Chapter 8: Sleeping In The Same Room

1123 Words
-Megan- Nathan grabbed my suitcase and led me back to the room we had shared, but I quickly stopped in the doorway, shaking my head. “We are not staying in the same room,” I asserted. He turned around, a smug smile on his lips. He seemed so different from when he came to me and requested me to come home. Back then, he had almost seemed desperate. Now, he looked transformed—clean-shaven, impeccably dressed, yet his hair remained uncut. He resembled the old Nathan, but I wondered if that was a good thing. “We are,” he insisted, placing the suitcase right in the middle of the room. He positioned himself in front of it, as if challenging me to come and try to take it from him. “No, we are not!” I took a step closer, but Nathan stood firm. The smile persisted on his lips as he slowly crossed his arms, his posture suggesting a silent dare: What are you going to do about it? I refused to engage in this game with him and approached, positioning myself directly in front of him. “We are not sleeping together.” His smile took on a darker hue. “But we are, and I plan to sleep naked.” My expression must have betrayed the whirlwind of thoughts in my mind. When he mentioned sleeping naked beside me, my imagination raced, conjuring all the potential outcomes of such a temptation lying right there beside me, within easy reach. Nathan was like a cake—enticing and irresistible, but indulging too much could lead to regret. “We will not share the same bed,” I insisted. “Now, give me my suitcase.” “Megan, you are staying in here with me. No discussion.” “How can you say that when we haven’t even had one? You’ve just decided I am sleeping in here.” “Yes,” he asserted, showing no remorse. “I need my space.” “Plenty of that in here.” I glared at him. “Nathan, it isn’t funny!” “I think it’s a little bit,” he admitted. “You’re awful,” I pouted. “And you are so cute when you are mad,” he remarked, stepping closer. “Ah ah! No touching.” “No inappropriate touching,” he reminded me, placing his hands on my hips. It felt like he was scorching me through the fabric. How was he capable of that? It was probably a mystery I would never unravel. Yet, as soon as he touched me, my resolve weakened. I yearned for him to draw me closer, envelop me in his arms, and make everything feel better. But this wasn’t just about us resolving our issues. It was about me discovering myself. For too long, I had hidden behind my sister, my parents, and this marriage. I needed to find my identity, and I couldn’t allow myself to be distracted by his intoxicating touch or his enticing naked body… No, sharing the same bed wasn’t an option. I would succumb to him too quickly, losing myself in the moment. However, it was evident that Nathan wasn’t accepting no for an answer. “Fine,” I relented. He flashed that victorious smile when he heard me concede defeat. “I’ll sleep on the floor then.” His smile vanished quickly. “No way,” he objected. “Yes.” I pushed away from him and went to gather a pile of pillows from the bed. Fortunately, there were enough for both of us, and I promptly arranged them into a makeshift bed on the floor. Nathan approached, leaning against the wall beside me, watching intently. “Megan, you’re going to hurt your back if you sleep on the floor for a month.” “It’s fine,” I insisted. “You are so stubborn! I don’t understand where it all comes from.” “I lived with Naomi for a good while,” I reminded him, stealing a glance over my shoulder. A smile involuntarily spread across my lips, and he reciprocated. I quickly looked away, his smile easily breaking down my defenses. “How is she though? Naomi,” he inquired. I sighed, giving myself a moment to think as I grabbed a second blanket from the bed and added it to my improvised sleeping arrangement. It was going to be uncomfortable. Nathan was right about that. But I couldn’t share a bed with him. “She is... um, doing well,” I replied. “You don’t sound certain.” I rose slowly, turning to face him. “Well, I’m not entirely sure, to be honest.” “What do you mean?” he inquired. “Well, she appears to be doing well, but I know my sister tends to shield me from the unpleasant stuff.” “Has she mentioned anything about feeling unhappy?” “No, and her husband seems to treat her well. She even went back to school.” “What?” Nathan exclaimed, his smile brightening. “She did?” I nodded. “Law school.” “Naomi? Studying law?” “Who would’ve imagined?” I chuckled. Nathan smiled, but I could sense the underlying question in his gaze. Before my departure, I had made some remarks, and I knew he was curious about them. “You know you don’t have to tell me—” “Then I probably won’t,” I interjected. He chuckled softly, acknowledging the truth in my words. “What happened?” he persisted. “Could you be more specific?” I countered, anticipating his query. “What happened to her? You mentioned someone assaulted her.” “I say many things...” “Megan,” he sighed. I knew I couldn’t avoid this conversation. “It’s not my story,” I said. “Do you think Naomi would ever confide in me?” I shook my head. We both knew she wouldn’t. It would be surprising if they could even be in the same room without hostility. “I just want to ensure she’s okay. Was the perpetrator caught?” I shook my head. “Do you know who it was?” I nodded. “Should I be concerned that he might target you or her?” “No,” I assured him. “Naomi can take care of herself, and... and I doubt he would come after me.” “That doesn’t alleviate my worries.” “I’ll be all right, Nathan,” I said, swiftly changing the subject. “Can we eat something now? I’m famished.” He smiled again and nodded. “Let’s go,” he said.
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