Chapter 35 Overwhelmed by Fear

989 Words

Frederic sat vigilantly by Joey's bedside, tenderly holding her pale hands, frequently bringing them to his lips. His mind replayed the doctor's words. He had known about Joey's inability to swim, but her fear of water was news to him. He now understood why she always avoided the bathtub during their intimate moments, no matter how he tried to coax her. Water was like hell to her. Staring at Joey's pallid face, Frederic's voice was laden with emotion. "Joey, what more about you remains hidden from me?" He realized how much of her past, her pain, and her affections he was oblivious to. He didn't even know if she did everything for him out of love. Gently stroking her face, he kissed her cold lips. "Joey, I want to understand you completely. Wake up and tell me everything, will you?

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