Chapter 6

1957 Words
I’ve felt a whirlwind of emotions the past couple of days, and today’s no different. Harper told me about the scene the twins made at Thanksgiving, and I’m mortified that everyone knows it was about me. After my text convo with Knox, things are a hundred times more complicated. I still don’t know if he has true feelings for me or if I’m just a shiny toy he wants to fight Kane over, but I can’t deny the way my body reacts to him. Nothing ever comes easy with Knox. Before I went to bed last night, I texted Kane and asked to meet up today. We haven’t talked much since last weekend, and I want to clear the air between us. I’m still struggling to comprehend his confession and how I felt when we kissed. Since Kane worked all day, we plan to meet at the B&B for dinner. It’s something we’ve done dozens of times, so it’s nothing out of the ordinary. On my weekends off, I’m usually at the ranch hanging out with him or Harper, then I crash on his couch. For the first time in my life, I’m nervous about being here. It’s hard to see him as only my best friend anymore. An underlying current streams between us, and as soon as he walks inside the B&B, butterflies swarm in my belly. “Hey,” I say softly, standing from the couch when he gets closer. “Hey. You look amazin’.” He wraps his big arms around me, crushing me to his chest, and I melt into his warmth. When we pull apart, he stares intently into my eyes. “I’m so happy to see you. Couldn’t get done fast enough today.” I chuckle, heat flooding my cheeks. “It’s been forever since we’ve hung out.” “Yeah, I’m glad you texted because I was missin’ ya.” I grin up at him, seeing him in a different light. “I missed you too.” “Ready to grab some food? Whatever Maize made smells delicious.” “Yeah! I’m starving.” Kane takes my hand and leads me to the buffet. If my nerves weren’t getting the best of me, I’d scoop a little bit of everything onto my plate, but since I’m queasy, I opt for some chicken potpie and save room for the peach cobbler they just brought out. As per usual, Kane’s plate is stacked high. The ranch hands only eat a couple of times a day, so I’m not surprised by how hungry he is. They bust their asses doing manual labor nonstop for hours. John notices us and waves. Gavin walks in moments later, says hello, then enters the kitchen to find Maize. I hear Alex and Diesel chatting before they help themselves to the buffet, giving us side-eye glances. The awkward tension from each family member who comes and goes is undeniable. “I’m surprised they haven’t banned me from the ranch yet,” I mutter, lowering my eyes in shame. “What? Why?” “I heard what happened on Thanksgiving. Maybe coming here wasn’t a good idea.” “Nah, you’re fine. It’s not your fault. Knox and I lost our cool.” “Yeah, because of me.” “It’s not your fault, Hads. Seriously. No one blames you.” “Easy for you to say. Everyone’s glaring at me like I’m a home-wrecker.” Kane grins, then reaches across the table and covers my hand with his. “I’m happy you’re with me, and that’s all that matters, okay?” “Okay.” I smile in return. After Grayson and Kenzie grab a plate and sit, their eyes narrow in on our table, but neither says a word. It’s only a matter of minutes until Knox finds out I’m here. We haven’t texted since the other night, and I don’t know what to say to him at this point. At twenty-six, you’d think I’d have more experience with relationships, but I don’t. I didn’t lose my virginity until my freshman year of college and only dated a handful of men since. Nursing school kept me busy, then work kept me even busier. When I actually had free time, it was always spent on the ranch. “I think I’m ready for round two,” Kane says, patting his rock-hard stomach. My eyes widen in shock. “Where the hell you put all that food is beyond me. But I think I’ll join you for dessert. That cobbler smells too good.” “Wait here. I’ll get it for you.” He quickly stands, then flashes me a wink. Good God, why does that do things to me? Maybe it’s because I know the way it feels to have his mouth and hands all over me. “Here, babe. I even added a scoop of vanilla ice cream.” He sets a plate in front of me, and my mouth waters. “This is way too much.” I pick up my fork and dig in. “But oh my God, it’s so good,” I moan around a mouthful. “You can’t say no to Maize’s cookin’.” “Spending years eatin’ all this delicious food hasn’t been great for my hips.” My eyes land on his. “Meanwhile, you eat twice as much as me and look like…that.” that“Physical labor, baby. Gotta eat to sustain the energy to hustle for twelve hours a day.” “I still can’t wrap my head around how everyone works such long hours, rain or shine.” He shrugs casually, taking a large bite of his cobbler. “Bishop genes, I guess. Dad and Mom had us shoveling s**t before preschool.” I burst out laughing. “I doubt that, but I can’t deny y’alls’ work ethic is impressive,” I admit, taking a bite of ice cream. “You work hard and long too, Hads. Don’t discredit what you do. Being a nurse is admirable, and there’s no way I could do it. I’d probably faint trying to poke a needle in someone’s veins.” My cheeks heat at the tender way he looks at me. Kane’s always been so damn sweet and knows exactly what to say and when. Once we’re finished eating, he puts up our dirty plates and tells his uncle John goodbye. Then he grabs my hand and walks me to my Jeep. “Follow me to my place? We can talk and watch a movie.” “Yeah, that sounds perfect,” I say. Then he brings my hand to his lips and kisses my knuckles. Ten minutes later, I’m standing in Kane’s living room, like I have countless times before, but now it feels different. “Hads, you look nervous.” I blink up at Kane, heat covering my cheeks. “This is new territory for us,” I explain, my heart pounding hard. “My mind is reeling.” “Maybe I can help ya out.” The corner of his lips tilts up as he wraps a hand around my neck and threads his fingers through my hair. My head falls back as his mouth captures mine, and I sink into his warmth. Kane snakes an arm around my waist, pulling me flush against him, and I moan as he glides his tongue inside. The kiss deepens, turning hot and eager as I fist his shirt. He’s a master with his mouth, and I can’t deny the way it sends shivers through my body. Without breaking contact, he slides his hands to my ass and lifts me. I wrap my legs around him and feel his erection poking into my stomach as he moves us to the couch. As I press harder into him, he growls. “Goddamn, Hads,” he whispers as his lips move down my jawline, then to my ear. “You’re driving me fuckin’ crazy.” He tightens his grip, and I grind down on his arousal. “Kane...” I mutter. “We should talk first.” “I was only tryin’ to calm your nerves. You’re the one who started moanin’.” I burst out laughing, then create space between us so I can look at him. “Then you shouldn’t have kissed me like that!” Kane flashes his adorable white smile. “Alright, fair enough. But I couldn’t help myself. I’ve waited years, and now that I’ve had a taste, I’m greedy for more.” He helps me off his lap, and I settle into the spot next to him. “But we shouldn’t rush. Going from friends to more so drastically is confusing for me.” “I understand, and you’re right. I’m afraid to lose you.” He brushes loose strands of hair behind my ear. “That’ll never happen,” I vow. “No matter what, you’ll always be one of my best friends. We’ve known each other too long and been through too much to let anything come between us now.” “Good, because I’d be a mess. And we all know what happens when I lose my shit.” I roll my eyes at his macho response. “I think that’s a Bishop quality.” He chuckles. “It definitely is.” “Honestly, I don’t want to lead you on. I’m still trying to figure out what to do and what I want.” “Because of Knox, right?” I lower my eyes, unable to bear seeing the pain in his. “Because you’ve been in my life for so long, and this has been a little mind-boggling. The way you decided to tell me how you felt after I’d been out with Knox leaves me with conflicting emotions. I don’t want anyone to get hurt.” Kane cups my face and plucks my bottom lip from my teeth. “I respect you too much to rush you, but I want you to know where I stand. I’d never hurt you, Hadleigh. Giving you my heart means it’s yours, no question. I’d treat you so damn well, and I know I could make you happy if you’d let me.” Tears threaten to spill. Any girl would love hearing those words from a man who"s as sexy and sweet as Kane. “I have absolutely no doubt about that. You’re amazing, and every moment with you shows me just how much.” He brushes a thumb along my cheek, and I close my eyes, soaking in his touch. “You must hate me right now,” I mutter. He furrows his brows in confusion. “Never.” “You should. You deserve a woman who knows exactly what she wants and isn’t indecisive.” “I’d wait a lifetime for you, Hads. But by the way you were grinding on my d**k, I can happily assume that there’s at least a mutual attraction.” My eyes widen, and he smirks. “Yeah, but I’ve always found you handsome. I just hadn’t realized there was an underlying physical attraction until you kissed me.” “And you feel the same about Knox too,” he states without question. I wince, the guilt of this situation lying heavily on my chest. Instead of speaking, I nod. “Has he told you how he feels?” he asks. I swallow hard. “He hasn’t said anything…beyond the physical stuff, at least. This is why I’m so confused.” He looks at me with no judgment or anger and just listens. If I could just release the hold Knox had on me, I’d be ready to run into Kane’s arms and never let go.
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