Chapter 10: Promises

1081 Words

-Megan- Just like his kisses, this dinner here, the nice conversations, it all felt like coming home. It was like I had never left. It was both a comforting feeling and a bit unsettling. I still wasn’t sure what to think. I kept my distance a little, but I also knew I couldn’t shut myself off completely. Not if I wanted to genuinely give this a chance, and I did. “We should visit her, though,” he suddenly suggested. I looked at him, perplexed. Was he referring to my sister? “My mother. She misses you.” “I don’t think that’s true,” I remarked. “It is,” he insisted. “But I understand if you need some time before we involve others.” “What is ‘this’ even?” I inquired. “Our marriage,” he clarified. “If I came back, would we just revert to our old routines?” I knew I was pressing him

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