
1008 Words
It was another day at the office, and Bella found herself back at her desk, staring at the endless rows of numbers on her computer screen. As a financial accountant, it was her job to make sense of these numbers, to see if everything added up, and to report any discrepancies to her superiors. The task was tedious, but Bella was good at it. She had always been skilled with numbers and enjoyed the satisfaction of solving complex problems. However, today was different because she had made a mistake. The overwhelming amount of numbers, variables, and things to keep track of was starting to make her feel overwhelmed, almost as if she lacked the motivation to work. Her thoughts kept drifting back to Nicholas, the duke. It had been a week since their encounter, but every touch, every caress, lingered in her mind. She scolded herself, reminding herself that she needed to focus on fixing the numbers and pushing these thoughts aside. "Hey, are you alright?" Bella heard her co-worker's voice, bringing her back to reality. Glancing to her left, she saw him raising an eyebrow, his lips thinning into a line. He had brown curly hair that gave him a handsome look, with pale blue eyes that revealed his intelligence. But he was already taken, and Bella didn't care. Shaking off her distractions, Bella cursed herself for being weak. "Yeah, I'm just trying to make sense of these numbers," she replied, forcing her attention back to the computer screen. Another part of her mind berated her for not seeing the duke for over a week. She had no idea where he went or where he was now—maybe already with someone else. One morning, she woke up to an empty space beside her, no trace of him or any clue about his whereabouts. But it didn't bother her. Their relationship was purely physical, and she admitted he was skilled in that regard. But that wasn't the issue. After three days of convincing herself that she didn't miss him, she messed up. Her body betrayed her, as did her mind. Yet, who was she kidding? He was the duke of Florence, for heaven's sake! She shouldn't have allowed herself to desire something impossible. "Earth to you, Morty," Bella cringed when Jassem's face appeared inches from hers. He formed a smile, observing her troubled expression. "You've never looked so bothered before, Bella. Is something wrong?" he asked, pulling his swivel chair closer. Bella cleared her dry throat. "It's not that serious; I'm fine," she lied. "Not that serious, yet it makes you space out?" Jassem raised an eyebrow as he grabbed a folder from his desk. "This might help clear your mind, but I doubt it's just about the numbers," he remarked, giving her a suspicious look before returning to his desk. Letting out a deep sigh, Bella bit her bottom lip. This needed to stop. The duke had been haunting her mind, tormenting her for a week when he didn't even care. She cursed him. "It's lunchtime, Bella. Try eating something to clear your head," Jassem said, breaking her train of thought. Bella glanced at him, noticing his disheveled necktie before standing up. She hadn't even heard the bell ring. "Know what? Join me for lunch. You seem like you didn't have a plan," she said, organizing her things. "Since when did you become so nosy, Jas?" Bella asked, as they made their way towards the exit. He silently observed her as she fixed her chestnut hair, moistened her lips, and winked at him. "Shall we?" "I wonder what happened last week that's got you like this," he mumbled as they both walked towards the entrance. "How are things between you and your girlfriend?" Bella changed the topic, wanting to avoid discussing the events of the previous week. It was bewildering how she felt more damaged by the absence of the duke than by her ex-boyfriend. She had never felt so miserable before, and it frustrated her. "Good, and how were things between you and your Nicholas?" Jassem's words made her pause, and so did he. Her eyes nearly rolled, thinking about the two Nicholas—the same jerks. "Let's not talk about it; I'm hungry," Bella replied, scanning the cafeteria for an available table. "Same meal?" Jassem followed her. "Yeah," she answered after spotting the perfect spot. Pulling out a chair, she sat patiently, waiting for him to join her. He went to the counter to place their orders, occasionally glancing in her direction. The scent of sizzling burgers and greasy fries filled the air, causing her stomach to growl. She glanced at the TV mounted on the wall, barely registering the images flashing across the screen. Suddenly, a headline caught her attention: "Duke of Florence Engaged to British Model." Her heart stopped as the words sank in. Nicholas Carter was about to marry someone as stunning and successful as a British model. Everything around her faded into insignificance. She could only focus on the headline as the news echoed in her mind. He was getting married... "Bella?" Jassem's voice brought her gaze back to him as he arrived with the tray. "Hey, are you okay?" Weariness filled his eyes as he shook her shoulders, snapping her out of her daze. For some reason, her head was spinning. A part of her felt disappointed, hurt, and betrayed. But who was she to blame? It's not like he wanted her in the first place. "Y-Yeah... sorry," Bella forced a smile, concealing the pain and confusion in her eyes. Yet, the pain pierced her chest like a blade, reminding her of the harsh truth. "No, you're not. Stop lying; you're not okay with it." "Everything is fine; let's eat," she muttered, attempting to push the news about the duke and his new fiancée out of her mind. "Come on, Belle. Please, don't do this in front of me; eat something." She staggered, swallowing hard as she focused her eyes on her plate. Why did it hurt so much?
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