Chapter 16

1910 Words

Iris’ POV I wake up to the obnoxious sound of Finn’s alarm echoing in my eardrums. It feels like the minutes just crawl by until he turns it off. I feel him get out of the bed and I peek my eyes open to see that it’s still dark outside. I hear the shower start so I pull the covers over my head and try to go back to sleep. I’m not sure how much time passed but the next thing I know Finn is waking me up and sunlight is pouring in through the windows. “Baby, come on. It’s 8 o’clock. We have a lot to do to be ready for your Luna ceremony tomorrow.” he says gently as he rubs my leg. “Ughhh. I know. I’m getting up.” I respond. I had suggested we do my Luna ceremony on Saturday to make it official because I knew Friday night I would be mating and marking Finn. Well, now it’s Friday so it’s ab

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