
1470 Words
Isabella's eyes were tiredly closed as she let the music take over her body. Temporarily lost in the rhythm, she moved her feet effortlessly across the dance floor, pouring her soul into the music. The crowd at the bar was a blur around her, their cheers and shouts fading into background noise as she focused on the beat pounding through her veins. She let her arms fly freely, her body twisting and turning to the music. The strobe lights flashed and illuminated her every movement as she swayed her hips. Tonight, she was in her world. A world where nothing else mattered except the beat of the music and the feeling of letting go. Yeah, because tonight she would forget about everything. "And let's have another bottle!" Isabella grinned, seeing Cynthia's reddish face carrying a bottle of Moscato. Cynthia clung to Isabella's arms as they walked out of the crowd on their wobbly legs. Isabella could see Jassem's silhouette in the lounge, purely drunk as they were. But she cared less if she could barely walk alive. Her heart, at least temporarily, forgot how miserable her life was. "One glass for you, and one for me..." Isabella held hers tightly, slaking it down her dried throat. Before she knew it, her legs weakened, and her body dropped onto the couch. Cynthia followed her and rested her head on Isabella's shoulders, giggling. "You know what? I love being drunk," Cynthia cheered, spreading her lips across her face. "It doesn't fail you to forget everything, even if it is a temporary escape." Isabella cracked a laugh, facing Cynthia with foggy eyes, "You sound more miserable than I do, Cyn. Hik-Hik." But Cynthia was right. The numbness took all the unwanted pain out of Isabella, freeing her from the heavy feeling in her chest. Yet, it couldn't wipe off Nicholas' images in her head. It even got worse; everything about him was painted in her mind. And she was trying to take him off, slowly accepting that there could not be a thing between them. Losing her ex-boyfriend was easier than she thought. It was losing the duke that she couldn't shake off. Had she gone too far? Too bad? Insane? "Craig went mad when he found out I didn't take my pills intentionally," Cynthia murmured. Isabella's eyes immediately checked her, holding her shoulders as they started shaking. "Is this why you wanted me to join you here tonight?" she asked, trying to fix her gaze steadily on Cynthia's. Cynthia only nodded her head and began weeping. Isabella didn't know what to say. Her hands found their way to pull Cynthia into a hug, caressing her back as she blinked her eyes countlessly. Suddenly her mind went paranoid, and she could see Nicholas everywhere in the corners of the bar. "I'm starting to think he never loved me since he didn't want us to have a baby," Cynthia muttered between her breaths, and it pained Isabella to see her like this. Why were people with good intentions often the ones to get hurt? Isabella had known Cynthia more than she had known herself. And if there was one thing that could make her happy, it was having a child. But Craig denied the only thing she had been dreaming about since they were fifteen. "Did he somehow tell you the reason why?" Isabella asked after a brief moment. Cynthia just shook her head and wiped her tears. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told you about it. You've been struggling already," Isabella shook her head. She took a closer view of Cynthia's flushed face, raising her lips to a smile. "I'm here like I always have been. So, don't feel sorry about it." One thing Isabella learned tonight was that men were all the same. They came into your life and made you believe something that would hurt you in the end. Meeting Nicholas Denver made her feel that happy endings existed. He made her think that falling in love was easier. But meeting Nicholas Carter made her realize that falling in love was never easy. "I never wanted anything else but a child with him," Cynthia ranted, dropping her back against the couch. Her small sobs followed again, causing Isabella's face to warm up. It seemed like her eyes would pour a bucket of tears anytime. Isabella neither. She never wanted anything but to be loved, fully embraced, and treasured. But those things were never easy to find. The more she thought and longed for it, the clearer she realized love was hard. And promises were meant to be broken, and trust is meant to be betrayed. She could never trust any man again. "No, go away! I don't want to see you!" Cynthia's yelling pulled Isabella back. Realizing Craig was in front of them, her blood boiled. Yet she couldn't move her fist and punch him for hurting her best friend. Every part of her felt very numb, though she had been biting her lips to gain her senses. "Baby,'re drunk, let's go home—" "Home? You called it a home when you can't even give me the thing I wanted the most..." Cynthia trailed off, her voice filled with pain. Her chest heaved up and down. "I've waited years and years, Craig...and you even get mad at me for not—" "You knew I never meant what I said," Craig brushed his face, calming himself. "I was overwhelmed and scared, baby," That made Isabella laugh bitterly. She didn't know why her tears suddenly pooled down her cheeks—perhaps hearing Craig's dumb reasons or hearing his voice's sincerity as it reminded her how unlucky she was not to have a man like him, pleading and kneeling in front of her. "Scared for what, Craig? Was it fear or out of love?" There goes her best friend breaking down. As much as Isabella wanted to join her, her body wouldn't cooperate. Dizziness and sleepiness mixed up, washing over her. "No, I love you so much that I feared I might lose you if you get pregnant..." Craig's voice cracked, and his shoulders shook as his head looked down. "The real reason why my mother died was giving birth to me," "W-What...she never died in a car accident?" Her best friend's voice started cracking. She seemed sober now. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to ask about it. "N-no...she died giving birth to me, baby. And it scared me since then; I'm scared that the same thing will happen to you—" "It's okay...we'll talk about it. Will you stand up, please?" Cynthia caressed his face, kissing him as Isabella watched them like she was in a marathon drama. Craig then pulled her into a hug, tightly like he was terrified of losing her. And Isabella was there, watching them with a tiny smile as she could only wonder how Cynthia felt. It was something she lacked—to have someone afraid of losing her. After watching Cynthia and Craig's love story, they left. Well, they insisted on offering Isabella a ride–but she refused. Their night was over, but not yet hers. Her gaze wandered to Jassem, coming in her direction with two glasses of drink. She didn't even notice him leaving the lounge. He missed Craig's confession. "I know you wouldn't say no to this, so cheers!" He offered her the other glass, which she took willingly. She poured it into her throat and giggled, grabbing his arms into the crowd. "This night won't be over until I pass out," she yelled, enjoying the beat of the music. "Let's dance till we get sober." Jassem nodded, letting her pull him as they blended into the crowd. He lowered his head and went closer to her face, "My girlfriend will come over here soon; I want you to meet her." he shouted, to which Isabella responded with a broad smile. "I think I'm going to like her," after shouting back at him, she moved her hips, grinning her lips as she swayed softly. He did the same thing, smiling wider as he jumped and raised his hands. They both had their world, pouring their souls as they danced freely. Isabella should let herself enjoy tonight and savor this moment. This would be the night she was going to remember the most. Because it would be the night Nicholas Carter would be forgotten. But those moments were short-lived when a pair of strong arms held her arms, isolating her from the crowd. She struggled to free herself, her eyes trying to see who it was. And when a familiar mix of scents lurked in her nostrils, she staggered—following her heartbeat hammering over her chest. Her face turned pallid after seeing a closer view of his face. "N-Nicholas..."
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