Chapter 7 Don't Make Me Despise You!

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Joey opened her eyes to a familiar face. It felt like she had caught a lifeline. Gripping the man's shirt tightly, her voice weak, she pleaded, "Stan, take me away from here." She didn't want Frederic to see her in such a miserable state, giving her a pitiful gaze. She wanted nothing but to leave as quickly as possible. A touch of heartbreak appeared in Stan's gentle gaze. Bending down, he carried Joey horizontally. Softly comforting, he said, "Don't be afraid. I'll take you away." When Frederic rushed out, he happened to see Joey being carried into a car by a man. The man looked at her with eyes full of pity and tenderness. Frederic clenched his fists in anger. With a shadowy gaze, he watched the car disappear from his sight. ***** When Joey woke up again, it was already the next morning. Having gone without food for a day and a night, coupled with the loss of so much blood, her stomach felt empty. As she stepped out of the bedroom, the aroma of delicious food wafted into her nostrils, and she looked toward the kitchen with surprise. A tall figure approached her. Stan held a bowl of soup, wearing a pink pig-themed apron with a face full of smiles. "Last night, I had a doctor check on you. You've lost a lot of blood and need some replenishment. I made soup for you. Come and try it." Joey smiled with a hint of embarrassment. "Stan, thank you for taking care of me all night. I'll treat you to a meal later." Both Joey and Stan were outstanding law students from Boston University School of Law. He was two years senior to her. They were both disciples of the renowned legal figure Andrew White. Three years ago, Stan graduated with a master's degree and went abroad for further development, while Joey became Frederic's secretary. The two of them had taken drastically different paths in their professional lives. Stan smiled. "Alright, Mr. White has been saying that he really misses you. Once you're feeling better, we'll invite him to join us." Joey rubbed her head awkwardly and smiled. "Mr. White has been so kind to me, but I didn't follow in his footsteps, and I feel a bit guilty. I don't have the courage to face him." She was Andrew's most valued student. He had high expectations for her and even once publicly declared that when she entered the legal field, she would stir up quite a storm. However, after graduation, to be with Frederic, Joey decisively gave up her career in law and became a secretary. For this, Andrew had felt regret for her for a long time. Stan gallantly pulled out a chair for her, saying with a smile, "Everyone has their own aspirations. Mr. White has never blamed you." A touch of bitterness rose in Joey's heart. She looked at Stan and asked, "Stan, you're already a famous and highly-paid lawyer in Northern Europe. Your annual income has exceeded tens of millions. Why did you suddenly think of coming back to develop?" A glint of light flashed in Stan's eyes but quickly disappeared. His voice was gentle as he said, "I couldn't get used to the food there, so I came back." He handed Joey a spoon and asked casually, "What happened between you and him?" Joey forced a smile and replied, "We broke up." Stan's intense gaze lingered on her face for a few seconds before he casually said, "Don't worry, with me around, he won't dare to bully you." He reached out with his large hand and gently patted Joey on the head as if to comfort her. How could he not know how much she has suffered in this relationship? Last night, she kept crying in her sleep. Just as his hand hadn't had the chance to retract, the door of the room was pushed open by someone. Frederic stood at the door with a cold aura. His deep, attractive eyes stared fixedly at the large hand above Joey's head. Without waiting for either of them to react, he strode toward Joey. He snatched the spoon from her hand, bent down, and lifted her from the chair. In a hurry, he entered the bedroom and slammed the door shut, locking it. By the time Joey realized what was happening, Frederic had already pressed her onto the bed. Outside the door came Stan's urgent knocking. Frederic exuded a chilling aura that made Joey shiver, her lips trembling. "Frederic Adamson, have you lost your mind?" Frederic's crimson eyes gazed at her, his voice hoarse. "I can go crazier!" With that, he lowered his head and bit her lips. His mind was filled with the image of the man looking at Joey with doting eyes. He had never lost his sanity for a woman like this before. He passionately bit Joey's lips, moving down her snow-white neck. Joey struggled while cursing, "Frederic Adamson, you bastard! We're over. Don't make me despise you!" Instead of releasing her, Frederic kissed even more fervently. He bit down hard on Joey's chest and muffledly asked, "Have you found a new lover so quickly?" "We broke up! It's none of your business who I'm with!" "Is that so? What if I make him disappear from the legal world? Still none of your business?" "Frederic Adamson, don't you dare!" "He dares touch my woman. Why wouldn't I dare?" "He's just my senior; there is nothing between us. Don't target him, or I'll respond with full force." Joey knew Frederic's cunning tactics. He never showed mercy to those who were unfavorable to him. Stan had just returned from abroad; his foundation was not yet stable. A single move from Frederic could ruin his future. Watching her nervous expression, Frederic coldly sneered. "Come back with me, or I can't guarantee what I will do." Just then, the door was forcefully kicked open. Without waiting for Joey to react, Stan quickly rushed into the bedroom and threw a punch at Frederic. Caught off guard, Frederic took a solid punch, and blood trickled from the corner of his mouth. With an evil grin, he shielded Joey behind him and stared down Stan. "Take a good look now, she's my woman!" Stan grabbed Frederic's collar and swung another punch. "She doesn’t want to go with you! You can't force her!" A regular at the gym, Frederic was quick to dodge and landed a punch back on Stan's face. "You're just her schoolfellow. Stop deluding yourself into thinking she could ever like you!" The two scuffled, while Joey tried to stop them and shouted, "Stop it, you guys!" Both of them were like two bulls seeing red and completely ignored Joey's persuasion. Eventually, Frederic pinned Stan to the ground. They were both too exhausted to continue. Wiping his lips, he cast a shadowy gaze at Joey. "Come with me or stay here. The choice is yours!"
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