Chapter 4

1352 Words
(Ethan's POV) "Come on mom let's go" Mathew said. I was feeling guilty because of my behavior with Kat and she was totally ignoring me. "Hey Kat why don't you and Ginny join me in my car, mom will go with Mathew." I know she's shocked by my sudden interest but believe me I'm feeling bad. "Okay let's go." Kat said. We were currently heading towards the Italian restaurant for lunch. Mom and Mathew are already there. "Look Kat I'm sorry I shouldn't have talked to you like that but you need to understand I just don't want anyone to remind me of her.” She was looking out of the Window and Ginny was sleeping in the back seat. "It was my fault. I should have kept my opinion to myself. I don't want to hurt you Ethan but........ Ana....." she suddenly jumped in her seat. WTF!! "Ethan its Ana over there look! Stop the car!! Ethan stop!!!" I know its crazy but I literally feel all the blood drain from my face. I stopped the car and in a blink Kat was out of the car but I was feeling like my whole body was paralyzed.... My heart was beating so fast that I thought that I'm going to have a heart attack... After all these years, searching her like a mad man here I am paralyzed in my car seat... I quickly collected my thoughts and ran after Kat. She was standing in front of a cafe looking lost. When she saw me coming she ran towards me. "I swear Ethan it was Ana!!! OMG I don't believe she's here Ethan... she... she.... after all these years....Ethan I swear I'm not lying she was standing here with a box in her hands!!" Kat had an overwhelming look on her face. I felt my heart skip a beat. What if she's right and Ana was here.... what I'm gonna say to her... Is she as miserable as I'm..? She regret what she did or she moved on in her life.....? My brain was filled with random question. And suddenly a thought came in my mind... what if she moved on and is happy in her life... My blood boiled!! I was seeing red... if she moved on than I just have to kill that bastard because it doesn't matter that she thinks that we are divorced, she's still mine. It doesn't matter that I hate her but she's still mine. She can't move on. She will move on over my damn dead body!! I have to get her back I'll make her as miserable as I'm. She's mine!! I have 8 years of pent up frustration, hatred, anger, and heartbreak in me. I'm going to inflict it on her. 'Maybe you just love her and want her back' my heart suggested. I ignored that thought and now I'm fully focused on finding her. At least now I know that she's here and I'm gonna f*****g find her!! I'm coming for you Ana. You’ll be mine soon..... _______________________________________ (Ana's POV) After the meeting I was heading towards the home but decided to stop at the cafe to buy some cup cakes for Jack. He's just obsessed with fast food and sweets... After buying cup cakes I was heading towards my car but don't know I was having a weird feeling but I shrugged it off and headed towards home..... "Hey kiddos I'm back!!" The silence was weird... Sofia was standing at the entrance of kitchen and was looking very nervous.. "What's the matter Sofia where are kids" "They are in their room ma'am they refused to eat anything and they've locked themselves in their room" "Sofia you take the day off and tell Joe and Matt that they are also free for the rest of the day I'll handle them." with that I headed towards the stairs. I was about to knock at the door but their voices stopped me in my track. "What do you think Chris we should tell mom about him or not..?" it was Julie's voice. Tell me about what? "I think she'll be worried." It was Jack. "I think we should not waste our time in discussing about him remember maa gave us choice that if we want him in our life or not and it was our decision to cut him out of our life. He hurt maa. We have seen maa crying at night because of him. And we don't want anyone in our life who hurt our maa." It was Chris. I was shocked... They have seen me crying!! It was like an invisible power was punching me in my gut.... They met him but where and how?? I'm confused and terrified.. "So it's final we're going to pretend that we never met him at mall its our top secret." Julie said Yeah they know like every child they also asked about their father and I wasn't willing to give them any false hope. So I told them that we had a fight and their father didn't trusted me and kicked me out of his house.... You all must be thinking that what kind of mother I'm but believe me sometimes you have to become a little selfish for your own sanity. After losing all the persons I loved in my life I was not willing to face the day when Ethan shows up at my door and demand a place in my kiddos life. That night I warned him to not to believe all that bullshit but he ignored me. He humiliated me in front of everyone and there was no one to stand at my side.... Not even my best friend Kat. I felt alone.... like an outcast in their perfect lives. . . So I told my kiddos enough to have them at my side. To stand against anyone who wants to hurt me. They are my own little army. They are my life I don't want to lose them.... With that I walked downstairs so they don't notice me. "Hey kiddos I'm back are you coming or not! your cool mom is back!!" They came downstairs and hugged me. "What's in the box mommy?" Jack said And here we go again. My little foodie! We were currently eating cupcakes Chris was sitting on my lap. “So tell me how was the day at mall.." I asked casually. They froze at once. "We had fun mommy and we didn't met anyone." It was Jack. Julie elbowed him and said sweetly. I must say a way too much sweetly "Mom he means that we didn't talk to strangers and we enjoyed a lot." Stifling my smile I helped them change in their night wears and tucked them in bed. I was sitting on sofa in Living room when Chris came downstairs. "Hey baby what happened?" "I know maa that you know that we met father." This isn't surprising because I know he's just like Ethan he must have sensed me standing upstairs so I didn't bother to ask how he's always like that. "It doesn't matter baby. It's fine if you all want to meet him again I don't mind." I was lying. I'm going to stab Ethan in his sleep and I'm gonna chop his family jewels off if he came near my babies. "It's not like that maa I just don't want you upset and I want you to know that we love you. It hurts when you cry maa." Ooooh he's too caring for his own good. "Come here and give me a hug cutie." he hugged me tightly and said, "I'm not cute maa I'm Charming!! And I want to sleep with you tonight..." Chris said I know that he just wants to confirm that I'm not upset that's why he wants to sleep with me and believe me sometimes I think that he is a way too mature for his age. Like he's an adult trapped in a child's body! "Okay let's go Mr. Charming." with that we headed towards my room. ================================
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