Chapter 2 Her Lycan Imprint

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POV: Zayla "Shh... I know baby. Oh, how I wish I could take it away." My son is teething. Zayn is already five months old. He's fussy today because he's teething and there isn't much I can do for him. I pull his teething ring from the freezer and let him have that. He didn't sleep much last night either due to teething. He's been such a good baby until now. Today is the day I might actually be able to find Fredrick Luniare's journal. I have no idea what's in it but I know it's important and my dad wanted me to find it. Alpha Caden from the Blood Rose pack will be here sometime today. I called yesterday to confirm this. I was only able to speak with his beta but nonetheless, he is coming. If my little stinker butt here weren't so eager to come out then I would have my answers by now. All of my interactions with him have been through Beta Nathan. Normally in packs, the betas contact each other while the alphas and lunas contact each other. I could have done it this way since Alpha Caden would not speak with me directly but I needed to ensure this went on without a hitch. Running a pack is no joke. There are so many components running at once it's almost impossible to keep up with it all. I'm up at four a.m. every morning. Zayn has no issues making sure I'm up at four or earlier. I'm lucky I have so much help. I'm beginning to see why a pack needs both an Alpha and a Luna. I'm only one Luna and even with all my powers I have I still feel like anything I do isn't enough. I fear I will always be second-guessing myself. Cassie helps a lot with the pack businesses. Cassie had a son last month on December 15, 2023. Today is January 2, 2024. She and Jordan named their son Ezekiel Knight Lane. We call him Zeke for short. Kate likes to call Zeke and Zayn the double Zs. My father isn't any closer to getting better. He's still in the cells but now in an isolated cell with a military-grade two-foot-thick titanium steel door bolted shut. He's basically locked in a bank safe. About two months ago Dad started acting out of the ordinary than he already was. He got this super strength and bent the cell's bars and got out. A lot of people were hurt. He seemed to be doing anything in his power to get out of the pack. He's been like this ever since. He has to be tranquilized to go anywhere near him. I hated to do that but he was a danger to the pack. He acts like a raging animal. Kate is three months pregnant and Carly found out she was pregnant the day Zeke was born. Babies are going to be everywhere. I'm so excited. I had my mom move into the packhouse with me. Randy of course came with here. I needed help with Zayn and Mom offered to help. While I'm working Mom is taking care of Zayn. I offered to pay her but she refused. She said that she would not take payment for watching her grandson. I have tried on many occasions to repay her but she won't budge. In my way without her knowing I do pay her. I take her out to eat and buy her gifts sometimes. I try to make it not so obvious. I did stick to my plan and dropped out of school. I have so much to do with the pack and raise my son at the same time. School is a second thought to me now. I simply don't have the time. By the end of the day, I'm so exhausted I fall right to sleep. There is no more laying in bed wondering about what-ifs. There are just my dreams left. I feel like since I've lost Damon all the life has been sucked out of me. The only reason I'm still fighting is for my son. What is there left to live for? Lavender has been quiet and depressed. She rarely makes herself known. This has been a really hard year. I didn't even have that with Damon. I tell Zayn every night how much Damon loved him and wanted so badly to see him. "Luna, Alpha Caden is here. He wants to know if there is any possibility of you going into labor this time so he's prepared." Landon mind links me. I laugh. I feel so bad about that. "Ok, I will be right there," I reply to him. "Mom!" I yell out for my mom. "Yes, sweetheart? What's wrong?" Mom asks coming down the stairs. "Mom, can you watch Zayn while I meet with this Alpha please?" I ask. "Honey, I've told you before you don't have to keep asking. Just let me know where you're going. I've got this handled. I know you are busy." She says. "OK, thanks. He had a rough night last night so he's moody today. I will see you later. Bye-bye, baby. Mommy will be back soon." I kiss the top of my son's head and walk outside to meet Alpha Caden. I'm suddenly feeling nervous. My heart is beating at a rapid pace. Lavender perks up sniffing the air. I wonder what is up with this feeling I'm having. Maybe it's the stress finally getting to me. I get into my car and put it into drive. I finally learned how to drive and got my license. I'm meeting Alpha Caden at Elder Hall. Alpha Caden requested we meet in the presence of my lead council and An Elder of my choosing. Henry and Randy will be there. I'm not sure why he requested this. I wonder if this is how he always conducts business. Maybe he likes for there to be witnesses. I don't really care either way. He has brought his Gamma with him so Jordan will be joining us along with Landon. Dylan can handle things for an hour or so until it can be brought to my attention. I drive to Elder Hall and enter inside. As I enter the building my heart rate picks up even faster than it was Lavender is pacing around. There is a scent in the air. It smells of sandalwood and shea butter. It has more of a masculine tone to it with hints of the shea butter. Where is that scent coming from? What is that? "Follow scent! Follow it now!" Wow. Lavender hasn't been this perky in a while. "Why? Do you what it is?" I ask my wolf. "No, but I have a really good feeling about it. Follow it. That Alpha can wait." Lavender urges me on. She is very intrigued by this scent. I decide to follow the scent letting my curiosity get the better of me. The scent brings me to a door leading to the room where I'm supposed to be meeting Alphs Caden. I enter the room and everyone is in there. Two men are standing there I've never seen before. One is dark-skinned with a shaved head and hazel eyes. The man standing next to him has black raven hair and brown eyes. He's taller than everyone else in the room. You can tell from the aura he is giving off he is an alpha. I try to pinpoint where the scent is coming from in the room and my eyes land on the tall man. The man sniffs the air and seems to notice me. His eyes land on mine. Our eyes make contact. I'm instantly frozen. I feel like waves come crashing in on me. It's like no one else exists. The feelings I'm feeling are indescribable. It's so intense to the point I feel like if I breathe I will shatter into a million little pieces. "Mate." Those are the words that shake me from my trans-like state. What? Did That man just claim me as his mate? Lavender begins to say something but before she can a burning sensation is felt on my neck and shoulder. What the hell is this? I'm suddenly left with a feeling after the burning stops. I haven't felt this in a long time. This feeling is familiar yet more intense. It's overwhelming. "He's our second chance mate and imprint. We imprinted." Lavender says excitedly. I'm sorry what? I have an imprint? That's impossible. I have a mate. "Zayla Damon is gone and he did say for us to be happy. This is a good thing." Lavender says. No. No this is too much. I can't do this. Not again. "Zayla, you can't reject him. It's impossible to break an imprint. That burning was us being marked. It happened to him too. Can't you feel it?" Lavender tries to reason with me. I look at the man that is my so-called imprint. He's staring right back at me. "Are you Alpha Caden?" I ask pretending that didn't just happen. I need to focus. The mate stuff can wait. He's here for one reason only. I'm not even sure I'm ready to accept this bond yet even if I don't seem to have much of a choice in the matter. I feel like I'm betraying Damon if I accept him. "Glow our eyes. He is no mere wolf." Lavender says. What does she mean by that? He smells like a werewolf. I sense a wolf in him too. "That's not a wolf you sense. This is what we were searching for. He will surely lead us to the journal." Lavender says. I'm glad to know she's not letting all of this go to her head and has some focus on the situation at hand. There is one very noticeable thing about him. I can't read his mind. I thought something was off but no I could hear everyone else's except for him. How is that possible? In one way If I do accept him I could finally get some peace for once. "Yes, and you're Luna Zayla?" He says. "I am," I answer. "Did that actually just happen. You're imprints right?" Landon asks. "Yes, now can we move on? I have one question for you. I don't have a lot of time so I'm sorry if I'm being blunt. " I say seriously. Whatever is in that journal I know time is running out to find it. Dad made that clear in his memories and it's a feeling I have. "Ask away. Though if this is about the journal I am sworn to protect it. You will have to provide a good argument to get it." Alpha Caden smirks. He's being both playful and serious. He has the journal. "Funny you assume I'm searching for a journal," I say sitting down in one of the chairs at the table. He takes a seat as well. "I've heard many rumors about the great Luna Zayla. You're a Lavender wolf am I correct?" He says. I don't deny it. "I told you to glow our eyes. It is customary and you know that." Lavender scolds me. "It is only customary in the presence of a fellow lavender wolf and a Lycan... OMG, he's a lycan." I say to my wolf. The realization hits me hard. I didn't realize I was meeting with a real-life Lycan. I glow my eyes to confirm the rumors. "I am and you're a lycan, correct?" I say. "I am, About the journal. Imprint or not I won't just give it to anyone. Your kind have been searching for the journal for a long time." Alpha Caden says. "Well, I need it. The witch is on my doorstep. My father's life depends on it. As a matter of fact, I think you may know my father. His name is Blake Quin. Time is of the essence here. My son has a destiny to fulfill but that can't happen until I fulfill mine." I say growling at him. "Blake is your father? He came to me searching for the castle. I lead him to it. He said he was doing this for his family but especially his daughter." He says. "Yes, that is what I just said. Now I need the journal for my son." I say in desperation. "Alpha Caden, if I may? Luna Zayla is very true in her words. She has done everything in her power to protect this pack and her family. The journal is a crucial key in her succeeding in her destiny." Henry steps in. "Thank you Pack Council member, Henry. I will consider your advisement." If I didn't know any better I'd say Henry already knew Alpha Caden. They seem to know each other. I narrow my eyes at them both. "Do you two know each other?" I ask. It was through Henry that I was able to finally get in contact with Alpha Caden. "We've met in passing." Alpha Caden dismissed my question but it seems there is more to it than just passing. "Are you going to give me the journal or not, Alpha Caden?" I ask annoyed. "Please call me Caden. I will, maybe." He teases. This only infuriates me. "Look I am thin on patience. I have no idea how the hell Damon did any of this by himself and went to school on top of it. I had to drop out so I could take care of the pack and my son at the same time. A crazy girl obsessed with being with MY mate killed him believing whatever that witch told her. So I would appreciate it if I could get some straightforward answers. I have waited months for this. I'm sorry I annoyed you by going into labor the last time but it could not be helped!" I slam my hand on the table in annoyance and anger. This imprint bond is not helping things. I must say It felt good to vent all of that out. "Feel better?" Jordan asks me. "Yes much better, thank you," I say. "I can not give you a direct answer. It is both a yes and a no. I can't let you have it not with that witch. You have no idea what would happen if she got her hands on that journal. There however is a loophole if you are as desperate for the journal as you say you are. come to my pack and see it. The journal will never leave my pack territory." Caden says. Me. Go to. His pack? I can't just leave the pack. I've never left the pack before. What about Zayn? I can't just leave my son. I do need that journal though. I need to find the damn temple of Hecate and this journal. I have a feeling both of them are connected somehow. "OK but, I will not leave my son here without me." I make it well known to him where my priorities lie. "Understandable." That is all he says. Is wish I could read his mind to know what he thinks about all of this. Does he accept me? How does he feel about me having a son? I'm not even sure If I want to accept him. I still feel so heartbroken from Damon. This feels like it's too much. Losing a mate is not an easy thing and I feel like accepting him is betraying Damon. No matter what my decision about Caden is I will always love Damon. Damon was my first everything and I will never forget that.
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