Chapter 3

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During the entire drive back to the ranch, I can’t get Hadleigh out of my head. I have an entire hour to replay everything that happened last night, and I’m tempted to call in sick and go back to her house. The chemistry we share is undeniable, but I never did anything about it until she made a move. When I get home, I stumble out of the truck and go straight to the shower. Right now, I need the smell of her skin off me, so I can try to get my mind straight. No woman has ever gotten under my skin like she has, and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it. The way she says my name, looks into my eyes, and touches my body sets me on fire. Once I’m under the hot stream, I grab my c**k and roughly stroke it. My eyes roll in the back of my head as I imagine Hadleigh on her knees, taking me into her warm mouth. As I increase my pace, guttural groans release from the back of my throat. I wish I could wrap her curly strawberry-blond hair around my fist and tug, forcing her to look into my eyes before she swallows me down. The fantasy becomes too much, and before I can brace myself, the o****m rips through me. I slam my palm against the wall, trying to steady myself. The water flows down my body, and I suck in air as I try to gain control. “f**k,” I hiss, then grab a bar of soap and quickly bathe. I never get worked up over a woman. Hadleigh’s the first, and she might be the death of me. After I dry off and get dressed, I head to the barn to meet up with my cousin Riley, who is five years older than me. As the operations manager, he assigns the duties to the rotating ranch hands each morning. I’m already dreading it because I know he’ll ride my ass for being so late. I usually show up around six, sometimes seven if I’m being honest, but since it’s nearly eight now, I’m bracing myself for his wrath. It’s deserved, but damn, I have a life too, and working so much wears down my balls. I love this lifestyle and wouldn’t want to be working in an office or for anyone else. However, there’s not a lot of schedule freedom and definitely no special privileges for the Bishops. I swear, having this last name means we’re held to a higher standard than someone who gets hired off the streets. As soon as I walk in, he greets me with a scowl. “I don’t wanna hear it,” I mutter, realizing I haven’t had a drop of coffee since yesterday morning. The coffee pot looks like it’s been on for hours because the liquid is burnt to the bottom. “Oh, you’re gonna hear what I have to say,” he states, crossing his arms over his chest. “I don’t want any more of your excuses about bein’ out late. I don’t give two f***s about who you were with or who you were doing all night. You have responsibilities regardless of your evening activities.” “Don’t flatter yourself. I wouldn’t tell you my business, even if you asked nicely.” “Hate to break it to ya, but no one cares,” he throws back. “How about you take your job a little more seriously and show up on time?” “Mm-hmm. Like you’re the shining example here. What are you gonna do, write me up?” I mock. “Give me a fuckin’ break.” He stares me down for a few more seconds, but he knows he doesn’t intimidate me. Riley’s used to my antics and knows arguing with me is a losing battle. So instead of continuing to be a d**k, he just gives me my assignment. “The goat farm? Seriously?” I groan. Seriously“Yeah, Ethan needs some help, and you’re the only one available.” “Great. Maybe I’ll be able to catch a nap before lunch then.” He shakes his head, and I chuckle with amusement as I make my way out. “Have a good day,” I taunt for the f**k of it. “You better be early tomorrow to make up for this s**t show,” he shouts. “Okay, bossman!” I sing-song. For the most part, he just likes to give me a hard time. He’s usually all jokes with his best friend, Diesel, but today, he’s in a shittier mood than usual. I tend to have that effect on people. I hop in my truck and turn onto the gravel road. Before going to the goat farm, I stop at the Circle B Ranch Bed and Breakfast to quickly grab some food and fresh coffee. My cousin Maize is the head chef and prepares the weekly menu. She’s a good cook, and everyone loves her food. Though, I’d never tell her as much. Don’t want it to get to her head. “Today must be my lucky day,” I tease when she brings out a pile of hot buttermilk biscuits, sausage patties, and white gravy. She smirks. “Oh, look what the cat dragged in.” I tilt my head. “Someone piss in your oatmeal this mornin’?” “Oh, shut up,” she says with a grin. “I’m actually surprised to see you in one piece.” “I know, everyone wants a slice of Knox Bishop. I mean, check me out—good lookin’ and charmin’—a real lady teaser and pleaser,” I say confidently, piling a plate full of food, then grabbing a coffee mug. She snorts. “That’s not how I’d describe you, but I’ll keep my opinions to myself.” We like to give each other a hard time when we can. She’s so busy working and raising her family that I don’t get to see her nearly as much as when we were younger. I kinda miss those days. My stomach growls as I move to a table by the window, and I scarf down every last bite. It’s so good that I’m tempted to go for a second serving, but I don’t want to be too stuffed dealing with those stinky-ass goats. I should’ve just called in sick today, but honestly, the distraction is needed. After I put up my dishes, I grab a coffee to go. The dining room was only filled with guests since most ranch hands stopped by earlier this morning. I’m kinda glad I missed them because they would’ve hounded me for details. After my night, I’d rather keep things to myself. Before leaving, I say hello to my uncle John. He’s my dad’s twin brother and runs the B&B. He gives me a cautious look. “You stayin’ away from trouble?” I arch a brow at him. “Don’t think I’ve met someone named Trouble, but if I do, I’ll make sure to keep my distance.” He shakes his head and chuckles under his breath. “Just like Jackson.” “Nah, they say I’m a million times worse.” “Then I’m glad you’re his kid and not mine.” He gives me a playful grin. “I am too. Have a good one, Uncle J.” I get into my truck and drive to the goat barn. Before I can walk inside, my cousin Ethan meets up with me. “Didn’t expect to see you today.” He greets me with a stern glare. “Also, you look like total shit.” He’s only a year older than me, but he already has his life together. On top of running the goat farm, he and his wife, Harper, just had a baby boy a couple of months ago. “Does that mean I can go home then?” I taunt. “Hell no. So…how was your date last night?” He narrows his eyes at me, but his devious smirk doesn’t fade. Of course, Harper told him. “Noneya damn business. You know I don’t kiss and tell.” Ethan acts like he wants to say something else but doesn’t. We walk through the barn, where most goats are already in their stalls hooked up to be milked. He’s very particular about their schedules and keeping the milk fresh. He sells it to different companies across the state and take orders well in advance, so it’s important that none of it spoils. Next door is Harper’s warehouse, where she makes homemade soaps and lotions from the goats’ milk. “So what’s on your mind? You’re actin’ like you got something to say.” I glance over at him, and he shrugs with a smug-ass look. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he’s hiding something. “You’ll find out soon enough, I’m sure.” “Don’t think I like the sound of that.” I grunt. Ethan shrugs as we come out of the other side of the large barn. He turns to me with a s**t-eating grin. “Did Riley tear you a new one for being late again?” I snort. “He wishes. He needs to grow a beard or something so he’s more intimidating.” Ethan bursts into a roar of laughter. The exhaustion starts to hit, and I just want to get this day over with so I can go home and pass out. “So tell me what I’ll be doing today.” “I need the back barn cleaned and fresh hay laid out for bedding since the temps are supposed to drop. Oh, and check the water well. Make sure it’s ready for a hard freeze. Last thing I need is that pump goin’ out.” “Oh, what fun…” I groan, but I’m not surprised, considering it’s the end of November. “Don’t worry. We’ve all done this bullshit too. This isn’t forever, Knox. Just a part of doin’ your time, like our dads did when they were our age,” he reminds me. “Yeah,” I say, wishing I had the courage to start something of my own like Ethan. It’s obvious he really loves it. But I keep those thoughts to myself. “Ya need anything, let me know,” he hollers as I make my way across the pasture. When I make my way to the barn, I see Payton pushing a wheelbarrow full of manure. Sure, the goats can be cute, but they’re shady assholes most of the time and s**t a lot. I’d almost rather clean up after the horses. “Glad to see ya.” Payton shoots me a knowing grin. He’s worked with Ethan for a couple of years now and is also good friends with my sister, Kaitlyn. Though he’s more of a keep to himself type, he’s a nice guy. He’s not a Bishop and didn’t grow up in Eldorado, but we treat him like family. “You’re the first person to say that to me all day,” I admit, walking inside and grabbing a pair of extra gloves. first He shakes his head. “Didn’t think you’d be here after your wild night out with Hadleigh.” I tilt my head at him with a smirk. “How’d you know about that?” “Are you kidding me? It was the talk of the breakfast table this morning. Everyone on the ranch, and when I say everyone, I mean even your grandma knows.” everyoneI shrug. “Oh well. I have nothing to hide. She won me at the auction. We went out on a date that she paid for,” I say those words as if they’re an excuse for how the evening ended. “Whatever ya say. Anyway, I started on the stalls on the left-hand side, so you can do the right.” “Sounds good.” I grab a rake and get to work. I pick up the soiled hay and scrape what I can into a pile so I can dump it in the back. “Ethan said we need to lay out some fresh bedding,” I tell him. “Yeah, we might have to load some more bales. There are about five stored up in the loft,” he says, and I shake my head in annoyance. “Whoever worked here last should’ve done that.” He gives me a pointed look. “Yeah, well, tell that to your brother.” “Figures,” I grunt, then get back to work. After two hours of cleaning stalls, Payton and I take a quick break before we attach the lowboy so we can go to the storage area and load it with more hay. As we stand outside the barn, a truck hauling ass down the gravel road kicks up dust as it speeds toward us. Payton looks puzzled. “Is that Kane?” I take off my hat and smooth my hair down as my brother pulls up and heads right for me. “This is gonna be bad,” Payton mutters, “and awkward.” Kane jumps out of the truck and rushes over. Just by the look on his face, I can tell he’s livid. As I open my mouth to speak, he rears back his fist and decks me right in the face. “What the f**k is wrong with you?” I stumble back, but just barely. I should lay him out for that, but then I get another look at his face, and realization sets in. He’s jealous. He’s jealous.I act like I’m going to punch him back, but I don’t. Kane doesn’t even flinch, though. He knows I won’t react when it’s not merited. We end up in a stare down. “Why the hell didn’t you come home last night? You slept over at Hadleigh’s?” I shrug. “Yeah, who cares? What’s it to you if you’re just friends?” just friends“Are you kiddin’ me? So what, you’re fuckin’ her now?” “Don’t think that’s any of your goddamn business. I don’t ask who you’re screwing on the weekends.” I match his glare, watching him grow angrier by the second as his Adam’s apple throbs. “She’s my best friend, so I make it my business. You’re a piece of s**t because all you’re gonna do is hurt her, and then I’ll have to give you a second black eye.” I bark out a laugh. “The only person you should be mad at is yourself. No one told you to wait fifteen years to make a move. She’s supposed to stay single until you grew some fuckin’ balls?” I shrug off his murderous gaze. “You’re a bastard,” he seethes with clenched fists, then walks back to his truck. When he’s out of sight, I glance over at Payton. “Yeah, definitely awkward,” he says. definitely“Too damn bad. I still have zero regrets.” “Yeah, well, you’re probably gonna have a shiner.” “Good. That means he’ll have to explain to everyone why he lost his temper.” He gives me a half-grin. “Considering Thanksgiving is a few days away, I imagine they’ll all be asking.” “s**t,” I whisper because I completely forgot. “That’s just great.” “But did you deserve it? Did you do what he thinks you did?” He arches a brow. “No comment.” I chuckle under my breath, then get back to work.
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