Chapter 10

1273 Words
Farah It's been a week since our marriage but nothing changed between us. First he leaves without eating breakfast and come back late, eat his dinner change his clothes and sleep, I wonder if he even pray. He doesn't even care about me, how I'm doing. *what do you expect my inner mind reminds me*. But his behavior doesn't stop me from living my peaceful life, as he had already gave me a piece of his mind. Since today is Sunday, I decided to make pancakes for breakfast as Aunt Fatima is not around. I know jawad won't eat but I still prepared plenty just in case. I slumped down on the couch eating my pancake topped with strawberry syrup, my eyes dart  toward the stairs hoping jawad will come down but no sign of him. I cleared my plate putting  the remaining pancakes inside the refrigerator for later. I went upstairs and took the new novel I'm reading, which of course belong to me not from jawad library. Reading  makes me forget all my worries, I'm halfway through the book when the door burst open. I knew exactly who it was. Our eyes met, his cold eyes. "Get ready by 7:00pm we are going out" he said and left. Is that it? Just one sentence a lone tear fell from my eyes which I didn't know when they fell. He thinks he can talk to me whenever he feels like. Ya Allah what have I gotten myself into. ** Since i don't know exactly where were going i wore my favourite colour maroon Abaya with brown hijab. As usual I applied a little lipstick to keep my lips from drying taking my porch and head downstairs spotting  jawad sitting  majestically  dressed in a kaftan his eyes focused on his phone masha Allah  I muttered wait he's also wearing maroon oh Allah help me I silently prayed.  I heard the clearing of throat which brought me back from my thinking. "Shall we" I heard him utter. I nodded, his eyes linger on mine for some seconds before his turned his head and left leaving the door open for me. As We were on our way to Allah knows where, no words were spoken between us. total silence was maintained. "We are going to a party and I'm going to meet important people, so I want you to behave well, as this gathering is very important to me" he finally said breaking the silence. Before I could process whatever he was saying, our car came to a halt in front of a large building, I was about to open the car door when jawad beat me to it *when did he stepped out of the car*. He extends his hand and my brows furrow in confusion, my eyes came in contact with a lot of people clearly reporter, lights flashing everywhere.  He glare at me daring me to refuse. I nervously place my hand on his, feeling some shivers ran down my spine. The reporters came striding toward us. nervousness crept inside me. "Mr Jawad how does it feel taking over your father's company". The man asked bringing his microphone towards Jawad "Who is she?" another woman "Is she a business partner?" another said. All this question are directed towards jawad. The questions kept coming on and on.  I felt uncomfortable as I'm not used to being the center of attention. Large warm hands held my small shivering ones for some reason I felt calm. "She's my wife" My head snapped to him, I wasn't expecting him to tell them I'm his wife, But remembering what he told me about it will be of his benefit made me think otherwise. "When did you get married? Is it a business marriage?" The reporters are annoying, they are asking personal question. Jawad lead us inside ignoring the reporters. The hall was filled to the brim with many people mainly rich people. A man in his mid forty approach us with a beautiful lady which must be his wife. "Assalamu alaikum Mr Jawad nice meeting you " he said extending his hands for a handshake.   jawad shook it instantly. "Nice meeting you too" "I'm farouk your father business partner and this is my wife Maimuna" "Assalamu Alaikum Mr. Jawad" Maimuna greeted "This is my wife Farah" he said smilling holding me by the waist. I fake smile. "Assalamu alaikum" I greeted them. “Mr Jawad I have to say you have a beautiful wife" Mr farouk said with a smile. "I have to say I'm lucky to have this beautiful Lady as my wife" he said smiling of course I know it’s not true, he's just faking it. After meeting and talking with a lot of business people and us pretending to be lovey dovey, I excuse my self leaving jawad talking with some business partners. I really need to use the restroom. I managed to locate the restroom. I readjust  my hijab. I was about to leave when i heard some female voices, which stopped my movement. "Did you see her she's clearly not his type" "I know she married him for his money, gold digger" Subhanallah where is that come from? “I know jawad will dump her after he's done with her" I didn’t realised I was in tears, until I felt the warmness on my chin. Ya Allah what have I done to deserve this. I really need to get out of this place, I  don't belong here. As the voices died down, I rushed out of the restroom, spotting jawad laughing with some girl. I  feel hurt and devastated, the words of those females kept ringing in my head *She married him for his money. gold digger* *He will dump her when he's done with her* I  ran out of the hall, I don't belong here.  I left without informing jawad, I  know he's going to be angry when he finds out  but I couldn't care less. I needed a peace of mind. hailing a taxi, I told him my address. The moment I stepped inside the room I crouched down on the cold floor. A sob escape me. I regret getting married to him. Even after hearing his confession, I still had hope but now I don't know what to think again. This marriage isn't what I expected.  I don't know for how long I sat there and when I fell asleep. I woke up with a loud thud on the door. "I swear Farah if you don't open this door I will break it and you won't be happy with it" he roared and kept banging. My body felt weak I couldn't even lift myself off the floor talk less of opening the door. Pain shot through my head and jawad didn't stop his banging. Next thing I heard is a  loud thud of door opening making me flinch.  An angry jawad stormed in, grabbing my head my hijab crumbled. "How dare you embarrass me. Why did you leave?" If looks could kill I will be dead by the look in jawad eyes. "Jawad you're hurting me" I wince in pain, but it seems my words were increasing his anger. "You're not hurting yet, because I'm going to make your life miserable" he spit and left shutting the door loud enough to make someone deaf. I shrink down on the floor. This is not how I want my Marriage life to be. What did I ever do to him, just because our parent decided to get us married?. I sat there for what felt like forever when an idea popped up in my head, a smirk form on my lips. Farah you're stronger than this, you can't be weak. I have show him I'm not afraid of him. If he's going to make my life miserable so will I.
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