4- Luna in the dungeons

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Orrin “I can’t believe you’re doing this, Orrin. She’s a damn Bear; you said so yourself!” I roll my eyes at Adrian. I lean back in my chair and raise an eyebrow. “And who gave you the right to speak to me like this?” “You’re not my Alpha right now, Orrin; you’re my brother. You cannot mate with a Bear!” “I don’t know what she is, Adrian,” I scrub my hands over my face and sigh. “I didn’t sense anything. I only believed she could be a Bear because of the little girl with her.” Adrian scowls, which causes me to growl at him. He might be my brother, but I will not tolerate this disrespect from anyone! I am the Alpha! However, that doesn’t bother Adrian because he’s not done yet. “Then the girl must be a Bear too unless she kidnapped the kid. But to be honest, I could see the resemblance between them.” I don’t know what he’s talking about. The only resemblance between them was the color of their hair. “And what if the child was hers? What if she’s not a Bear but mated with one?” Adrian sighs while rolling his neck, letting it crack. “What if she’s human? Or a witch? Goddess, Orrin,” I roll my eyes when he rakes his fingers through his dark hair. Adrian is pissing me off when he ought not to. The girl isn’t mated because she wouldn’t be my mate if she were. If she’s a Witch, well, that’s not too bad. Human? Nope, I cannot have a human mate! What will I do if she is human? Fuc.ked if I know right now. All I do know is that I’m not a hypocrite. I don’t allow my Wolves to mate with humans, and I won’t either – no matter what that does to me. “What happens if the Warriors find this woman? What if she rejects you as her mate?” Fu.ck, I hadn’t thought about that. ‘She cannot reject us, Orrin. You know what that would mean for us?’ ‘Yes, Alarick, I know. However, she won’t reject us.’ ‘How can you be so sure?’ ‘I’m not one hundred percent, but I have a good feeling. Just trust me, old friend.’ ‘I hope you’re right,’ “I don’t want to think about that right now, Adrian. When Emroy sends word that he’s found the girl, she’ll be brought to me, and I’ll find out once and for all who she is. Now, stop giving me lectures and get out of my office.” Adrian hisses something inaudible even to my Wolf hearing under his breath before storming out of my office. Goddess, what am I doing? Am I setting myself up for a fall, looking for a woman I don’t know? What if she does reject me? I don’t even know her name, but I’m obsessed with her and those blue eyes. I know that she’s my mate; I feel the bond within me. I also feel the pain of not having her with me, and I don’t know how much longer I can last before I crumble. Goddess Selene, does my mate feel what I feel? Is she in pain and wondering if I’ll ever find her? How can I feel this strongly about a woman I don’t even know? I’ve never asked you for anything, Goddess, but I’m asking you now: please let her feel the mate bond. Please, whoever she is, help her realize she belongs with me. A knock on the door brings me out of my thoughts and prayers. I yell for whoever is on the other side to enter, hoping it’s not my mother again. “My Alpha,” Fredrick, my Gamma, bows respectfully. “What can I help you with, Freddy?” He playfully squints his eyes. Fredrick wouldn’t stand for anyone else calling him Freddy. However, I am the Alpha, so I’ll call him whatever I like. “I just thought you might like to know, as Adrian is too angry to care, we found the girl.” My heart slams into my throat. “Where is she?” “Emroy took her to the dungeons.” “What?!” I yell loudly, hearing the lower-ranking pack members whimper inside my head thanks to the pack link. “I tried to warn him that you wouldn’t be happy. I also told him that you’d be livid once you found out that he knocked her out.” Livid is not the word for what I’m feeling. Alarick howls loudly inside my head, and before I know what’s happening, I’m racing toward the dungeon. I get there in a matter of seconds. Emory is nowhere to be seen, but Melissa, our Omega, is tending to my mate. She’s lying on the cold floor, her clothes dirty and wet, her hair all over the place, and her eyes closed. My heart slams inside my chest at the sight of her lying there. I step into the cage in which she’s being held, and anger fills me to see that she’s chained to the wall with silver. “Who the hell chained her in silver?” “Emroy, my Alpha.” I roll my neck to stop myself from killing someone. “Unchain her right now!” “Yes, my Alpha,” Fredrick rushes to do as I’ve ordered. “What’s wrong with her?” Melissa looks up at me. The girl isn’t afraid as such; I don’t allow anyone in my pack to mistreat an Omega. They aren’t enslaved, and I’ll kill anyone who beats them unlawfully. “She was hit in the back of the head with a rock, Alpha. The force of it knocked her out, and she hadn’t woken up yet. But don’t worry; Se Ju is on her way to check for any permanent damage. Her breathing seems fine, so I don’t think there’s anything to worry about.” “Good,” I nod without looking away from my mate. “Good.” I crouch down and reach out my hand. I can’t stop myself from touching my mate’s cheek. Sparks race along my arm and towards my heart the moment I do. I jump back because I can’t be this close to her without holding her. I can’t hold her because she doesn’t even know me. “Did she have any identification?” Fredrick asks while removing the chains from my mate’s wrists. Melissa shakes her head. “Have her moved to the guest room on my floor. Send in a couple of maids to help her once she wakes. I want her fed, cleaned, and dressed to face me.” Is all I say before walking away. Goddess, help me to get through this. Please help me convince the pack that the girl lying on that dirty floor is their new Luna.
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