Bergamot Fragrance

1264 Words
  The door was closed and she was supposed to open it and enter into Charlotte’s room for giving her a sponge bath and then feed her! After it is done she would clean the room! Alicia stood in front of the door rubbing her palms and twisting her fingers and fidgeting them! Her heart was almost about to explode! Once she opens the door she could be just face to face with Mathew! Does he sleep with his wife in the same room? Or does he spend his nights in the glass room with the slu*s! What if he turns her out of the house? Alicia took audible deep breathes and blew the air out of her mouth audibly! A part of her was happy and longing to see him! Yet another part was screaming in her mind! “Alice, turn around and walk away!” Alicia started counting numbers backward from ten to one! And finally she opened the door! She entered into a huge room with a king sized bed placed at one end, facing the large double glass windows! And on the bed a very attractive woman was lying quietly with her eyes closed! There was a small medicine cabinet at one side of the bed and on the other side was a side table. Alicia walked in quietly and looked around the room! It was very simply furnished. It had a large flat screen mounted on one wall and on another there was a big picture of Charlotte and Mathew in wedding dress, framed in a beautifully curved wooden frame! Alicia bit her lips seeing Mathew and Charlotte looking so perfect and happy together and her heart sank at the thought that maybe Mathew indeed is not Damien! She sighed and walked to Charlotte who now has opened her eyes! Alicia wished her good morning and started her work! ---  Alicia finished cleaning Mistress Charlotte’s room and she was infact relieved that she didn’t come face to face with Mathew! Alicia came out of Charlotte’s room after she finished her work there and started cleaning the rest of the first floor! She cleaned the meeting room which was empty! There were huge almirahs in the room! Few were also partially glass covered and proudly displayed various dangerous weapons! Alicia quickly came out of that room. She was not happy since Mathew was nowhere around! There was only one room left to be cleaned and as per Mrs Cooper that was the Master’s room!  Alicia wasn’t sure by Master what she meant because Mrs Cooper didn’t mention much and Alicia didn’t find it appropriate to ask many questions! Alicia knocked on the closed door twice but on hearing no response, she directly entered the room! To her disappointment, it was empty except that, by the look of the it seemed, someone young stayed in that room! Shouldn’t be of the horrible boss, Mafia Badshah! There was a King sized bed in the middle with a wrinkled bed sheet and pillows scattered on it. A black t shirt was casually dumped on the bed and it seemed someone has just thrown it on the bed! On the side table was a picture of Mathew with two others! Alicia recognised them! One was the man in the alley and another was Max! The windows were open but the thin white curtains were pulled and they swayed and danced with the blowing wind! On the table were two coffee mugs. Empty! Also a wallet and a few papers! The wardrobe door was open and the shirts and trousers were somehow hung! Most of them were different shades of black! “Your colour preference is just like Damien!” Alicia spoke to Mathew’s picture with a distant look. Then she sighed and started her work! She first made the bed very neatly and kept the pillows properly arranged on the bed. Then she soaked the T-shirt and few other clothes which she found lying on the bathroom floor, in soap water and then she remembered that Damien was fond of Bergamot smell and that she always kept a bottle of Bergamot essential Oils with her! She ran out of the room downstairs and went to Mrs Cooper! “Mrs Cooper! May I take a fifteen minutes break? I have to fetch an important thing from my home! I will not take a lunch break today!” Mrs Cooper frowned seeing Alicia panting! “Please Mrs Cooper, I will be back in fifteen minutes! “Ok. But not a minute more! Lot of work is to be done.” As the words left Mrs Cooper’s mouth Alicia ran out of the castle to get the bergamot essential oils. Alicia did return within fifteen minutes! She has run as fast as she could but she needed so many answers! Alicia went back to Mathew’s room and after washing the clothes, she soaked them in a little bergamot essential oil before drying them. She neatly pressed and folded the clothes and then after arranging his wardrobe, she placed the folded clothes in place! She then cleared the cups, kept the wallet and the papers in the wardrobe drawer and cleaned. She also sprayed some lavender room freshening agent! She finished her work by placing a single lily that she brought with her from the small garden with her cottage. When Alicia finished her work and came downstairs, it was already post lunch! She helped Ruby in the kitchen and then she started preparing to return home! -- “Mrs Cooper!!” Mathew called out loudly! He has returned late in the evening and one minute after he entered his room, he started howling! The moment Mrs Cooper heard Mathew’s voice, she left all her work and ran upstairs to his room! Mrs Cooper understood hearing his tone that the Master was in a very bad mood and the new girl Violet must have done some mistakes! She pulled Alicia along her but once in front of Mathew’s room, Mrs Cooper left Alicia to wait outside and Mathew’s room with her head bowed down. “M-Master!” “Where the f*ck is my wallet!!! And there were two papers here!! Where the hell are those? Who cleaned my room today??” Mathew yelled banging the table. “M-Master! Violet, a new girl. She ..” Mathew glared at Mrs Cooper and cutting her off mid sentence he sneered, “Who asked you to send someone new to my room!! Where are my things??” Before Mrs Cooper could reply, a soft and low Voice came from outside the room. “Mrs Cooper, please tell the Master, that the papers and his wallet are in the drawer of his wardrobe and no, I didn’t open the wardrobe if he might be thinking so. It was already open when I came here to clean! Good night Mrs Cooper! Good Night Master” Mathew was stunned hearing the familiar voice! But when he was trying to recall they both heard fast footsteps which meant that the girl was gone! “I will endure that I clean your room myself master!” Mrs Cooper said but Mathew didn’t reply! He opened his wardrobe right away to be only further surprised! Then clothes were neatly arranged and smelled of a strange nice fragrance which he never smelled before! But the smell was very comforting! He opened the drawer to find the wallet and papers placed in a very organised way! He closed the wardrobe and looked around! The new girl, Violet really cleaned the room nicely and there was a lavender smell in the air. “May I leave Master?” Mrs Cooper asked. “Yes.” Mathew said now in a lower tone and when Mrs Cooper was just as the door, he ordered, “Henceforth, let Violet clean my room! Do you understand?” Mrs Cooper really didn’t understand but she anyways nodded and left his room!
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