Chapter 5-2

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I don’t dare push him when he’s pissed like this, especially when he’s dropping obscenities. Mom walks up and looks back and forth between us. “Seriously? I thought we agreed there’d be no fightin’?” “I didn’t agree to nothin’,” Kane says, and Mom glares at him. “Go in the other room,” she demands. “Stay away from your brother.” Kane rips himself from Dad’s hold and heads toward the desserts. Dad squeezes my shoulder hard. “Do not make me tell you two to stop it again. I will make sure you’re both on s**t duty for the rest of the goddamn year.” I narrow my eyes. “You wouldn’t…” “Watch me,” he warns. “Okay, okay.” I suck in a deep breath, and Dad finally releases me. “They’re just as hardheaded as you,” Mom mutters as they walk off. “Oh we were never that bad,” Dad tells her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and leaning in to kiss her on the cheek. neverI sit down on the couch next to my sister, who smirks and shakes her head. “Shut up,” I tell her. “And you wonder why I’m the favorite child,” she mutters, flipping through pictures of horses on her phone. “It’s because you’re a suck-up. Always have been.” I nudge her shoulder. “You’ve already got one sibling pissed at you. Wanna make it two?” I chuckle. “I think it’d be more fun if I did. So you fuckin’ Payton?” I glance over at him, who’s not so subtly watching Kaitlyn. “God, you act like you’re thirteen still,” she throws back. “But to answer your nosy question. No.” “You mean not yet,” I sing-song. not yet“Be quiet,” she tells me, then stands and goes to the dessert bar. This time, I follow her. I pass Harper and Kenzie chatting, and they give me a goofy grin like they were busted talking s**t. I’m tempted to sit down and join them just so I can hear what’s being said about me these days, but I decide to pass. The last thing I need is more drama. I grab a few cookies, then make my way around the room and pretend nothing is weighing on me. After taking our annual family Thanksgiving photo, I head toward the front door. I’ve had enough socializing today. When I’m home, I grab a beer from the fridge, kick off my boots, then sit on the couch. My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I take it out to see Hadleigh’s name. Hadleigh Sorry I missed today. Heard about the black eye. I smirk. Of course she’s keeping up with what’s going on. I’m sure Harper’s filling her in on every little detail she hears. Knox Yeah, from who? She sends me an eye roll emoji, though I already know the answer. Hadleigh I don’t want you two fighting because we went on a date. I was hoping if I didn’t show up today, things would settle down, and we could go back to normal. This makes me laugh. Knox Normal? Don’t think so. Also we’ve been fighting our whole lives, so this is no different. Hadleigh This is different, and you know it. I can’t be the person who comes between you two. Knox Why? Because the morning after our date, you kissed him after he told you he had feelings for you? I don’t bother beating around the bush. The sooner she realizes both of us are interested, the better. Hadleigh Guess you heard then, huh? Knox Yep, right from the horse’s mouth. Her text bubble pops up and then disappears. An entire minute passes before she says anything. Hadleigh I didn’t expect him to come over and confess his feelings. It was a total shock. Knox If you like him, you can tell me. We only had one date, Hads. You won’t hurt my feelings. Not like we did anything serious. Hadleigh You don’t have to be a d**k. What happened between us was more than that. Knox I’m not trying to be. I’m just stating facts. Hadleigh No, you’re just trying to push me away because s**t’s starting to feel real, and you don’t know how to handle that. Knox Maybe. Perhaps you should come over and remind me how you taste. I’ve cleared you off a place to sit…on my face. Hadleigh Knox… Knox Tempting, isn’t it? Hadleigh I’m already conflicted, and you’re not making this easy on me. Knox Nothing’s easy when it comes to me, baby. You’ll learn that sooner or later. Hadleigh So you wanna see me again or no? Time to be an adult and communicate. Knox Already missing me that much? Hadleigh No. You’re annoying. Knox Just admit it. You’ve been thinking about my piercings, haven’t you? Hadleigh God, you’re arrogant. Knox You want them inside you, don’t you, dirty girl? Hadleigh Knox, I’m at work… Knox When you’re touching that cute little clit of yours, who comes to your mind? I continue to push her, knowing how much she likes it. My blood pumps hard as I think about her gorgeous naked body and her sweet pants as she spills over the edge. It takes her at least a minute to start typing again. Knox Tell me, Hads. Don’t lie. Hadleigh You. Knox That’s my good girl. And what do you imagine me doing to you? Hadleigh You amateur. There are no limits in my fantasy. Knox Fuck. You’re gonna make me drive to San Angelo so I can break you in all the dirty ways. Hadleigh You wish, Cowboy. Knox Oh come on, I know you’re wet thinking about me. Hadleigh Yes. God. Now stop. I gottaL get back to work. Knox One last thing. When you’re lying naked in your bed touching yourself later tonight, and you’re imagining me tongue f*****g you, don’t come immediately. Restrain yourself at least three times. Then I want you screaming my name so loud I can hear it from here. Hadleigh Jesus. Knox Do it. Hadleigh Okay… Knox My name. Got it? Hadleigh Yes. Knox Have fun at work. Then I send her a winky face emoji. Just the thought of her m**********g and coming to my name has me walking to the shower. It’s not the first time I’ve jacked off to thoughts of her, and I can guarantee it won’t be the last.
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