Chapter 10-1

2005 Words

Knowing Ivy is in my house, wearing my clothes, and no one can know gives me an adrenaline rush like no other. While the attraction is mutual, a part of me feels guilty. She"s my best friend"s much younger sister. youngerAlthough what happened between Hadleigh and me is water under the bridge, I can"t imagine she"d be okay with me dating Ivy. Hadleigh’s always been fiercely protective of her sister, and just because we’re besties doesn’t mean I’d get special treatment. Ivy"s sweet and innocent, so I should keep my distance, but a dark part of me wants to corrupt her in all the right ways. I try to push the thoughts away before they consume me. As soon as I walk into the B&B, I contemplate turning around when I spot Hadleigh putting food on a plate. Grandma’s happily holding Hendrix and

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