Chapter 4

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Monday morning comes way too quickly. I look at my phone with one eye open, then force myself out of bed. I’m usually a morning person, but I didn’t sleep great last night. I couldn’t stop thinking about the twins. I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place. While I’ve always felt the underlying electricity between Knox and me, being alone with him on a date was different. I never anticipated wanting him as badly as I did once the moment arose. Kane’s been my ride or die for as long as I can remember, and after hearing him confess his true feelings and having his lips on mine, my head is spinning out of control. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d have some kind of feelings for them both at the same damn time. After I shower and freshen up, I put on my favorite scrubs and get in my Jeep. I only live fifteen minutes away from the hospital, but if I have extra time, I stop and get a gigantic coffee. However, today I’m cutting it too close to make any stops. It’s still dark outside as I walk through the parking garage. I make my way to the ICU floor, sign in, then go straight for the coffee. As soon as I fill up a cup, my work friend Abbie walks in. “Soooo,” she lingers, flashing me a grin. “Soooo what?” I prod, adding some sugar and creamer. “Oh, come on. You know I want the lowdown of what happened this weekend. Don’t play dumb with me.” I sigh, blowing on the steaming liquid. “It’s gonna take me all day to explain everything.” “Luckily, I’ll be here all day,” she drawls with a wink. all day“I don’t even know where to begin. It was…a lot. More than I expected,” I admit. “Now you’re just teasin’ me. Not cool.” A flush covers my cheeks as I think about every wild second that occurred. “Okay, start from the beginnin’. Don’t leave out one damn detail.” As we stand in the break room, a tall, handsome man wearing a white coat walks in. He meets my eyes and smiles. “Hi. You must be Hadleigh and Abbie,” he says in a velvety smooth voice. “Yeah.” I smile. “I’m Dr. Aiden Michels. Just started a few nights ago but haven’t met you two yet.” “Nice to meet you.” I hold out my hand to shake his, then he takes Abbie’s next. “Well, I’ll see ya out there. I gotta start my rounds,” he tells us, and I quickly check the time. “Ah yes, we should be going too. Good luck,” I say, then walk around him as Abbie follows me. We go to the nurses’ station, and I log into the computer while she does the same next to me. “Ma’am, what kinda perfume are you wearin’?” Abbie asks. I look at her, dumbfounded. “I’m not. I just took a shower. You’re probably smelling my body wash.” She chuckles. “Then it has pheromones because Dr. Tall and Handsome was giving you bedroom eyes.” I scowl. “No, he wasn’t. Don’t be ridiculous.” “And I caught him checkin’ out your ass.” I stop reading my screen and glance at her. “Abs, you know everyone looks at my ass. It’s bootylicious like that.” She bursts into laughter and clamps a hand over her mouth. “You’re gonna get me in trouble.” “No, you’ll do that all on your own.” We look around for the supervisor on shift, but luckily, she’s nowhere to be seen. After checking the night nurse’s notes on my patients, I click out and grab a pen to write down the room numbers I’m in charge of today. The ICU has no available rooms, which means I’ll be running around since we’re so full. I’m tempted to text Kane and ask how he’s doing. I usually do that every morning before my shift starts, but today feels different. I honestly don’t know what I’d say to him after all that happened yesterday. I know he’s waiting for me to make a decision, and until I do, I don’t want things to be awkward. Though I’m afraid they already will be. I decide against texting him until I figure out what the hell I’m going to do. “Okay, you gotta tell me what’s goin’ on. I’m dyin’ over here,” Abbie blurts out as I stay lost in my head. “Then it’s a good thing we’re in a hospital. Could see if Dr. Tall and Handsome could give you a private exam?” “Hardy har har. He’d be disappointed in my pancake ass. So spill it, girl.” We pull out charts, and as we write, I start explaining. I tell her every detail of my date with Knox, down to what we ate for dinner, how he taught me how to throw an axe, and how many drinks I shouldn’t have had. Before I get to the kissing game, we have to visit with the doctors. She groans when I stop. “I swear I’ll fill you in later,” I say, grabbing everything I need. “And until then, my brain is gonna make up a million different scenarios.” I roll my eyes with a smile. “Your version will probably be better than what actually happened.” “The queen of teasing!” she whisper-hisses so no one overhears. By now, more doctors and nurses have flooded in, which means all privacy has gone out the window. “Not the first time I’ve been called that,” I admit, then meet up with Dr. Bernard, a cardiologist overseeing a few patients in the ICU. Every day I come to work, I’m reminded why I love my job so much. On top of it being very rewarding, helping people and taking care of them is one of my greatest passions, and I know I’m making a difference. Abbie and I stay busy throughout our shifts. Every time we run into each other, even if it’s only for a couple of minutes, I give her a few more details. She’s looked at me like she can’t believe half the things I’ve said. Honestly, I can’t either. Once it’s time for lunch, we meet in the cafeteria. I grab a sandwich, and she gets a salad, then we sit at the farthest table. “Yeah, so Kane showed up the next morning, absolutely furious,” I continue. Her jaw nearly hits the floor. “Seriously? What’d he say?” “After telling me how wrong Knox is for me, he confessed he has feelings for me and has for years.” Abbie stares at me. “You’re telling me you have two hot twin brothers fighting over you?” I finish chewing the big bite I just took, then shrug. “Kinda…Knox isn’t the settling-down type, so honestly, I’m not sure where his head is. We haven’t talked since yesterday morning when he left for work. But Kane is waitin’ for me to tell him if I have feelings for him or not.” “So let’s assume Knox wants you too, because duh, who wouldn’t. Which one would you choose?” I suck in a deep breath at the million-dollar question. “I have no idea. I never would’ve predicted this and don’t know what to do. Kane having feelings for me is something I didn’t see coming, and I only thought of him as a friend until he kissed me. It felt…way more intense than kissing a friend should. And Knox, well…I’ve crushed on him for so long, I don’t think I could just turn it off, even if I had feelings for Kane. But Knox doesn’t do relationships, so he’d inevitably hurt me. Kane would be loyal and sweet and the perfect boyfriend. They’re so opposite, I can’t even wrap my head around how any of this makes sense.” Just saying it aloud sounds insane. way moreHow the hell did this happen? How the hell did this happen?“Jesus. I’m glad I’m married so I don’t have to deal with relationship drama, but I do enjoy living vicariously through you because I can’t wait to hear what you decide to do. I gotta admit, I find it pretty hot that twins want you. I mean…threesome…just puttin’ that out there.” threesomeI snort. “Yeah, that’d low-key be hot. I mean, can you imagine?” “Yes. Oh, yes, I can,” she hums and waggles her brows. We burst into laughter, then finish eating. Abbie’s phone rings, and she tells me it’s her husband before she answers. “Hey, baby. Yeah, I’m sure. Sorry, I couldn’t get off for Thanksgiving because I have Christmas, alternating holidays and all that. You know the rules. Okay. Love you too. Bye.” I arch a brow, silently asking if everything’s okay. “He’s not happy I won’t be joining him at my parents". I’ve told him not to go if he doesn’t wanna, but he’s stubborn.” I listen to her chat about her hubby for a few more minutes, but my mind wanders. My mom always makes lunch for my little sister, Ivy, and me, then I go to the Bishops’ for a huge dessert buffet. After everything that’s happened, it’d be too awkward to be there. “I’ll work for you,” I offer. “But—” “Trust me when I say I’ll be happy to cover your shift. I don’t wanna be around the twins right now. They fight enough without needing another reason. It’d be…tense.” “But just think, instead of stuffin’ the turkey, they could stuff you,” she taunts as we clean up our mess. you“Stop puttin’ ideas in my head,” I mock as we take the elevator back to our floor. “Are you really sure you’re okay with this?” she asks once we’re at our stations. “Positive. You’d actually be doing me a favor because I’m not ready to face them.” Especially at the same time. Especially at the same time.She pulls me into a tight hug. “Thank you! You’re seriously the greatest. I can’t wait to tell him tonight. He’s gonna be thrilled. My parents can be a little much, and he’s super introverted, so he gets uncomfortable.” “I understand. If your parents are anything like the Bishops, they’ll ask about every little detail of your life.” She chuckles. “Yep, that’s exactly how they are. Gosh. Thank you again.” “No, thank you. This buys me some time to figure out what I’m gonna say or do. I can’t just go there and act like nothing happened, and I guarantee you half the ranch hands already know the whole story. So avoiding it altogether and blaming it on work is the best option right now.” youPlus, I need to talk to Knox and find out what happened with him and Kane. Does he know that Kane came over and confessed? If he does, I wanna know how he feels about it, if anything. There’s too much up in the air to even try to think it through. “Totally understand.” We go our separate ways and stay busy and hustle during codes. My shift flies by, and I’m shocked when I see the night nurse come in. Abbie and I grab our things, then walk out to the parking lot. “I’m a little jealous. I haven’t dated in a decade, but I remember the cat and mouse games. Those early dating days of never getting enough and the honeymoon phase of s*x, s*x, s*x. Luckily, I get to live out this soap opera through you instead. Just don’t forget to keep me in the loop.” I snort, shaking my head. “Oh God, don’t be jelly. This is why I’m single and hardly date in the first place. Trust me, I’d rather be going home to a loyal husband than dealing with all this testosterone. Especially Kane’s and Knox’s. Whatever happens, things will never be the same going forward,” I admit with sadness in my tone. Our friendship days of goofing off and having fun are over now that I know Kane has feelings for me, and Knox and I had our date. She smirks. “You know what they say, test drive several cars before you buy one.” I burst into laughter. “I’ll keep that in mind. Anyway, see you tomorrow!” “Have a good one…or two,” she sing-songs before getting in her car. My mind spins as I drive home. I replay every minute of the weekend, and it leaves me even more confused than before. As soon as I walk into my condo, I kick off my shoes, pour a big glass of wine, and draw a hot bath. I need time to think and relax. Before I slip into the water, I decide to call Harper to let her know what’s going on. She picks up on the second ring. “Hey!” “Hi! Just wanted to let you know I have to work on Thanksgiving, so I won’t make it for dessert.” She pauses for a moment. “I thought you were off.” I smile. “I was, but my work friend Abbie wanted to spend time with her husband and parents, so I told her I’d cover her shift.” “Hadleigh Gracelyn,” she scolds. “I’m not buying that excuse. So you’d better start spillin’ the hot tea right now because I know for a fact something went down this past weekend. I’d rather hear it from the horse’s mouth than have to piece together slivers from the rumor mill.” I groan. “Rumors are already spreading?” “Girl, you know nothing stays a secret on this ranch. Are you kiddin’ me? Now, go ahead. I’m waitin’.” I hear Hayden fussing in the background. He’s only a couple of months old and probably needs to get to bed since it’s after seven. “You sound busy. I can let you—” “Nice try. I just popped out a boob, so he’s fine now. So start talkin’.” I let out a sigh, then start from the beginning. When I’m done, she’s silent. “I don’t know what to say. I think I’m speechless.” “Yeah. It’s a lot, huh?” “I’d say. Wow, that’s a tough situation to be in. Like choosing between an angel and the devil.” I burst into laughter, though it’s really not funny. “Knox is not the devil.” not“You sure about that?” she asks. “I know how he is, Hads. Every woman in a fifty-mile radius has been warned about Knox Bishop.” “I know. Ugh. This is why I don’t know what I’m gonna do. Kane is waiting for me to decide if my feelings are mutual, and I think they could be, but I also have feelings for Knox. I just don’t know where he stands or if he cares at all.” “So why don’t you talk to Knox and find out? Will his answer change your mind about Kane?” I suck in a deep breath, then turn off my bathwater. “I need to, but I’m also a little scared to have that convo with him. And I’m not sure. I wish I knew if Kane wanted me just because Knox showed interest or if he would’ve eventually said something. He waited all these years and then just lost control as soon as he found out Knox stayed the night, so it makes me wonder. They’re so competitive and always trying to one-up each other. It wouldn’t surprise me if Knox acted interested to taunt Kane and vice versa. I’m the new shiny trophy they want to claim. Then once one of them wins, they’ll move on to the next thing. I don’t want to be a competition. I want to find the man I’m going to spend the rest of my life with.” “It sounds like there are a lot of moving parts and pieces that you need to figure out, and once you do, contemplate all your options and decide what makes you happiest. If Knox wants you the way Kane wants you, then take some time to figure out how you feel about each of them.” you“At this point, I’d almost be better off flipping a coin and letting the universe decide for me.” Harper quietly chuckles. “Or you could just choose both.” I snort. “You’re not the first person who’s told me that today. Why couldn’t one have liked me and the other find me hideous?” “Because you’re independent, smart, and gorgeous as hell. Guys are attracted to a confident woman who isn’t afraid to go tell them to f**k themselves.” I chuckle. “Yeah, maybe I’ll do eeny, meeny, miny, moe instead.” “You’ll figure it out, Hads. You always do.” I wish I had as much confidence as she sounds because the thought of losing either of them turns my insides around.
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