Chapter 7 A Pure Alpha

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POV: Zayla Today is the first time I'm leaving the pack ever. Jordan and Cassie will be coming with me to the Blood Rose pack. Cassie of course will be bringing Zeke with her. I cleared it all with Caden. I don't know how long I will be in the Blood Rose pack so I will not leave the kids here without their parents. Zeke is barely three weeks old and not ready to be separated from his mother quite yet. I spent the rest of yesterday preparing the pack for my leave. When Caden was explaining sub-packs to me a thought occurred to me. If this is what we are to do with the packs then it would be more about Zayn's destiny. It makes sense to me anyway. If he has a Lycan pack under him then the rest of the werewolf community would have no problem falling under his rule. Lycans don't trust easily and if we can gain the trust of the Lycans then everything for the new royal order would fall right into place. It is something I will need to discuss with the werewolf council. Landon will take over for me while I'm gone. Randy will resume the Gamma duties until Jordan gets back. Carly and Kate are always there to help their mates so they will be picking up the slack. I don't plan to be gone for long but If being alpha has taught me anything, it's don't count on your plans. Anything could happen at a moment's notice. It was the first lesson I learned. I was surprised when I found out Henry was a Lycan. I had no idea. Then to know they can read minds like me but with more control than a lavender wolf was weird. I felt what I believed others felt around me. It was all in all an interesting conversation. I learned a lot. I will be traveling in a car with Caden and my son while Jordan and Cassie will have their son and Gamma Ryan with them. I'm quite intrigued to see how a Lycan pack operates. I've only known werewolves. I've always known that I've had a form of Lycan DNA as all lavender wolves do so it's almost like learning something part of yourself you didn't know. Caden says the way I feel about mates is a Lycan trait. They don't take chosen mates. I hope that means I won't have to fight off some crazy ex-obsessed ex of his. I can't do that again. It's bad enough I still have to deal with Jasmine. Dylan is still investigating her. He believes she is up to something and has shown evidence to support his theory but the evidence is all circumstantial at best. He needs to find something more definitive to support his theory. I believe she is but it will take a lot more for the council to do anything about it. Jasmine is angry because of what happened with Courtney and she blames me for it. It wasn't my fault. I didn't steal anyone from her. Damon was my mate and there was nothing she could have done about that. We don't just get to choose our mates and we can't control how one feels. Even with the power to have one feel certain emotions, the truth is that already feel that emotion all we do is enhance it. For example, my white rose does make you at peace. You become at peace with what you are feeling or the decisions you're making. When my mom first got back together with Randy I had accidentally used my white rose on her. She became at peace with her decision to get back with Randy. I just bathed Zayn and now I'm getting him dressed. I put him in a simple long-sleeved lion-printed onesie, a pair of warm pants since it's cold, and a pair of socks. If I'm traveling today then I'm going to make it as easy as I possibly can. "Ok, little guy you are all set to go," I say in baby talk. After I'm done getting Zayn ready, the only thing left to do is put him in the car seat, I get myself ready. I wear something comfortable and easy to travel in which is a pair of black leggings, a simple purple t-shirt and some slip-on shoes. Then I brush my hair out and tie it up into a ponytail. I slip my pink leather jacket on. I will never get rid of this jacket. It may have been a gift from my sister but it reminds me of Damon. He loved this jacket. I sometimes wear his shirts to bed. There were times when it was the only way I could sleep. I gather all my bags along with Zayn's and place them out in the hallway. I grab Zayn and head downstairs. "Hey, Mom can you hold Zayn real quick while I put my stuff in the car?" I ask my mom who is sipping her coffee in the living room. She sets her coffee mug down on the coffee table and holds Zayn for me. I go back upstairs and carry the bags down. It takes me two trips to get them downstairs. Then I finally get them in the car with Cassie and Jordan's things. The only thing I leave out is the diaper bag and my bag. I throw each on one shoulder and grab Zayn from my mom. "Did you Gram bye-bye? We say bye-bye Gram." I say waving Zayn's little hand at her. "Bye-bye, sweetheart. I'm going to miss you, my baby." Mom coos at Zayn. In my free hand, I get the car seat and walk outside. I should have set the Car seat base up in the car yesterday but I didn't think about it. Outside Caden is standing by his car talking with Beta Ryan. It looks more like a one-sided conversation because Ryan hasn't said not one word. In fact, if I had to identify him by his voice I couldn't because he has spoken maybe a total of two words to me. Cassie and Jordan come out after me with their stuff and begin loading up the car. "Hey, you guys all set?" I ask them. "Yes, I'm just hoping Zeke doesn't get too fussy. I've rarely put him in the car." Cassie says. "It shouldn't be too bad. Most babies sleep to the movement of the car." I encourage her. Zayn loves it when I put him in the car. "Yeah, I hope you're right. How are you doing? Is that hottie over there this imprint I have heard nothing about?" Cassie says hinting. I haven't seen her in the past few days so I haven't had the chance to tell her. "Which one, you think they're both cute," I ask. "The one who reeks of Alpha and dripping s*x vibes your way. Oh yeah, he wants you." Cassie says without holding anything back. I look back at Caden to see him smirking and looking our way. By his expression I'd say hear heard every word Cassie just said. "Great now he's staring, gosh Cas, you are so embarrassing sometimes. I can't take you anywhere." I say. "Oh you know you love me. I wonder what he would do if he knew about my crush on you." Cassie slaps my butt for extra effect. Caden growls seeing her do this. "Hey, Cassie how many times am I going to have to pry you off some chick? You are my mate so act like it. Get off of her." Jordan says annoyed pulling Cassie away from me. He knows I'd never do something like that but Cassie will. She still loves to party, though she hasn't partied in a while from having Zeke. "Hey, I was just creating a little jealousy for Zay's imprint. You know I like to cause trouble for her." Cassie says without any hint of remorse. "If you three are done, can we roll out," Ryan says rolling his eyes. "Wow, you speak?" I tease. Caden laughs. "He does but very rarely. Take it as a sign he likes you." Caden smirks teasing Ryan. Ryan growls. "f**k you." Ryan walks over to the car he'll be traveling in with Jordan and Cassie. I walk over to Caden's car and open the back passenger seat door. I set the car seat down so I could install the base. I look at Caden. "Have you ever held a baby before?" I ask him. "Yes, I have two nieces and three nephews." He answers. Wow, that's a lot. It sounds like he has a big family. "Great, then hold him while I put this in," I tell him. He looks amused and takes Zayn from my arms. I turn around only to hear Caden gasp. I turn around scared of something bad happening, only to see Zayn's eyes glowing a mix of purple, red, and black. I've never seen him do this before. Caden is just frozen in place looking my son right in the eyes. What the hell is happening? "Caden! What are you doing with my son?" I demand. Caden snaps his gaze to me. "What?" He says. "What. Are. You. Doing. With. My. Son?" I ask him seriously. "Nothing, this is him. Did you know he is pure alpha? Look at his eyes and how they glow like that. I wouldn't be surprised if he shifted before he was five years old. He showed me something." Caden says. I knew he was the chosen one and to be king but I never considered or knew he would be born one hundred percent alpha. "No, this is the first time he's done this. What did he he show you or what could he have shown you? He's only a baby. What do you mean shift before he's even five?" I have so many questions running around in my head. "Hey calm down. I'm just telling you what I know. He is fine and safe I promise you. I will tell you what he showed me later. I can't tell you here." He says. Zayn closes his eyes and lets out a small yawn. When his eyes opened again they were back to their normal lavender color. I quickly put the base in and lock in the car seat before I strap Zayn in. "Ready to go?" Caden asks. "Yeah, I guess," I answer. I am more worried about my son than ever. What the hell did he just do? Just how much power does my son hold?
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