Chapter 9

1016 Words
Farah "What the hell are you doing here" he roar one look at him and you'll know he's very angry ready to explode. "I...I...was" I stuttered finding the right word to way. The words choked on my throat when he took slow step towards me grabbing my wrist. "You're hurting me please...ja...” I tried to free my hands from his hold but it seems my words were in vain, he lead us to the bedroom pushing me, my hands landing on the hard wall, I wince in pain due to the tight hold on my wrist. "How dare you enter that room" he seethe. "I...was just exploring" I managed to say without looking at him. "You don't have the right to go around my house exploring, stay on your limit, you're nothing but an obstacle in my life" my head snapped to his direction hearing his bitter words. i felt something tug in my heart. He took predator step toward me, pinning me against the wall his face few inches from mine, pure hatred on his face. "I'm sorry jawad" I stammered feeling his warm breath fanning my face and his dark eyes boring into mine. He once again pinned me to the wall, looking straight into my eyes warm tears ran down my cheeks. "It's too late to say sorry my dearest wife" he spitted. At that moment I know am in deep trouble. His eyes look murderous ready to kill; if not of the knock we heard on the door, I would've been dead. He released his hold from my arm. He opened the door aunt Fatima stood with a tray of food. Thank you Allah for bringing Aunt Fatima I heard jawad muttering thank you to Aunt Fatima with a smile on his face as if nothing happened. He kept the tray on the table next to the couch, before leaving he glared at me indicating that we're not done yet. slamming the door shut making me flinch back. Ya Allah what just happened.  I Slouched down on the cold tile, feeling weak in this knees. is this how he is, I fear the look on his eyes which shows pure hatred towards me. What's my own fault in this, I just agreed to the marriage to keep both families happy, but I guess while making some happy I didn't think about my happiness.  My stomach makes a growl sound; I let out a hiss, pushing the food in front of me, I  didn't waste any more time I dig in immediately.   *** I spent the rest of the day alone mainly curled in the couch bored without having anything to do. Jawad is not yet back from Allah knows where, I checked the time 9:30pm. I'm still worried after all the hurtful words he said to me. I was about to descend up when I heard the door being opened revealing jawad looking handsome in a black fitted suit. Oh Farah what's wrong with you after what he said to you, you still find him handsome. I stood there like a statue looking at him when his eyes met mine I immediately tore it away because I’m scared, but I didn't know when the word slipped my mouth. "Assalamu Alaikum" He just walked past me as if I didn't exist, I felt hurt and embarrassed. Just let him be Farah he said you're an obstacle in his life, my mind tells me. When I entered the room, he had already changed out his clothes. I walked quietly to the closet, took out my Nighties. I did my usual night routine which consist of taking a shower and praying two raka'at. By the time I'm done, I felt a presence, like someone is watching me. Turning my face, I was met with a cold dark eyes staring right into mine. I quickly avert my eyes, whenever I looked into his eyes I feel frightened, especially the hatred in them. “You know we're not done talking right.” he started, folding his arms across his chest. “What's there to talk about again.” I find myself saying. “i mean it when I said you should stay within your limits.” he seethe, angry dripping in his voice. . “Why did you agree to get married to me, if this is how you're going to treat me” i didn't know how I mutter up the courage to say it, I've been thinking about it all day. he shouldn't have agreed to marry me in the first place. he eyes widen for a while before it changes to anger again. He took step towards me in a fast pace. I moved back a little fearing what is about to come to me. “You're really asking me why I agreed to this marriage right?" “Right?” he asked again when he got silence In return. “Let me make it clear to you, I wasn't going to agreed, heck I don't even plan on getting married but I was being threatened by my family that I don't agree, I'll have to see the company I've been dreaming of being taken by someone else, which is not something I'm wishing to happen. So I have no choice than to agreed, knowing that I will have to spend the rest of my life tolerating this so-called marriage” I couldn't believe my ears by the new information. he was being threatened, so I was left in the dark. Do my family know about it? “So don't even get your hopes high, everything I will do in the future will be of my benefits” he spitted. “And I'm reminding you again, don't let anyone know about how we're living, If not you know what will happen you're the one to suffer ” and he left the room. I managed to move my body to  the couch which had became my bed now.  Jawad words kept ringing in my head. he agreed to get married to me just to get Uncle's company. I shouldn't have agreed if I knew.  I was so engulf with my thoughts not knowing when I fell into deep slumber.                          
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