5- Where am I?

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Anja I woke up in a massive bed in an opulent bedroom, one larger than I had ever seen. It was grand, in fact – the kind of room someone of Royal blood would occupy, and I lived as a Royal, so I know what I’m talking about. The four-poster bed, covered in silk, sits against the back wall, and a blazing fire surrounded by a marble mantel sits directly in front of the bed, with oak dressers and flowers in glass vases on top. Yes, it’s beautiful. Yet there I was a complete mess in a room I had no place being in. The second I sat up, two women came rushing over. They checked the back of my head thoroughly before deeming me fine, with no damage. Thank the Gods and Goddesses. They handed me a plate filled with raw meat and fruit. I shoveled it into my mouth so fast I was scared I was going to choke myself. I ate the food and drank the juice those women handed me gratefully. I hadn’t realized I was that hungry, and I must have looked like the worst kind of savage in those women’s eyes. I tried to protest when the two of them, who wouldn’t give me their names, dragged me from the room. But they were relatively strong for women their age and pulled me away like I weighed nothing. ‘Don’t fight us. It’s easier for you if you don’t.’ The one to my left said. So, I stopped struggling. Wolves had caught me, and I was tired of fighting my destiny – whatever that was. They stripped me naked and cared not for my protests about being able to do that myself. It had been a while since I had correctly washed, and I felt humiliated. But something about those women rendered me incapable of thinking. They cleaned me in a sizeable pool-sized bathtub. I’d never seen anything like it in my life. It was beautiful and made of marble, so big those women climbed in with me to bathe me like a child. I can’t lie; bathing in hot water filled with bubbles and scented oils felt good. Those women scrubbed me with an inch of my life, and I had never felt so clean. They washed my hair twice and even conditioned it to perfection. Then they dragged me out of the tub, dried me, and waxed me in places; they didn’t need to wax! Though I suppose it had been a while since I’d shaved my body. Then came the eyebrows and upper lip, and I was sore by the time they’d finished. At least they creamed my body with moisturizer to take away the sting. Humiliating part aside, they styled my hair beautifully, curling the long strands and clipping up both sides with – I think they’re fake – diamond pins. They handed me a white silk thong, and I pulled it on slowly. The women then took over, dressing me again, pulling a long white, flowing, druid-style dress over my head. It’s almost see-through, and with no bra on, I’m sure everyone will see my breasts. They’re not big and don’t hang; I’m lucky if I have a handful. But that doesn’t mean I want the world and his wife to see them! The women applied light makeup to my face and perfume to my chest, neck, and wrists. They handed me a pair of white flat shoes and each time I asked a question, they ignored me. I wanted to know what I was doing here. Why would they do all of this if they were to kill me? Surely they wouldn’t have me washed and dressed if that’s what is to happen? Right now, I’m being marched out of the enormous mansion. The two women walk me towards a crowd of people near the forest where I was taken. The closer we get to the forest, the further away from the houses surrounding the area we get. It’s crazy, but this place looks like any other well-off human neighborhood. Well, if those neighborhoods had a giant mansion snack in the middle of them. It feels like I’m stuck in some kind of kingdom; everything looks so grand and luxurious. Much more splendid than the kingdom I was banished from, and that’s saying something. Where the hell am I? I haven’t been dragged into a wild pack; those shifters wouldn’t live like this. They like the wilderness, and humans are evil in their eyes, not that I sense any humans. Besides, wild Wolves don’t set down roots; they prefer to roam. This pack is something else, and I’m determined to find out just who and what they really are. I watch the people on either side of me as I walk through the herds of bodies encircling a vast open fire. Each one is looking at me with a sneer on their stupid face. Almost all of them are dressed elegantly. They hate the sight of me, each and every one of them, but they won’t see me crack, and they won’t see the fear in my eyes. If I am to die here, I’ll die with pride. Someone is playing the drums loudly as if this is my last walk, my walk of death. I’m very used to this kind of thing. My father would do the same thing to trespassers; only my father would draw wisdom from the high council before an execution such as this. The closer I walk, the closer I come to the man sitting on a throne of gold and blue velvet. It’s the same man from the woods, the man who touched me and gave me the vision of what could be my future. Orrin is the most beautiful man I have ever seen. He has tanned skin and icy blue eyes, so cold yet so hot they burn me to the core. He wears tight black trousers due to the thickness of his thighs and a tighter than tight black button-down shirt that showcases his thick biceps and massive chest, especially with the top three buttons open. His jet-black hair is slicked back neatly, and I swear on everything I have ever loved that I have never felt like this before. Every part of me tingles just looking at him, and there’s a strange fluttering in my belly. I’m holding my head high, but my shoulders feel heavy. I’m terrified of what’s about to happen to me here, and I’m scared of what I’m feeling for Orrin. ‘He’s our mate.’ ‘Don’t be ridiculous, Asha!’ ‘You’ll see,’ I cut Asha off; I don’t have time for a debate right now. My heart pounds, and my body hums. I’m not in heat, but I’d have attacked Orrin by now if I were. That’s not to say I wouldn’t willingly open my legs should he demand it of me. Is he feeling what I’m feeling? This man, the King of his clan, is the man who has my life in his hands. I could be killed at any moment, and here I am, turned on and wishing he would touch me as no man ever has. Not even my ex-fiancé ever touched me like that. It was forbidden until marriage, and I never felt the need to break that rule. Goddess above and every God there is, help me! The smirk on the Alpha's face as he looks me up and down tells me he is indeed the reason I am here. Were those men who took me from the woods looking for me specifically? Did Orrin send them after me because I ran from him? I ran because the vision scared me, and it scared me because I never imagined I would spark with the first Wolf I came across — especially not an obviously powerful Alpha. But then, I’d believed I was a Bear until two weeks prior. I’m forced to my knees in front of the Alpha by two men pushing on my shoulders. The sound of the drums suddenly ceases when the Alpha holds up his hand. I’m grateful because the pounding of those drums was causing a migraine. That’s crazy; shifters don’t suffer from migraines. I look up at the Alpha and implore him with my mind to speak. He doesn’t talk at first, but I hear his voice inside my head telling me not to be afraid, that this is part of his rule, and if I’m truthful, I’ll be fine. How I can hear him inside my head is a mystery to me. Unless the Supreme Alpha can do that, I wouldn’t know. Hell, I don’t know much about Werewolves at all; they were the enemy where I came from. I tip my head for only him to see. He smiles at me in understanding. “Do you know what we do to trespassers?” Orrin’s voice is deep yet calming to me. He’s a powerful man in every sense of the word. “Especially Bears who wander onto our territory miles away from their own. How many times? How many Bears will it cost your clan before Leopold understands I am not to be messed with!? How can Orrin sense the Bear when I’m not one? I blocked him from reading me; I’m still blocking him. Secondly, how did this man know I was once part of Leopold’s Clan? “I am not a Bear,” I hold my voice steady; I won’t show fear. The Alpha shifts in his seat, sitting straighter on his throne, eyeing me suspiciously. His voice in my head is telling me, ‘Go on, don’t be afraid.’ Something about him tells me that I am safe. Just looking into his eyes has my heart beating harder. Something is going on between us without either of us knowing what that could mean. “It is true I was part of the Nightshade Clan.” Murmurers descend. Echoes of, Kill her and cut her down, hit my ears. Fear begins to pound in my heart and my bloodstream. I won’t show it, but I feel it. The Alpha yells for silence, and all are quiet. Orrin looks at me, and the connection between us is electrifying. The pull towards him, the urge for me to rush into his arms and tear his clothes off, is so strong I’m finding it hard to stay in one spot. I ache all over with desire for him. The ache to have Orrin inside me, claiming me, is so strong that I can feel the animal clawing to be let out. I don’t understand why I feel this way when I never have before. This man can’t be my mate, surely? “Tell me more,” Orrin commands, yet all I hear is his desire for me. I swallow down my desire and nod. “I was banished almost a month ago.” “Why? And where is the child I saw you with?” “She is my sister. I took her back to her father. The King.” “You are Princess Anja?” He asks with a c****d eyebrow. “I was. However, it turns out that Leopold is not my father. It came to light on the night of the celebration of my first transformation that I am not, in fact, a Bear. Though I am a shifter.” More murmurers of Liar and Who.re are thrown out. Who the hell do they think they are? I am neither a liar nor a whor.e! “My mother had an affair!” I yell as loudly as I can, enough to silence them. “I could have gone one of two ways— the way of the Bear, like my mother, or the way of the Wolf. “I don’t know the full story of why my parents were attracted to each other. Nor do I know how they bonded to create a child, but they did. Me, and I am a Wolf!” They'd know the truth if I didn’t block these people from reading or sensing my Wolf. Perhaps then I wouldn’t be in this situation. The Alpha’s eyes widen. I’m out of breath, and all I want is to kiss the shi.t out of him. What the hell is going on? I have never had such an attraction to a man in my life! “Get to your feet.” He tells me. I do so slowly. “Show us. If you’re lying, you will be cut down right here and right now.” Something in those beautiful blue eyes tells me that Orrin wants this to be true, that he doesn’t wish to hurt me in any way. But why? Is he feeling this strange desire to hold me as much as I am him? “If you’re telling the truth,” He continues, “Then you will be taken to my home.” Heart pounding with excitement, I ask him, “Why?” I know what I want from Orrin, but I don’t know how Wolves spark or bond; all I know is how Bears do. Surely it can’t be all that different? All I know now is that I want to mate with this man. I want to belong to him in every way possible. Why do I feel that way? I don’t even know this man and don’t want anything to do with him. All I feel is sexua.l desire; it’s nothing more than that. ‘Yeah, keep telling yourself that.’ Asha mocks. “Do not question the Alpha!” The way he yells is designed to scare me into respecting his rule. All it did was send a thud to my cli.t! “Do not think of shifting and running; you will not get far; there is no way out. Do not attack; there are much older, wiser, and more powerful Wolves here than you. I am the most powerful Alpha you will ever meet.” His pale eyes cloud white over, showing me that he is, in fact, an Alpha like no other, drawing a gasp from my throat before they become blue again. That was the fuc.king sexiest thing I have ever seen!
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