Chapter 2: Safety net

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Kate’s pov I took a cab because you probably guessed it as well. The car I have been driving this whole time wasn’t mine either. When I got home, everyone was eating dinner. “come on join us.” Katherine said, and I nodded. “What happened? You missed us and wanted to have dinner with your family out of the blue?” David my older brother asked. “I missed you all, obviously you are my family and I love you to death. But that’s not the reason why I am here.” I said. “You are finally tired of living with those rich people? They must be really terrible, especially your stepmother-in-law.” Katherine said. “You shouldn’t badmouth other people.” my father said. “I agree with your father, but that b***h is an exception.” my mother said making everyone laugh. “She is the worst.” my father added, making everyone laugh. “Are you okay, honey? You never miss a chance to make fun of her.” my mother said. “Maxim and I got divorced, I just signed the papers and now I am back home for good.” I said. Its best to just rip off the bandage than try to slowly explain it to them since it will only lead to more questions. “What? Why? What happened? You two were crazy in love.” Katherine said. “Really? I always thought that Maxim didn’t have feelings for you. He seemed too serious to actually love someone. Count yourself lucky, now you will find someone who knows how to smile.” David said. I know what he is doing, but he is wrong. Maxim does smile, and I have seen it more times than I can count. It's probably the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in this world. “What happened Kate, explain.” my mother said, and I held all the pain in. I held in all the tears, “we just drifted apart. Such things happened. We got married so young.” I said like it wasn’t a big deal. “But a divorce so suddenly?” my father said looking at me as if trying to see inside my soul. “Yes, father, a divorce. I am only 24 years old. I still have so much life ahead of me.” I said and took a bite of the steak. I still have a lot of life ahead of me if I don’t die of cancer is what I should have said. “Come on people, about 50% of marriages end in divorce.” I said and took a sip of juice. No one said anything after that but we all just ate quietly. After some time, they changed the topic, and maybe it was written on my face that I didn’t want to talk about this. “Are you okay?” Katherine asked when I was in my room cleaning up. “I am fine,” I said, and she sat down on the bed. “I am sorry, we seem to be cursed in love, don’t we? You got divorced and my husband died.” she said, and I sat next to her. “Well, I think we have a little bit better. Some people are going through worse.” I said, and she nodded. “Yes, I have you and my entire family. You guys are my safety net, and I am yours. That’s family for you.” she said, and I nodded. I don’t think this family net can handle the load that I have. The weight of what I am carrying would be too much even for my family. After she left, a part of me wanted to at least tell my mother, to at least have someone who I could tell all this to. I walked to my parent's room but stopped when I heard them talking. “The pain is getting worse, isn’t it? Why is God doing this to us? First your car accident, then Katherine lost her husband, then you couldn’t walk again, the chronic pain, and now our daughter is getting divorced.” mother said. What did she mean by chronic pain? “This is why we can't tell the kids, and there is nothing we can do about this. You heard the doctor.” he said and then everything just went silent. As if I was standing in this world alone. I walked back to my room when it hit me. I can't tell them now, I will take the treatment, and I will be healed. The doctor said that since it was in the first stage all I need is some chemotherapy and then surgery. Hopefully I will get better. I will add more problems to the ones that my family already has no matter what. The next morning, I went straight to the hospital and went to my father’s doctor. “You are saying that nothing can be done about his back pains? That he has to live with that pain?” I asked the doctor who nodded. “Unfortunately, yes.” the doctor replied. “If he has surgery he could die. The chances are too high dear. I am sorry I couldn’t help you.” he said, and I nodded. I just feel so helpless, so alone. I walked to the floor where I was supposed to get chemotherapy. “It would be better if you had a family member with you.” the doctor said, and I shook my head. “It’s okay, I will manage.” I said, and he looked at me. “Chemo will take a toll on you, you will lose your appetite and strength.” he said, and I closed my eyes. “I am stronger than you think doctor, I will survive.” I said, and he nodded. I got changed into the hospital gown and then went to that room where I saw all those people. “Look at you, you look ready for battle.” one of them said and I nodded. “I am ready.” I said and sat down as the doctor started doing their work. “But where is your husband? The one that makes you smile even when things are tough?” Grace asked looking around. “He isn’t coming.” I said, and everyone didn’t say anything. “You couldn’t tell him huh? It was harder than you thought.” the old woman said, and I nodded. “It was hard, and I didn’t tell him, and I never will. We are getting a divorce.” I said, and they all looked at me. “It's okay to cry child, you don’t need to hold it in if it hurts.” another woman said. “I am okay.” I said, and Grace shook her head. “It's okay not to be okay, it’s okay.” she said, and I looked around and they were all just looking at me. I couldn’t stop myself this time but just started sobbing. It felt as if all the pain I had been holding back just suddenly came crashing into me. Like the floodgates of my pain and sorrows opened and that too in front of these strangers. “I am so sorry, you are complete strangers, and you are watching me bawl my eyes out.” I said. “There is no such thing as strangers here. It's best to cry when you are surrounded by strangers because they can't judge you.” the old woman said. “My name is Sara, everything always works out you see.” she said, and I nodded. Everything always works out. “Can you go with me somewhere after this, I have a really handsome son.” Sara said. “I just got divorced 2 seconds ago and you are trying to set me up.” I said making her smile. “I have seen him, he is really your type.” Grace said with a wink. They are obviously trying to cheer me up with all of this. After Chemo I didn’t feel completely terrible, maybe its because its my first time and all. Sara and I went to the airport to welcome her son. “You must be the beautiful Kate. She talks about you all the time.” he said making me nod. “I saw her texting you my name and telling you to call me beautiful.” I said making him smile. “Guilty as charged, my name is Charles.” he said, and I shook his hand. “My name is Kate, nice to meet you.” I said. “Who would divorce a beautiful woman like you? That man is really an idiot.” he said making me smile. “Not every men can treasure a diamond.” Sara said patting my head. I turned around and bumped into someone. “So sorry.” I said and looked up. He was just standing there looking at me. “Ohhh Mr Maxim Callas. That’s Maxim Callas, I can’t believe I am meeting him.” Charles suddenly said. “Nice to meet you sir, I worked with the Europe branch.” Charles said extending his hand. Maxim just looked at it and then his eyes landed back to me. I have been married to this man, he was the love of my life but right now I can't even tell what he is thinking. “Is he your boss?” Sara asked her son who nodded and was still looking at Maxim like he was some god. Well, he looks like one so I don’t blame him entirely for that. But I wonder how he will react when he finds out that the i***t he spoke about is his boss. “What did you say your name was again?” Maxim asked Charles. “Charles, my name is Charles Smith.” he said happy to be recognized by his boss. “You are fired Charles Smith.” Maxim said, and his eyes landed on me as if he was telling me I knew the reason why. “Sir, what did I do wrong? I am so sorry, sir.” Charles said suddenly begging for his job. I looked at him, my ex husband who broke my heart and whom I still dearly love. “The ink has barely dried on our divorce papers and you have already moved on.” he suddenly said looking at me. “You were married to me and yet you would make such accusations, do you really have to go this far?” I asked him and he looked the other way. “I never want to see your face ever again.” he said. “Be careful what you wish for son, life has a funny way of making things we want come true.” Sara said, and her eyes landed on me. “Let’s go child, I was sad for you but now I think signing those papers calls for a celebration. This can't be the husband you spoke fondly of with a smile on your face.” she said, and Maxim looked at her confused. “I guess this is goodbye forever, huh?” I asked before walking away. So, this really is goodbye forever?
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