
A Night with The Billionaire

one-night stand

My lips formed a smile as he lay on top of me. "Happy third anniversary, baby," I murmured.

"Anniversary, what?" he asked, reaching out for the lamp.

When the light went out, my heart stopped when I saw a green-eyed, naked stranger hovering above me, staring at me in surprise. I froze. Who the f**k is he? Who is this f**king freaking stranger?

When 23-year-old Bella decided to give her virginity to her longtime boyfriend, Nicholas, she could never have predicted the twist of fate that awaited her. Mistakenly entering the wrong hotel room, she finds herself in the arms of a stranger, none other than the wealthy and powerful Duke of Florence. And the lines between right and wrong become blurred.

As she falls deeper into his seductive embrace, she realizes the dangerous implications of their relationship. She must choose between her heart and giving in to the Duke's forbidden desires.

But with danger and passion around every corner, will she find her way out of this tangled web of desire and deceit, or will she succumb to the seductive allure of the Duke's charms?

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After parking her car in the hotel's lot, she removed the ties from her hair and stepped out, despite her blurry vision. With determination, she made her way to the reception counter to inquire about her boyfriend's spare room key. That evening marked their third anniversary together. They had been dating for three years, and she had been withholding something that she believed would please him. Dressed in a sleeveless sequin dress that ended above her knees, she felt a mix of nerves and excitement as she headed toward her boyfriend. She attached great significance to the moment she was about to share with him, despite knowing that many people did not view virginity in the same way. It had taken her a long time to reach this decision for her boyfriend, Nicholas Denver. As she entered the hotel, a blonde receptionist noticed her presence. The hotel, known as Hotel De Lux, was renowned for its top-notch security, customer service, and delectable food. It was a popular destination, not only for the food but also for the exceptional wines they offered. She had indulged in two vodka martinis on her way to the hotel. "Good evening, ma'am. Welcome to Hotel De Lux. Do you have a reservation for tonight?" the receptionist greeted her with a warm smile. "Hi, I'm a regular customer here. My boyfriend's room number is 090 under Nicholas Denver," she replied, her lips curving into a polite smile. It felt rude not to reciprocate the receptionist's broad grin. "Mr. Nicholas arrived ten minutes ago, ma'am. He is in room 010. Would you like me to confirm—" "No, please don't bother. Could you lend me a spare key?" she interrupted, not wanting to spoil the surprise. The receptionist turned to retrieve the spare key and returned, still wearing her friendly smile. "Here it is, ma'am. Enjoy your stay," she said, handing over the key. And enjoy her stay she would. She thanked the receptionist, then made her way to the elevator, clutching the spare key tightly in her hand. Excitement coursed through her body, aided by the effects of the vodka. She had learned some techniques, eager to please Nicholas. Cynthia had convinced her to explore these possibilities. When the elevator doors opened, she found herself in a plush carpeted hallway. The well-lit corridor showcased modern artwork on the walls, and vases filled with fresh flowers were positioned at regular intervals. The only sound interrupting the silence was the click of her heels on the floor. She located her boyfriend's room number and approached it, sliding the key into the lock. With a click, the door swung open, and a mixture of anticipation and desire washed over her as she stepped inside. The room was dimly lit, with only a faint glow from the streetlights outside filtering through the glass wall. Her eyes adjusted to the subdued light, and she spotted Nicholas' sleeping figure. A rush of affection engulfed her as she smiled. She couldn't help herself. Crossing over to the bed, she sat on the edge and brushed a strand of his hair. She wondered why he slept in such a particular position. "Baby," she whispered into his ear, her voice just above a whisper. Had he changed his cologne? It smelled even better than before. Nicholas stirred, turning to face her and wrapping his strong arms around her. His scent intoxicated her. "Hmmm?" he murmured, his eyes likely fluttering open, although the dim lighting made it difficult to see. His hands caressed her back. "I want you," she answered, her voice laced with desire. "I want you in this bed right now." He pulled her closer to his chest, and she could feel his heart pounding alongside hers. "You smell amazing, sweetheart. What changed your mind?" he inquired. She closed her eyes, running her hands over his chest, tracing each defined muscle. "I want you so badly right now," she whispered, her voice husky and filled with longing. Before he could react, she trailed her lips along his jawline, feeling his breath deepen. Nicholas tightened his grip around her waist as she leaned in to kiss him. He responded eagerly, his hands exploring her body. As their tongues danced, his lips trailed down to her neck, igniting a fire within her. Sliding her legs between his thighs, she could feel his growing arousal, leaving her wet with anticipation. His hardness excited her, and she parted her lips, yearning for him to claim them. However, he was preoccupied with tracing her cleavage and tearing off her dress. "f**k," he uttered, and she let out a soft moan, arching her body towards him in need. Her nails dug into his back as he massaged her breasts and nibbled on her n*****s. She was now completely naked as Nicholas discarded his shirt and boxers. With bated breath, she watched his silhouette, captivated by his presence. He kissed her again, the passion rough but undeniable. His erection pressed against her thighs, and she craved for him to take her. "Hmmph!" she bit her lip. It hurt, but the pain only heightened her desire. "Are you—" "Just keep going," she cut him off. He hesitated momentarily, but the anticipation intensified her longing. She wrapped her legs around his waist, rocking against him and meeting his every thrust with a whimper. Unable to contain herself any longer, she teetered on the edge of surrender. He withdrew from her momentarily and delivered a firm slap on her backside. "c*m for me..." she managed to utter between panting breaths. "Please," she begged him. Nicholas's lips trailed down her neck, leaving a trail of fire. She moaned as he nibbled her earlobe. Her body arched toward him as he ground against her, gripping the bed tightly. With every thrust, she felt him deeper within her. They moved in perfect harmony, their bodies entwined. Her hands roamed his well-toned muscles, pulling him closer as she surrendered to the moment. The sensation of him filling her became almost overwhelming. He continued to thrust, harder and deeper, while her screams of pleasure punctuated the room. His moans mingled with her own as they propelled each other towards climax. As wave after wave of pleasure washed over them, her body trembled. She held onto Nicholas tightly, her legs wrapped around him. She called out his name as she sank her teeth into his shoulder, releasing a moan. A primal sound escaped his throat as he pulled her in for a kiss. They both cursed as she continued to moan, repeatedly calling his name while he thrust deeper and faster. The ultimate pleasure overwhelmed her, and Nicholas growled as they reached their climax. With a smile on her lips, she lay beneath him. "Happy third anniversary, baby," she murmured. "Anniversary what?" he asked, reaching out for the lamp. When the light returned, she froze, her eyes widening in shock as she gazed at a naked stranger with green eyes hovering above her. Who the f**k is he? Who is this f**king freaking stranger?

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