close, embracing her tightly like he was afraid of letting her go. But she knew this wouldn't last longer. His people needed him back in Florence. He had another responsibility than comforting her. Whether she liked it or not, she had to let him go. She couldn't leave her best friend as he couldn't abandon his people needing him. Suddenly, the door opened, and she turned to see Craig looking troubled and worried. His reddish eyes looked at Cynthia with a pained expression. She shouldn't let her emotions mess up this moment, but she couldn't help but feel suspicious of him. She knew Cynthia was easily upset, and she couldn't shake the feeling that he was somehow responsible. "Thanks for coming, Belle..." Craig's gaze traveled to Nicholas and her. He nodded at him slightly. However, Isabella looked at him with narrowed eyes, feeling a sense of mistrust. "I thought everything would be okay between you and my best friend when you desperately kneeled over her last time." She confronted. She could see the hurt in his eyes when he looked back at her. But his expression said he understood what she felt. And guilt started eating her alive for being so close-minded. "I know you wouldn't forgive me as I couldn't forgive myself." He answered, his eyes on the floor. "I'll tell you everything later. You have to eat-" "Do you think I still have the appetite to do so?" she shot back. He made it obvious that it was his fault that Cynthia was lying on the hospital bed now. Craig's face fell, and he stepped back, looking defeated. He seemed strengthless, looking at Cynthia, making her question her earlier suspicion. He looked back at her with a pang of deep sadness. He was just as devastated as she was. "Hey, hey. That's enough. This isn't perfect timing for this." It was Nicholas who pulled her into his arms, cupping her face. "You're depressed, and so is he. Come now. I'll get you something to fill your stomach." Minutes later, Isabella sat in the cafeteria, staring blankly at the untouched plate of food. The smell of fried chicken and mashed potatoes that would normally make her mouth water was now causing her stomach to churn. The thought of Cynthia lying there, alone and scared, made her heart ache. She couldn't bring herself to eat when Cynthia couldn't. "Isabella," Nicholas said softly, breaking her out of her thoughts. "You need to eat something." She looked up at him, grateful for his concern, but putting anything in her mouth made her feel sick. "I'm not really hungry," she whispered, tears threatening to spill down her cheeks. He reached across the table and took her hand in his. "I know it's hard, but you must take care of yourself too. You can't help Cynthia if you're not well." She knew he was right, but it was easier said than done. Her appetite vanished, and eating anything made her even more anxious. She took a deep breath and tried to steady her breathing. Nicholas, seeing her distress, stood up and went to the cafeteria line. He returned with a small cup of chicken noodle soup and a slice of bread. "Just a little something," he said, setting it down in front of her. The warm broth and soft bread were comforting, and she ate a few spoonfuls before feeling full. She looked up at Nicholas, thankful for his unwavering support. "Thank you," she whispered. He squeezed her hand and smiled. "Anytime, Mon Amor." Watching him smile at her left a pang of pain inside her heart. Was it because she would miss it or the thought of not seeing him again? She badly wanted him to stay with her as she remained with Cynthia. He was the comfort she had always wanted. But could she be so selfish? She gathered all her remaining strength and forged her lips to return a smile. "W-When are you going to leave?" she asked with a voice barely above a whisper. Her eyes darted at the leftover food on the table as she waited for his response. She didn't want him to see how disappointed and desperate she was to keep him. That wouldn't be her. "Leave what, Mon Amor?" Nicholas skeptically asked back. She looked up at him and saw the same sweet smile on his lips. Yet, she knew he didn't want to mess up the situation like how it was. She may not fully understand how serious and complicated his responsibilities to Florence were. But being a duke isn't easy. "As much as I wanted you here, I know your people needed you too." Those words came out so hard, difficult to swallow. "You must go back even if you didn't want to. Am I wrong?" His brows furrowed while letting out a sigh. She knew he didn't want to leave. Knowing he wanted to be with her somehow relieved some things in her head. However, time was against them. "They can wait," Nicholas followed back soon. "I need to settle things first and ensure everything will be okay." A faint smile slowly formed on her lips as she studied every corner of his face. He did the same thing with his eyes, carefully observing her expression before he held her hands tightly. "I'll come back to get you," he promised, which she hopefully held on to.
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